Interface EObject

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AnyType, ChangeDescription, ChangeFactory, ChangePackage, ComplexTypeConverter, EAnnotation, EAttribute, EClass, EClassifier, Ecore2EcoreFactory, Ecore2EcoreMappingRoot, Ecore2EcorePackage, Ecore2XMLFactory, Ecore2XMLPackage, EcoreFactory, EcorePackage, EDataType, EEnum, EEnumLiteral, EFactory, EGenericType, EModelElement, ENamedElement, EOperation, EPackage, EParameter, EReference, EStructuralFeature, EStructuralFeature.Internal, ETypedElement, ETypeParameter, FeatureChange, FeatureMapEntry, FunctionNamePair, FunctionPair, GenAnnotation, GenBase, GenClass, GenClassifier, GenDataType, GenEnum, GenEnumLiteral, GenFeature, GenModel, GenModelFactory, GenModelPackage, GenOperation, GenPackage, GenParameter, GenTypedElement, GenTypeParameter, InternalEObject, ListChange, Mapping, MappingFactory, MappingHelper, MappingPackage, MappingRoot, MappingStrategy, ProcessingInstruction, ResourceChange, SimpleAnyType, TreeFactory, TreeNode, TreePackage, TypeConverter, XMLInfo, XMLMap, XMLNamespaceDocumentRoot, XMLNamespaceFactory, XMLNamespacePackage, XMLTypeDocumentRoot, XMLTypeFactory, XMLTypePackage
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnyTypeImpl, BasicEObjectImpl, BasicFeatureMap.FeatureMapEObjectImpl, ChangeDescriptionImpl, ChangeFactoryImpl, ChangePackageImpl, ComplexTypeConverterImpl, DelegatingFeatureMap.FeatureMapEObjectImpl, DynamicEObjectImpl, DynamicEObjectImpl.BasicEMapEntry, DynamicEStoreEObjectImpl, EAnnotationImpl, EAttributeImpl, EClassifierImpl, EClassImpl, Ecore2EcoreFactoryImpl, Ecore2EcoreMappingRootImpl, Ecore2EcorePackageImpl, Ecore2XMLFactoryImpl, Ecore2XMLPackageImpl, EcoreFactoryImpl, EcorePackageImpl, EDataTypeImpl, EEnumImpl, EEnumLiteralImpl, EFactoryImpl, EGenericTypeImpl, EModelElementImpl, ENamedElementImpl, ENamedElementToXMLInfoMapEntryImpl, EObjectImpl, EObjectToChangesMapEntryImpl, EOperationImpl, EPackageImpl, EParameterImpl, EReferenceImpl, EStoreEObjectImpl, EStringToStringMapEntryImpl, EStructuralFeatureImpl, ETypedElementImpl, ETypeParameterImpl, FeatureChangeImpl, FeatureMapEntryImpl, FlatEObjectImpl, FunctionNamePairImpl, FunctionPairImpl, GenAnnotationImpl, GenBaseImpl, GenClassifierImpl, GenClassImpl, GenDataTypeImpl, GenEnumImpl, GenEnumLiteralImpl, GenFeatureImpl, GenModelFactoryImpl, GenModelImpl, GenModelPackageImpl, GenOperationImpl, GenPackageImpl, GenParameterImpl, GenTypedElementImpl, GenTypeParameterImpl, ListChangeImpl, MappingFactoryImpl, MappingHelperImpl, MappingImpl, MappingPackageImpl, MappingRootImpl, MappingStrategyImpl, ProcessingInstructionImpl, ResourceChangeImpl, SimpleAnyTypeImpl, TreeFactoryImpl, TreeNodeImpl, TreePackageImpl, TypeConverterImpl, XMLInfoImpl, XMLMapImpl, XMLNamespaceDocumentRootImpl, XMLNamespaceFactoryImpl, XMLNamespacePackageImpl, XMLTypeDocumentRootImpl, XMLTypeFactoryImpl, XMLTypePackageImpl

public interface EObject
extends Notifier

A representation of the model object 'EObject'.

