Package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.server.conflictDetection

Interface Summary
ConflictBucketCandidateStore Stores an ConflictBucketCandidate.
ReservationSetModifier Interface for types that want to modify the ReservationSet that is created during conflict detection.

Class Summary
ChangeConflictSet The actual implementation of an ESConflictSetImpl containing the changes that caused the conflict.
ConflictBucket Represents a bucket of conflicting operations sets.
ConflictBucketCandidate Represents a bucket containing operations that potentially conflict but that do not necessarily conflict.
ConflictDetector Detects conflicts between operation.
ExistenceOppositeReservationMap Tracks any reservation based an a opposite model element.
FeatureNameReservationMap Tracks any reservation based an a feature name.
LinkedHashMapWithConflictBucketCandidate<V> LinkedHashMap with an additional ConflictBucketCandidate field.
Messages Conflict detection related messages.
ModelElementIdReservationMap Tracks any reservation based on ModelElementId s.
OppositeReservationMap Tracks any reservation based an a opposite model element.
ReservationSet Mapping from model elements to their features.
ReservationToConflictBucketCandidateMap Map from model elements and their features to conflict candidate buckets.

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