Package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.model

Interface Summary
AdminBroker Interface for administrative services of the EMFStore.
ModelFactory The Factory for the model.
ModelPackage The Package for the model.
ModelPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
PendingFileTransfer A representation of the model object 'Pending File Transfer'.
ProjectSpace A representation of the model object ' Project Container'.
ServerInfo A representation of the model object ' Server Info'.
Usersession A representation of the model object ' Usersession'.
Workspace A representation of the model object ' Workspace'.

Class Summary
Activator Activator of workspace plugin.
CompositeOperationHandle A handle to control a composite operation during recording.
Configuration Represents the current Workspace Configuration.
ESWorkspaceProviderImpl Controller for workspaces.
Messages Messages related to internal model usage of the client.
WorkspaceLocator This class maintains a mapping for each workspace provider to its ID.

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