Interface ConflictResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConflictResolver, MergeProjectHandler

public interface ConflictResolver

Represents a controller that can merge conflicting changes resulting in a list of changes that is not conflicting any more.

koegel, wesendon

Method Summary
 boolean resolveConflicts(Project project, ChangeConflictSet changeConflict)
          Resolves all conflicts between the given change packages "theirs" and the given local operations.

Method Detail


boolean resolveConflicts(Project project,
                         ChangeConflictSet changeConflict)
Resolves all conflicts between the given change packages "theirs" and the given local operations.

project - the project at the time were all local changes are already applied and their operations are NOT, in other words the base version plus local operations
changeConflict - the ChangeConflictSet that needs to be resolved
true if the merge can proceed, false if it has to be cancelled

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