Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use AccessibleEditableTextEvent

Uses of AccessibleEditableTextEvent in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility with parameters of type AccessibleEditableTextEvent
 void AccessibleEditableTextAdapter.copyText(AccessibleEditableTextEvent e)
          Copies the substring beginning at the specified start offset and extending to the character at offset end - 1 to the clipboard.
 void AccessibleEditableTextListener.copyText(AccessibleEditableTextEvent e)
          Copies the substring beginning at the specified start offset and extending to the character at offset end - 1 to the clipboard.
 void AccessibleEditableTextAdapter.cutText(AccessibleEditableTextEvent e)
          Moves the substring beginning at the specified start offset and extending to the character at offset end - 1 to the clipboard.
 void AccessibleEditableTextListener.cutText(AccessibleEditableTextEvent e)
          Moves the substring beginning at the specified start offset and extending to the character at offset end - 1 to the clipboard.
 void AccessibleEditableTextAdapter.pasteText(AccessibleEditableTextEvent e)
          Inserts the text in the clipboard at the leading edge of the specified start offset.
 void AccessibleEditableTextListener.pasteText(AccessibleEditableTextEvent e)
          Inserts the text in the clipboard at the leading edge of the specified start offset.
 void AccessibleEditableTextAdapter.replaceText(AccessibleEditableTextEvent e)
          Replaces the substring beginning at the specified start offset and extending to the character at offset end - 1 by the specified string.
 void AccessibleEditableTextListener.replaceText(AccessibleEditableTextEvent e)
          Replaces the substring beginning at the specified start offset and extending to the character at offset end - 1 by the specified string.

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

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