Uses of Class

Packages that use PlotLane

Uses of PlotLane in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.ui.views.historybrowserview.graph

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.ui.views.historybrowserview.graph that return PlotLane
 PlotLane IPlotCommit.getLane()
 PlotLane PlotCommit.getLane()
 PlotLane[] IPlotCommit.getPassingLanes()
 PlotLane[] PlotCommit.getPassingLanes()

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.ui.views.historybrowserview.graph with parameters of type PlotLane
 void IPlotCommit.addPassingLane(PlotLane lane)
          Adds a passing lane to this commit.
 void PlotCommit.addPassingLane(PlotLane c)
          Adds a passing lane to this commit.
 void IPlotCommit.setLane(PlotLane lane)
          Sets the lane of the commit.
 void PlotCommit.setLane(PlotLane lane)
          Sets the lane of the commit.

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