Class SHA1

  • public abstract class SHA1
    extends Object
    SHA-1 interface from FIPS 180-1 / RFC 3174 with optional collision detection. Some implementations may not support collision detection.

    See RFC 3174.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SHA1

        public SHA1()
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static SHA1 newInstance()
        Create a new context to compute a SHA-1 hash of data.

        If core.sha1Implementation = jdkNative in the user level global git configuration or the system property org.eclipse.jgit.util.sha1.implementation = jdkNative it will create an object using the implementation in the JDK. If both are set the system property takes precedence. Otherwise the pure Java implementation will be used which supports collision detection but is slower.

        a new context to compute a SHA-1 hash of data.
      • update

        public abstract void update​(byte b)
        Update the digest computation by adding a byte.
        b - a byte.
      • update

        public abstract void update​(byte[] in)
        Update the digest computation by adding bytes to the message.
        in - input array of bytes.
      • update

        public abstract void update​(byte[] in,
                                    int p,
                                    int len)
        Update the digest computation by adding bytes to the message.
        in - input array of bytes.
        p - offset to start at from in.
        len - number of bytes to hash.
      • digest

        public abstract byte[] digest()
                               throws Sha1CollisionException
        Finish the digest and return the resulting hash.

        Once digest() is called, this instance should be discarded.

        the bytes for the resulting hash.
        Sha1CollisionException - if a collision was detected and safeHash is false.
      • toObjectId

        public abstract ObjectId toObjectId()
                                     throws Sha1CollisionException
        Finish the digest and return the resulting hash.

        Once digest() is called, this instance should be discarded.

        the ObjectId for the resulting hash.
        Sha1CollisionException - if a collision was detected and safeHash is false.
      • digest

        public abstract void digest​(MutableObjectId id)
                             throws Sha1CollisionException
        Finish the digest and return the resulting hash.

        Once digest() is called, this instance should be discarded.

        id - destination to copy the digest to.
        Sha1CollisionException - if a collision was detected and safeHash is false.
      • reset

        public abstract SHA1 reset()
        Reset this instance to compute another hash.
      • setDetectCollision

        public abstract SHA1 setDetectCollision​(boolean detect)
        Enable likely collision detection.

        Default for implementations supporting collision detection is true.

        Implementations not supporting collision detection ignore calls to this method.

        detect - a boolean.
      • hasCollision

        public abstract boolean hasCollision()
        Check if a collision was detected. This method only returns an accurate result after the digest was obtained through digest(), digest(MutableObjectId) or toObjectId(), as the hashing function must finish processing to know the final state.

        Implementations not supporting collision detection always return false.

        true if a likely collision was detected.