public static interface Stage.FindFirst extends Stage
When built, the CompletionStage
must emit an Optional
of the first element
encountered. If no element is emitted before completion of the stream, it must emit an empty optional. Once
the element has been emitted, the stream must be cancelled if not already complete.
If an error is emitted before the first element is encountered, the stream must redeem the completion stage with that error.
Stage.Cancel, Stage.Collect, Stage.Concat, Stage.Coupled, Stage.Distinct, Stage.DropWhile, Stage.Failed, Stage.Filter, Stage.FindFirst, Stage.FlatMap, Stage.FlatMapCompletionStage, Stage.FlatMapIterable, Stage.FromCompletionStage, Stage.FromCompletionStageNullable, Stage.Limit, Stage.Map, Stage.Of, Stage.OnComplete, Stage.OnError, Stage.OnErrorResume, Stage.OnErrorResumeWith, Stage.OnTerminate, Stage.Peek, Stage.ProcessorStage, Stage.PublisherStage, Stage.Skip, Stage.SubscriberStage, Stage.TakeWhile
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