Package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.fuzzy.emf.junit

Interface Summary
ESFuzzyDataProvider<T> A Data Provider for the JUnit Runner: ESFuzzyRunner.

An implementation of it must have a zero-parameter constructor.
ESFuzzyUtil Marker Interface for utility classes in test classes using the ESFuzzyRunner.

Class Summary
Annotations Annotations used in tests using the ESFuzzyRunner.
ESDefaultModelMutator Implementation of AbstractModelMutator with empty preMutate and postMutate methods.
ESFuzzyRunner A Runner for JUnit, to realize multiple runs with different values for a data field.
ESFuzzyTest Class to get a connection between a test and a specific run of it.
Messages Fuzzy API related messages.

Annotation Types Summary
Annotations.Data Annotation to declare the field in the test, where to set the data.
Annotations.DataProvider An annotation to set the fuzzy data provider for the ESFuzzyRunner.
Annotations.Mutator An annotation to set the model mutator that is used by the data provider.
Annotations.Options An optional annotation to declare options to use in the fuzzy data provider.
Annotations.Util Annotations to declare the field for the ESFuzzyUtil.

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