Class ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled
    extends ObjectIdRef
    Any reference whose peeled value is not yet known.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Unpeeled

        public Unpeeled​(@NonNull
                        Ref.Storage st,
                        String name,
                        ObjectId id)
        Create a new ref pairing.
        st - method used to store this ref.
        name - name of this ref.
        id - current value of the ref. May be null to indicate a ref that does not exist yet.
      • Unpeeled

        public Unpeeled​(@NonNull
                        Ref.Storage st,
                        String name,
                        ObjectId id,
                        long updateIndex)
        Create a new ref pairing with update index.
        st - method used to store this ref.
        name - name of this ref.
        id - current value of the ref. May be null to indicate a ref that does not exist yet.
        updateIndex - number increasing with each update to the reference.
    • Method Detail

      • getPeeledObjectId

        public ObjectId getPeeledObjectId()
        Description copied from interface: Ref
        Cached value of ref^{} (the ref peeled to commit).
        if this ref is an annotated tag the id of the commit (or tree or blob) that the annotated tag refers to; null if this ref does not refer to an annotated tag.
      • isPeeled

        public boolean isPeeled()
        Description copied from interface: Ref
        Whether the Ref represents a peeled tag.
        whether the Ref represents a peeled tag.