Package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.model.util

Interface Summary
ProjectSpaceContainer Interface for a class, usually a view, that can provide a project space, usually the project space it displays.

Class Summary
AbstractEMFStoreCommand Super class for all commands.
DefaultWorkspaceLocationProvider This is the default workspace location provider.
EMFStoreClientUtil Utility class for EMFStore clients to ease connecting to the server.
EMFStoreCommand Recording command that can buffer a result for later retrieval.
EMFStoreCommandWithException<T> Abstract superclass for commands that are run on the EMFStore command stack and can throw eceptions.
EMFStoreCommandWithParameter<T> Command with a parameter.
EMFStoreCommandWithParameterAndResult<T,U> Command that can buffer a result for later retrieval.
EMFStoreCommandWithResult<T> Command that can buffer a result for later retrieval.
EMFStoreCommandWithResultAndException<T,E> Command that can buffer a result for later retrieval.
ModelAdapterFactory The Adapter Factory for the model.
ModelSwitch<T> The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
PeriodicProjectSpaceTask Class that enables to decorate a ProjectSpace with a task that gets executed periodically.
ResourceHelper Helper for resource operations.
WorkspaceUtil Workspace utility class.

Enum Summary
ChecksumErrorHandler Pre-defined error handlers.

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