Uses of Class

Packages that use SWTBotWidget

Uses of SWTBotWidget in org.eclipse.swtbot.forms.finder.widgets

Classes in org.eclipse.swtbot.forms.finder.widgets with annotations of type SWTBotWidget
 class SWTBotHyperlink
          This represents a Hyperlink widget.
 class SWTBotImageHyperlink
          This represents a ImageHyperlink widget.

Uses of SWTBotWidget in org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets

Classes in org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets with annotations of type SWTBotWidget
 class SWTBotBrowser
          This represents a Browser widget.
 class SWTBotButton
          This represents a Button widget of type SWT.PUSH.
 class SWTBotCCombo
          This represents a CCombo widget.
 class SWTBotCheckBox
          Represents a checkbox Button of type SWT.CHECK.
 class SWTBotCLabel
          This represents a CLabel widget.
 class SWTBotCombo
 class SWTBotCTabItem
 class SWTBotDateTime
 class SWTBotExpandBar
          Represents an ExpandBar.
 class SWTBotLabel
          This represents a Label widget.
 class SWTBotLink
          This represents a Link widget.
 class SWTBotList
 class SWTBotRadio
          Represents a radio Button of type SWT.RADIO.
 class SWTBotScale
          Represents a scale
 class SWTBotShell
 class SWTBotSlider
          Represents a slider.
 class SWTBotSpinner
          Represents a spinner.
 class SWTBotStyledText
 class SWTBotTabItem
 class SWTBotTable
 class SWTBotText
          This represents a Text widget.
 class SWTBotToggleButton
          Represents a toggle button Button of type SWT.TOGGLE.
 class SWTBotToolbarDropDownButton
          This represents a toolbar item that is a drop down button.
 class SWTBotToolbarPushButton
 class SWTBotToolbarRadioButton
          Represents a tool item of type checkbox
 class SWTBotToolbarSeparatorButton
          This represents a toolbar item that is a separator.
 class SWTBotToolbarToggleButton
          Represents a tool item of type checkbox
 class SWTBotTree