EObject is the root of all modeled objects so all the method names start with "e" to distinguish the EMF methods from the client methods. It provides support for the behaviors and features common to all modeled objects:

It is a full participant of the common notification framework: org.eclipse.emf.common.notify. Any EObject is assumed to also implement InternalEObject, which provides lower-level access that is not necessarily suitable for general consumption but is required for maintaining the EMF support mechanisms. Implementations of EObject should extend BasicEObjectImpl or one of its derived classes because methods can and will be added to this API. The framework also assumes that implementations will not specialize #equals(Object) (nor #hashCode()) so that "==" can be always used for equality testing; EcoreUtil.equals should be used for doing structural equality testing.

See Also:

Method Summary
 TreeIterator<EObject> eAllContents()
          Returns a tree iterator that iterates over all the direct contents and indirect contents of this object.
 EClass eClass()
          Returns the meta class.
 EObject eContainer()
          Returns the containing object, or null.
 EStructuralFeature eContainingFeature()
          Returns the particular feature of the container that actually holds the object, or null, if there is no container.
 EReference eContainmentFeature()
          Returns the containment feature that properly contains the object, or null, if there is no container.
 EList<EObject> eContents()
          Returns a list view of the content objects; it is unmodifiable.
 EList<EObject> eCrossReferences()
          Returns a list view of the cross referenced objects; it is unmodifiable.
 java.lang.Object eGet(EStructuralFeature feature)
          Returns the value of the given feature of this object.
 java.lang.Object eGet(EStructuralFeature feature, boolean resolve)
          Returns the value of the given feature of the object; the value is optionally resolved before it is returned.
 boolean eIsProxy()
          Indicates whether this object is a proxy.
 boolean eIsSet(EStructuralFeature feature)
          Returns whether the feature of the object is considered to be set.
 Resource eResource()
          Returns the containing resource, or null.
 void eSet(EStructuralFeature feature, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Sets the value of the given feature of the object to the new value.
 void eUnset(EStructuralFeature feature)
          Unsets the feature of the object.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver

Method Detail


EClass eClass()
Returns the meta class.

The meta class defines the features available for reflective access.

the meta class.
See Also:


Resource eResource()
Returns the containing resource, or null.

An object is contained in a resource if it, or one of it's containers, appears in the contents of that resource.

An object must be contained by a resource in order to be serialized.

the containing resource.
See Also:
EcoreUtil.remove(EObject), eContainer()


EObject eContainer()
Returns the containing object, or null.

An object is contained by another object if it appears in the contents of that object. The object will be contained by a containment feature of the containing object.

the containing object.
See Also:
eResource(), EcoreUtil.remove(EObject), eContainmentFeature(), eContainingFeature(), EcoreUtil.getRootContainer(EObject), eContents()


EStructuralFeature eContainingFeature()
Returns the particular feature of the container that actually holds the object, or null, if there is no container. Because of support for wildcard content, this feature may be an attribute representing a feature map; in this case the object is referenced by the containment feature of an entry in the map, i.e., the eContainmentFeature.

the feature that actually contains the object.
See Also:
eContainer(), eContainmentFeature(), EClass.getEAllContainments(), EReference.isContainment(), FeatureMap.Entry.getEStructuralFeature()


EReference eContainmentFeature()
Returns the containment feature that properly contains the object, or null, if there is no container. Because of support for wildcard content, this feature may not be a direct feature of the container's class, but rather a feature of an entry in a feature map feature of the container's class.

the feature that properly contains the object.
See Also:
eContainer(), eContainingFeature(), EReference.isContainment(), EClass.getEAllContainments(), FeatureMap.Entry.getEStructuralFeature()


EList<EObject> eContents()
Returns a list view of the content objects; it is unmodifiable.

This will be the list of EObjects determined by the contents of the containment features of this object's meta class. Objects can, indirectly, be removed and will change to reflect container changes. The implicit tree of contents is also directly available.

a list view of the content objects.
See Also:
eContainer(), EClass.getEAllContainments(), eGet(EStructuralFeature), EcoreUtil.remove(EObject), eAllContents()


TreeIterator<EObject> eAllContents()
Returns a tree iterator that iterates over all the direct contents and indirect contents of this object.

a tree iterator that iterates over all contents.
See Also:
Resource.getAllContents(), EcoreUtil.getAllContents(EObject, boolean)


boolean eIsProxy()
Indicates whether this object is a proxy.

