Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractEMFStoreUIController

Uses of AbstractEMFStoreUIController in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.ui.controller

Subclasses of AbstractEMFStoreUIController in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.ui.controller
 class UIAddServerController
          UI controller for adding a server (also called repository).
 class UIAddTagController
          UI controller for creating a tag for a project.
 class UICheckoutController
          UI controller for checking out a project.
 class UICommitProjectController
          UI-dependent commit controller for committing pending changes on a ESLocalProject.
The controller presents the user a dialog will all changes made before he is able to confirm the commit.
 class UICompareRevisionsController
          Compare two HistoryInfos of a ProjectSpace.
 class UICreateBranchController
          UIController for branch creation.
 class UICreateLocalProjectController
          UI controller for creating a local project.
 class UICreateRemoteProjectController
          UI controller for creating a remote project.
 class UIDeleteProjectController
          UI controller for deleting a local project.
 class UIDeleteRemoteProjectController
          UI controller for deleting a project on the server.
 class UIEditServerPropertiesController
          UI controller for editing server properties.
 class UIGenericExportImportController
          Generic UI-specific controller class that is capable of executing both, import and export controller classes.
 class UILoginSessionController
          UI controller for logging a session.
 class UILogoutSessionController
          UI controller for logging out a given session.
 class UIManageOrgUnitsController
          UI controller for managing org units.
 class UIMergeController
          UIController used to merge other branches into the current projectspace.
 class UIRegisterEPackageController
          The Class UIRegisterEPackageController.
 class UIRemoveServerController
          UI controller for removing a server from the workspace.
 class UIRemoveTagController
          UI controller for removing version tags.
 class UIRevertCommitController
          UI controller for reverting a commit.
 class UIRevertOperationController
          UI controller for reverting any changes upon a ProjectSpace.
 class UIShareProjectController
          UI-related controller class that shares a project and displays a progress bar during the share.
 class UIShowHistoryController
          UI controller responsible for opening up the history view.
 class UIShowProjectPropertiesController
          UI controller for showing the properties of a project via a dialog.
 class UIUndoLastOperationController
 class UIUpdateProjectController
          UI controller for performing a paged update.
 class UIUpdateProjectToVersionController
          UI controller for updating a project to a specific version.

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