Class OslcGlobalNamespaceProvider

  • public class OslcGlobalNamespaceProvider
    extends Object
    Defines the global namespace prefix mappings. The global namespace mappings do not take precedence over any other namespace mappings definition, which means that in case of conflict the OslcSchema will override the prefix. This class is a singleton instance, that can be obtained calling getInstance(), since it works with any request even if there are no annotation mapping.
    Daniel Figueiredo Caetano
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static OslcGlobalNamespaceProvider getInstance()
        Gets the unique instance of this class.
        singleton class instance.
      • getPrefixDefinitionMap

        public Map<String,​String> getPrefixDefinitionMap()
        Gets the Global namespace mappings, these mappings are applied to all operations, even without the annotation mappings. key - prefix value - namespace
        empty hash map instance if there are no global namespace mappings.
      • setPrefixDefinitionMap

        public void setPrefixDefinitionMap​(Map<String,​String> prefixDefinitionMap)
        Sets the global prefix definition map with the given map. Note that this operation overrides the current map.
        prefixDefinitionMap - that will replace the current.