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1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2014, Andrey Loskutov <> and others
3    *
4    * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5    * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
6    *
7    *
8    * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
9    */
10  package org.eclipse.jgit.ignore.internal;
12  import static org.eclipse.jgit.ignore.internal.Strings.checkWildCards;
13  import static org.eclipse.jgit.ignore.internal.Strings.count;
14  import static org.eclipse.jgit.ignore.internal.Strings.getPathSeparator;
15  import static org.eclipse.jgit.ignore.internal.Strings.isWildCard;
16  import static org.eclipse.jgit.ignore.internal.Strings.split;
18  import java.util.ArrayList;
19  import java.util.List;
21  import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.InvalidPatternException;
22  import org.eclipse.jgit.ignore.IMatcher;
23  import org.eclipse.jgit.ignore.internal.Strings.PatternState;
25  /**
26   * Matcher built by patterns consists of multiple path segments.
27   * <p>
28   * This class is immutable and thread safe.
29   */
30  public class PathMatcher extends AbstractMatcher {
32  	private static final WildMatcherher.html#WildMatcher">WildMatcher WILD_NO_DIRECTORY = new WildMatcher(false);
34  	private static final WildMatcherr.html#WildMatcher">WildMatcher WILD_ONLY_DIRECTORY = new WildMatcher(
35  			true);
37  	private final List<IMatcher> matchers;
39  	private final char slash;
41  	private final boolean beginning;
43  	private PathMatcher(String pattern, Character pathSeparator,
44  			boolean dirOnly)
45  			throws InvalidPatternException {
46  		super(pattern, dirOnly);
47  		slash = getPathSeparator(pathSeparator);
48  		beginning = pattern.indexOf(slash) == 0;
49  		if (isSimplePathWithSegments(pattern))
50  			matchers = null;
51  		else
52  			matchers = createMatchers(split(pattern, slash), pathSeparator,
53  					dirOnly);
54  	}
56  	private boolean isSimplePathWithSegments(String path) {
57  		return !isWildCard(path) && path.indexOf('\\') < 0
58  				&& count(path, slash, true) > 0;
59  	}
61  	private static List<IMatcher> createMatchers(List<String> segments,
62  			Character pathSeparator, boolean dirOnly)
63  			throws InvalidPatternException {
64  		List<IMatcher> matchers = new ArrayList<>(segments.size());
65  		for (int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
66  			String segment = segments.get(i);
67  			IMatcher matcher = createNameMatcher0(segment, pathSeparator,
68  					dirOnly, i == segments.size() - 1);
69  			if (i > 0) {
70  				final IMatcher last = matchers.get(matchers.size() - 1);
71  				if (isWild(matcher) && isWild(last))
72  					// collapse wildmatchers **/** is same as **, but preserve
73  					// dirOnly flag (i.e. always use the last wildmatcher)
74  					matchers.remove(matchers.size() - 1);
75  			}
77  			matchers.add(matcher);
78  		}
79  		return matchers;
80  	}
82  	/**
83  	 * Create path matcher
84  	 *
85  	 * @param pattern
86  	 *            a pattern
87  	 * @param pathSeparator
88  	 *            if this parameter isn't null then this character will not
89  	 *            match at wildcards(* and ? are wildcards).
90  	 * @param dirOnly
91  	 *            a boolean.
92  	 * @return never null
93  	 * @throws org.eclipse.jgit.errors.InvalidPatternException
94  	 */
95  	public static IMatcher createPathMatcher(String pattern,
96  			Character pathSeparator, boolean dirOnly)
97  			throws InvalidPatternException {
98  		pattern = trim(pattern);
99  		char slash = Strings.getPathSeparator(pathSeparator);
100 		// ignore possible leading and trailing slash
101 		int slashIdx = pattern.indexOf(slash, 1);
102 		if (slashIdx > 0 && slashIdx < pattern.length() - 1)
103 			return new PathMatcher(pattern, pathSeparator, dirOnly);
104 		return createNameMatcher0(pattern, pathSeparator, dirOnly, true);
105 	}
107 	/**
108 	 * Trim trailing spaces, unless they are escaped with backslash, see
109 	 *
110 	 *
111 	 * @param pattern
112 	 *            non null
113 	 * @return trimmed pattern
114 	 */
115 	private static String trim(String pattern) {
116 		while (pattern.length() > 0
117 				&& pattern.charAt(pattern.length() - 1) == ' ') {
118 			if (pattern.length() > 1
119 					&& pattern.charAt(pattern.length() - 2) == '\\') {
120 				// last space was escaped by backslash: remove backslash and
121 				// keep space
122 				pattern = pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 2) + " "; //$NON-NLS-1$
123 				return pattern;
124 			}
125 			pattern = pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 1);
126 		}
127 		return pattern;
128 	}
130 	private static IMatcher createNameMatcher0(String segment,
131 			Character pathSeparator, boolean dirOnly, boolean lastSegment)
132 			throws InvalidPatternException {
133 		// check if we see /** or ** segments => double star pattern
134 		if (WildMatcher.WILDMATCH.equals(segment)
135 				|| WildMatcher.WILDMATCH2.equals(segment))
136 			return dirOnly && lastSegment ? WILD_ONLY_DIRECTORY
139 		PatternState state = checkWildCards(segment);
140 		switch (state) {
142 			return new LeadingAsteriskMatcher(segment, pathSeparator, dirOnly);
144 			return new TrailingAsteriskMatcher(segment, pathSeparator, dirOnly);
145 		case COMPLEX:
146 			return new WildCardMatcher(segment, pathSeparator, dirOnly);
147 		default:
148 			return new NameMatcher(segment, pathSeparator, dirOnly, true);
149 		}
150 	}
152 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
153 	@Override
154 	public boolean matches(String path, boolean assumeDirectory,
155 			boolean pathMatch) {
156 		if (matchers == null) {
157 			return simpleMatch(path, assumeDirectory, pathMatch);
158 		}
159 		return iterate(path, 0, path.length(), assumeDirectory, pathMatch);
160 	}
162 	/*
163 	 * Stupid but fast string comparison: the case where we don't have to match
164 	 * wildcards or single segments (mean: this is multi-segment path which must
165 	 * be at the beginning of the another string)
166 	 */
167 	private boolean simpleMatch(String path, boolean assumeDirectory,
168 			boolean pathMatch) {
169 		boolean hasSlash = path.indexOf(slash) == 0;
170 		if (beginning && !hasSlash) {
171 			path = slash + path;
172 		}
173 		if (!beginning && hasSlash) {
174 			path = path.substring(1);
175 		}
176 		if (path.equals(pattern)) {
177 			// Exact match: must meet directory expectations
178 			return !dirOnly || assumeDirectory;
179 		}
180 		/*
181 		 * Add slashes for startsWith check. This avoids matching e.g.
