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1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2008, Marek Zawirski <> and others
3    *
4    * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5    * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
6    *
7    *
8    * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
9    */
11  package org.eclipse.jgit.transport;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import java.text.MessageFormat;
16  import java.util.Collection;
17  import java.util.Collections;
18  import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
19  import java.util.List;
20  import java.util.Map;
22  import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException;
23  import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.NotSupportedException;
24  import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.TransportException;
25  import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
26  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
27  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ProgressMonitor;
28  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
29  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
30  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevObject;
31  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
32  import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RemoteRefUpdate.Status;
34  /**
35   * Class performing push operation on remote repository.
36   *
37   * @see Transport#push(ProgressMonitor, Collection, OutputStream)
38   */
39  class PushProcess {
40  	/** Task name for {@link ProgressMonitor} used during opening connection. */
41  	static final String PROGRESS_OPENING_CONNECTION = JGitText.get().openingConnection;
43  	/** Transport used to perform this operation. */
44  	private final Transport transport;
46  	/** Push operation connection created to perform this operation */
47  	private PushConnection connection;
49  	/** Refs to update on remote side. */
50  	private final Map<String, RemoteRefUpdate> toPush;
52  	/** Revision walker for checking some updates properties. */
53  	private final RevWalk walker;
55  	/** an outputstream to write messages to */
56  	private final OutputStream out;
58  	/** A list of option strings associated with this push */
59  	private List<String> pushOptions;
61  	/**
62  	 * Create process for specified transport and refs updates specification.
63  	 *
64  	 * @param transport
65  	 *            transport between remote and local repository, used to create
66  	 *            connection.
67  	 * @param toPush
68  	 *            specification of refs updates (and local tracking branches).
69  	 *
70  	 * @throws TransportException
71  	 */
72  	PushProcess(final Transport transport,
73  			final Collection<RemoteRefUpdate> toPush) throws TransportException {
74  		this(transport, toPush, null);
75  	}
77  	/**
78  	 * Create process for specified transport and refs updates specification.
79  	 *
80  	 * @param transport
81  	 *            transport between remote and local repository, used to create
82  	 *            connection.
83  	 * @param toPush
84  	 *            specification of refs updates (and local tracking branches).
85  	 * @param out
86  	 *            OutputStream to write messages to
87  	 * @throws TransportException
88  	 */
89  	PushProcess(final Transport transport,
90  			final Collection<RemoteRefUpdate> toPush, OutputStream out)
91  			throws TransportException {
92  		this.walker = new RevWalk(transport.local);
93  		this.transport = transport;
94  		this.toPush = new LinkedHashMap<>();
95  		this.out = out;
96  		this.pushOptions = transport.getPushOptions();
97  		for (RemoteRefUpdate rru : toPush) {
98  			if (this.toPush.put(rru.getRemoteName(), rru) != null)
99  				throw new TransportException(MessageFormat.format(
100 						JGitText.get().duplicateRemoteRefUpdateIsIllegal, rru.getRemoteName()));
101 		}
102 	}
104 	/**
105 	 * Perform push operation between local and remote repository - set remote
106 	 * refs appropriately, send needed objects and update local tracking refs.
107 	 * <p>
108 	 * When {@link Transport#isDryRun()} is true, result of this operation is
109 	 * just estimation of real operation result, no real action is performed.
110 	 *
111 	 * @param monitor
112 	 *            progress monitor used for feedback about operation.
113 	 * @return result of push operation with complete status description.
114 	 * @throws NotSupportedException
115 	 *             when push operation is not supported by provided transport.
116 	 * @throws TransportException
117 	 *             when some error occurred during operation, like I/O, protocol
118 	 *             error, or local database consistency error.
