Interface IChildCreationExtender

public interface IChildCreationExtender

An interface used by objects that can extend the results of IEditingDomainItemProvider.getNewChildDescriptors.

Nested Class Summary
static interface IChildCreationExtender.Descriptor
          A descriptor can create a child creation extender.
Method Summary
 java.util.Collection<?> getNewChildDescriptors(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain)
          Returns a collection of objects describing the children that can be added under the given object in the editing domain.
 ResourceLocator getResourceLocator()
          Returns a resource locator than can locate resources related to the child descriptors.

Method Detail


java.util.Collection<?> getNewChildDescriptors(java.lang.Object object,
                                               EditingDomain editingDomain)
Returns a collection of objects describing the children that can be added under the given object in the editing domain.


ResourceLocator getResourceLocator()
Returns a resource locator than can locate resources related to the child descriptors.

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