Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Class AccessibleValueAdapter

  extended by org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleValueAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AccessibleValueAdapter
extends java.lang.Object
implements AccessibleValueListener

This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods in the AccessibleValueListener interface.

Classes that wish to deal with AccessibleValue events can extend this class and override only the methods that they are interested in.

See Also:
AccessibleValueListener, AccessibleValueEvent

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void getCurrentValue(AccessibleValueEvent e)
          Returns the value of this object as a number.
 void getMaximumValue(AccessibleValueEvent e)
          Returns the maximum value that can be represented by this object.
 void getMinimumValue(AccessibleValueEvent e)
          Returns the minimum value that can be represented by this object.
 void setCurrentValue(AccessibleValueEvent e)
          Sets the value of this object to the given number.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AccessibleValueAdapter()
Method Detail


public void getCurrentValue(AccessibleValueEvent e)
Returns the value of this object as a number.

Specified by:
getCurrentValue in interface AccessibleValueListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [out] value - the number that is the current value of this object


public void setCurrentValue(AccessibleValueEvent e)
Sets the value of this object to the given number. The argument is clipped to the valid interval whose upper and lower bounds are returned by getMaximumValue and getMinimumValue, i.e. if it is lower than the minimum value the new value will be the minimum, and if it is greater than the maximum then the new value will be the maximum.

Specified by:
setCurrentValue in interface AccessibleValueListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in/out] value - on input, the number that will be the new value of this object
    - on output, set to null if the value cannot be set


public void getMaximumValue(AccessibleValueEvent e)
Returns the maximum value that can be represented by this object.

Specified by:
getMaximumValue in interface AccessibleValueListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [out] value - the number that is the maximum value that this object can represent. If this object has no upper bound then null is returned.


public void getMinimumValue(AccessibleValueEvent e)
Returns the minimum value that can be represented by this object.

Specified by:
getMinimumValue in interface AccessibleValueListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [out] value - the number that is the minimum value that this object can represent. If this object has no lower bound then null is returned.

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

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