Uses of Class

Packages that use ESCertificateException

Uses of ESCertificateException in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.client.provider

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.client.provider that throw ESCertificateException
 void ESKeyStoreManager.addCertificate(String alias, InputStream certificate)
          Adds a certificate to the KeyStore.
 void ESKeyStoreManager.addCertificate(String alias, String path)
          Adds a certificate to the KeyStore.
 boolean ESKeyStoreManager.certificateExists(String alias)
          Checks whether a certificate for a given alias exists.

Uses of ESCertificateException in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.model.connectionmanager

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.model.connectionmanager that throw ESCertificateException
 void KeyStoreManager.addCertificate(String alias, InputStream certificate)
          Adds a certificate to the KeyStore.
 void KeyStoreManager.addCertificate(String alias, String path)
          Adds a certificate to the KeyStore.
 boolean KeyStoreManager.certificateExists(String alias)
          Checks whether a certificate for a given alias exists.
 boolean KeyStoreManager.contains(String alias)
          Returns true if the given alias maps to an existing certificate.
 void KeyStoreManager.deleteCertificate(String alias)
          Deletes a certificate in the keystore.
 Certificate KeyStoreManager.getCertificate(String alias)
          Returns the certificate mapped by the given alias.
 ArrayList<String> KeyStoreManager.getCertificates()
          Lists all certificates in the client's KeyStore.
 SSLContext KeyStoreManager.getSSLContext()
          Returns a SSL Context.
 void KeyStoreManager.reloadKeyStore()
          Reloads the keystore.
 void KeyStoreManager.removeCertificate(String alias)
          Remove certificate with the given alias.

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