
Interface Summary
ESCheckoutObserver Observer that notifies on new checkouts.
ESCommitObserver An observer which waits for commit notifications and authorizes the commit procedure.
ESExceptionObserver Observes exceptions and tries to handle them.
ESLoginObserver Observes a login of a session.
ESLogoutObserver Observes a logout of a session.
ESMergeObserver Callback that is called during the merge process.
The life-cycle of the merging process can be divided into three steps: first all local changes are reverted then the remote changes are applied finally, the local changes are re-applied The changes being applied in the 2nd and 3rd steps are filtered by means of a conflict resolver.
ESPostCreationObserver Enables the modification of attributes of newly created model elements.
ESSaveStateChangedObserver Listener for changes to the save state (project is fully saved or still dirty) of a ESLocalProject.
ESShareObserver Observer that is notified when a share completed successfully.
ESUpdateObserver Notifies the UI that a list of changes will be automatically merged with the current model state.
ESWorkspaceInitObserver Called when the workspace is initiated.

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