119 	 */
120 	PushResult execute(ProgressMonitor monitor)
121 			throws NotSupportedException, TransportException {
122 		try {
123 			monitor.beginTask(PROGRESS_OPENING_CONNECTION,
124 					ProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);
126 			final PushResultshResult.html#PushResult">PushResult res = new PushResult();
127 			connection = transport.openPush();
128 			try {
129 				res.setAdvertisedRefs(transport.getURI(), connection
130 						.getRefsMap());
131 				res.peerUserAgent = connection.getPeerUserAgent();
132 				res.setRemoteUpdates(toPush);
133 				monitor.endTask();
135 				final Map<String, RemoteRefUpdate> preprocessed = prepareRemoteUpdates();
136 				if (transport.isDryRun())
137 					modifyUpdatesForDryRun();
138 				else if (!preprocessed.isEmpty())
139 					connection.push(monitor, preprocessed, out);
140 			} finally {
141 				connection.close();
142 				res.addMessages(connection.getMessages());
143 			}
144 			if (!transport.isDryRun())
145 				updateTrackingRefs();
146 			for (RemoteRefUpdate rru : toPush.values()) {
147 				final TrackingRefUpdate tru = rru.getTrackingRefUpdate();
148 				if (tru != null)
149 					res.add(tru);
150 			}
151 			return res;
152 		} finally {
153 			walker.close();
154 		}
155 	}
157 	private Map<String, RemoteRefUpdate> prepareRemoteUpdates()
158 			throws TransportException {
159 		boolean atomic = transport.isPushAtomic();
160 		final Map<String, RemoteRefUpdate> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
161 		for (RemoteRefUpdate rru : toPush.values()) {
162 			final Ref advertisedRef = connection.getRef(rru.getRemoteName());
163 			ObjectId advertisedOld = null;
164 			if (advertisedRef != null) {
165 				advertisedOld = advertisedRef.getObjectId();
166 			}
167 			if (advertisedOld == null) {
168 				advertisedOld = ObjectId.zeroId();
169 			}
171 			if (rru.getNewObjectId().equals(advertisedOld)) {
172 				if (rru.isDelete()) {
173 					// ref does exist neither locally nor remotely
174 					rru.setStatus(Status.NON_EXISTING);
175 				} else {
176 					// same object - nothing to do
177 					rru.setStatus(Status.UP_TO_DATE);
178 				}
179 				continue;
180 			}
182 			// caller has explicitly specified expected old object id, while it
183 			// has been changed in the mean time - reject
184 			if (rru.isExpectingOldObjectId()
185 					&& !rru.getExpectedOldObjectId().equals(advertisedOld)) {
186 				rru.setStatus(Status.REJECTED_REMOTE_CHANGED);
187 				if (atomic) {
188 					return rejectAll();
189 				}
190 				continue;
191 			}
192 			if (!rru.isExpectingOldObjectId()) {
193 				rru.setExpectedOldObjectId(advertisedOld);
194 			}
196 			// create ref (hasn't existed on remote side) and delete ref
197 			// are always fast-forward commands, feasible at this level
198 			if (advertisedOld.equals(ObjectId.zeroId()) || rru.isDelete()) {
199 				rru.setFastForward(true);
200 				result.put(rru.getRemoteName(), rru);
201 				continue;
202 			}
204 			// check for fast-forward:
205 			// - both old and new ref must point to commits, AND
206 			// - both of them must be known for us, exist in repository, AND
207 			// - old commit must be ancestor of new commit
208 			boolean fastForward = true;
209 			try {
210 				RevObject oldRev = walker.parseAny(advertisedOld);
211 				final RevObject newRev = walker.parseAny(rru.getNewObjectId());
212 				if (!(oldRev instanceof RevCommit)
213 						|| !(newRev instanceof RevCommit)
214 						|| !walker.isMergedInto((RevCommit) oldRev,
215 								(RevCommit) newRev))
216 					fastForward = false;
217 			} catch (MissingObjectException x) {
218 				fastForward = false;
219 			} catch (Exception x) {
220 				throw new TransportException(transport.getURI(), MessageFormat.format(
221 						JGitText.get().readingObjectsFromLocalRepositoryFailed, x.getMessage()), x);
222 			}
223 			rru.setFastForward(fastForward);
224 			if (!fastForward && !rru.isForceUpdate()) {
225 				rru.setStatus(Status.REJECTED_NONFASTFORWARD);
226 				if (atomic) {
227 					return rejectAll();
228 				}
229 			} else {
230 				result.put(rru.getRemoteName(), rru);
231 			}
232 		}
233 		return result;
234 	}
236 	private Map<String, RemoteRefUpdate> rejectAll() {
237 		for (RemoteRefUpdate rru : toPush.values()) {
238 			if (rru.getStatus() == Status.NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
239 				rru.setStatus(RemoteRefUpdate.Status.REJECTED_OTHER_REASON);
240 				rru.setMessage(JGitText.get().transactionAborted);
241 			}
242 		}
243 		return Collections.emptyMap();
244 	}
246 	private void modifyUpdatesForDryRun() {
247 		for (RemoteRefUpdate rru : toPush.values())
248 			if (rru.getStatus() == Status.NOT_ATTEMPTED)
249 				rru.setStatus(Status.OK);
250 	}
252 	private void updateTrackingRefs() {
253 		for (RemoteRefUpdate rru : toPush.values()) {
254 			final Status status = rru.getStatus();
255 			if (rru.hasTrackingRefUpdate()
256 					&& (status == Status.UP_TO_DATE || status == Status.OK)) {
257 				// update local tracking branch only when there is a chance that
258 				// it has changed; this is possible for:
259 				// -updated (OK) status,
260 				// -up to date (UP_TO_DATE) status
261 				try {
262 					rru.updateTrackingRef(walker);
263 				} catch (IOException e) {
264 					// ignore as RefUpdate has stored I/O error status
265 				}
266 			}
267 		}
268 	}
270 	/**
271 	 * Gets the list of option strings associated with this push.
272 	 *
273 	 * @return pushOptions
274 	 * @since 4.5
275 	 */
276 	public List<String> getPushOptions() {
277 		return pushOptions;
278 	}
279 }