Viewing the status of the protocol plug-in server process

System administrators can view the status of the protocol plug-in server process by using the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method.

To view the status of the protocol plug-in server process, use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:


Note: The status of the protocol plug-in server process is also returned as part of the data that is returned from the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following URI:


The following protocol plug-in server status information is returned:
The status of the protocol plug-in server process. Possible values, and their meanings, are:
The protocol plug-in server process is running. The protocol plug-in is active after you install a protocol plug-in.
The protocol plug-in server process is not running.
Whether the protocol plug-in server process is enabled. Possible values, and their meanings, are:
The protocol plug-in server process is enabled. The protocol plug-in server process is enabled when you restart the plug-in server process after you install a protocol plug-in.
The protocol plug-in server process is not enabled. The protocol plug-in server process is disabled when you restart the plug-in server process after you delete all protocol plug-ins.

The following example demonstrates displaying the status of the protocol plug-in server process when no protocol plug-ins are installed by using cURL.

curl -X GET

The following example shows an example response to the GET method:

  "Plugin": { 
    "Status": "Inactive",
    "Enabled": false