A proxy is an object that is defined in a Resource that has not been loaded. An object may be a proxy either because proxy resolution was disabled when the object was accessed (see eGet(EStructuralFeature,boolean)) or because proxy resolution failed.

true if this object is a proxy or false, otherwise.
See Also:
Resource.unload(), EcoreUtil.resolve(EObject, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet)


EList<EObject> eCrossReferences()
Returns a list view of the cross referenced objects; it is unmodifiable.

This will be the list of EObjects determined by the contents of the reference features of this object's meta class, excluding containment features and their opposites. The cross reference list's iterator will be of type EContentsEList.FeatureIterator, for efficient determination of the feature of each cross reference in the list, e.g.,

  for (EContentEList.FeatureIterator featureIterator = 
       featureIterator.hasNext(); )
    EObject eObject = (EObject);
    EReference eReference = (EReference)featureIterator.feature();

a list view of the cross referenced objects.
See Also:
eContents(), EClass.getEAllReferences(), EClass.getEAllContainments(), eGet(EStructuralFeature), EcoreUtil.CrossReferencer


java.lang.Object eGet(EStructuralFeature feature)
Returns the value of the given feature of this object.

It returns the resolved value, i.e., it returns

  eObject.eGet(feature, true)

feature - the feature of the value to fetch.
the value of the given feature of this object.
See Also:
eGet(EStructuralFeature, boolean)


java.lang.Object eGet(EStructuralFeature feature,
                      boolean resolve)
Returns the value of the given feature of the object; the value is optionally resolved before it is returned.

If the feature is many-valued, the result will be an EList and each object in the list will be an instance of the feature's type; the list's contents are not affected by resolve argument. Otherwise the result directly will be an instance of the feature's type; if it is a proxy, it is resolved.

feature - the feature of the value to fetch.
resolve - whether to resolve.
the value of the given feature of the object.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the feature is not one the meta class's features.
See Also:
InternalEList.basicIterator(), InternalEList.basicList(), EcoreUtil.resolve(EObject, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet), eSet(EStructuralFeature, Object), eUnset(EStructuralFeature), eIsSet(EStructuralFeature), eGet(EStructuralFeature)


void eSet(EStructuralFeature feature,
          java.lang.Object newValue)
Sets the value of the given feature of the object to the new value.

If the feature is many-valued, the new value must be an EList and each object in that list must be an instance of the feature's type; the existing contents are cleared and the contents of the new value are added. However, if the new value is the content list itself, or is modified as a side effect of modifying the content list (i.e., if it is a view on the content list), the behavior is undefined and will likely result in simply clearing the list. If the feature is single-valued, the new value directly must be an instance of the feature's type and it becomes the new value of the feature of the object. If the feature is unsettable, the modeled state becomes set; otherwise, the feature may still not considered set if the new value is the same as the default.

feature - the feature of the value to set.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the feature is not one the meta class's features, or it isn't changeable.
java.lang.ClassCastException - if there is a type conflict.
java.lang.ArrayStoreException - if there is a type conflict.
See Also:
eUnset(EStructuralFeature), eIsSet(EStructuralFeature), eGet(EStructuralFeature, boolean)


boolean eIsSet(EStructuralFeature feature)
Returns whether the feature of the object is considered to be set.

If the feature is many-valued, the value must be an EList and the feature is considered set if the list is not empty. If the feature is unsettable, the modeled state is directly available and is used. Otherwise, the unresolved value of the feature of the object is compared against the feature's default value or the meta class's default value, as appropriate; the feature is considered set if it's not the same as the default.

This property can affect serialization, since defaults are typically omitted in a compact serialization.

feature - the feature in question.
whether the feature of the object is set.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the feature is not one the meta class's features.
See Also:
eSet(EStructuralFeature, Object), eUnset(EStructuralFeature), eGet(EStructuralFeature, boolean)


void eUnset(EStructuralFeature feature)
Unsets the feature of the object.

If the feature is many-valued, the value must be an EList and that list is cleared. Otherwise, the value of the feature of the object is set to the feature's default value or the meta class's default value, as appropriate. If the feature is unsettable, the modeled state becomes unset. In any case, the feature will no longer be considered set.

feature - the feature in question.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the feature is not one the meta class's features, or it isn't changeable.
See Also:
eIsSet(EStructuralFeature), eSet(EStructuralFeature, Object), eGet(EStructuralFeature, boolean)

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