182 		 * "/src/new" to /src/newfile" but allows "/src/new" to match
183 		 * "/src/new/newfile", as is the git standard
184 		 */
185 		String prefix = pattern + slash;
186 		if (pathMatch) {
187 			return path.equals(prefix) && (!dirOnly || assumeDirectory);
188 		}
189 		if (path.startsWith(prefix)) {
190 			return true;
191 		}
192 		return false;
193 	}
195 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
196 	@Override
197 	public boolean matches(String segment, int startIncl, int endExcl) {
198 		throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
199 				"Path matcher works only on entire paths"); //$NON-NLS-1$
200 	}
202 	private boolean iterate(final String path, final int startIncl,
203 			final int endExcl, boolean assumeDirectory, boolean pathMatch) {
204 		int matcher = 0;
205 		int right = startIncl;
206 		boolean match = false;
207 		int lastWildmatch = -1;
208 		// ** matches may get extended if a later match fails. When that
209 		// happens, we must extend the ** by exactly one segment.
210 		// wildmatchBacktrackPos records the end of the segment after a **
211 		// match, so that we can reset correctly.
212 		int wildmatchBacktrackPos = -1;
213 		while (true) {
214 			int left = right;
215 			right = path.indexOf(slash, right);
216 			if (right == -1) {
217 				if (left < endExcl) {
218 					match = matches(matcher, path, left, endExcl,
219 							assumeDirectory, pathMatch);
220 				} else {
221 					// a/** should not match a/ or a
222 					match = match && !isWild(matchers.get(matcher));
223 				}
224 				if (match) {
225 					if (matcher < matchers.size() - 1
226 							&& isWild(matchers.get(matcher))) {
227 						// ** can match *nothing*: a/**/b match also a/b
228 						matcher++;
229 						match = matches(matcher, path, left, endExcl,
230 								assumeDirectory, pathMatch);
231 					} else if (dirOnly && !assumeDirectory) {
232 						// Directory expectations not met
233 						return false;
234 					}
235 				}
236 				return match && matcher + 1 == matchers.size();
237 			}
238 			if (wildmatchBacktrackPos < 0) {
239 				wildmatchBacktrackPos = right;
240 			}
241 			if (right - left > 0) {
242 				match = matches(matcher, path, left, right, assumeDirectory,
243 						pathMatch);
244 			} else {
245 				// path starts with slash???
246 				right++;
247 				continue;
248 			}
249 			if (match) {
250 				boolean wasWild = isWild(matchers.get(matcher));
251 				if (wasWild) {
252 					lastWildmatch = matcher;
253 					wildmatchBacktrackPos = -1;
254 					// ** can match *nothing*: a/**/b match also a/b
255 					right = left - 1;
256 				}
257 				matcher++;
258 				if (matcher == matchers.size()) {
259 					// We had a prefix match here.
260 					if (!pathMatch) {
261 						return true;
262 					}
263 					if (right == endExcl - 1) {
264 						// Extra slash at the end: actually a full match.
265 						// Must meet directory expectations
266 						return !dirOnly || assumeDirectory;
267 					}
268 					// Prefix matches only if pattern ended with /**
269 					if (wasWild) {
270 						return true;
271 					}
272 					if (lastWildmatch >= 0) {
273 						// Consider pattern **/x and input x/x.
274 						// We've matched the prefix x/ so far: we
275 						// must try to extend the **!
276 						matcher = lastWildmatch + 1;
277 						right = wildmatchBacktrackPos;
278 						wildmatchBacktrackPos = -1;
279 					} else {
280 						return false;
281 					}
282 				}
283 			} else if (lastWildmatch != -1) {
284 				matcher = lastWildmatch + 1;
285 				right = wildmatchBacktrackPos;
286 				wildmatchBacktrackPos = -1;
287 			} else {
288 				return false;
289 			}
290 			right++;
291 		}
292 	}
294 	private boolean matches(int matcherIdx, String path, int startIncl,
295 			int endExcl, boolean assumeDirectory, boolean pathMatch) {
296 		IMatcher matcher = matchers.get(matcherIdx);
298 		final boolean matches = matcher.matches(path, startIncl, endExcl);
299 		if (!matches || !pathMatch || matcherIdx < matchers.size() - 1
300 				|| !(matcher instanceof AbstractMatcher)) {
301 			return matches;
302 		}
304 		return assumeDirectory || !((AbstractMatcher) matcher).dirOnly;
305 	}
307 	private static boolean isWild(IMatcher matcher) {
308 		return matcher == WILD_NO_DIRECTORY || matcher == WILD_ONLY_DIRECTORY;
309 	}
310 }