Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Class AccessibleTextAdapter

  extended by org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleTextAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AccessibleTextAdapter
extends java.lang.Object
implements AccessibleTextListener

This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the AccessibleTextListener interface.

Classes that wish to deal with AccessibleTextEvents can extend this class and override only the methods that they are interested in.

Note: Accessibility clients use child identifiers to specify whether they want information about a control or one of its children. Child identifiers are increasing integers beginning with 0. The identifier CHILDID_SELF represents the control itself. When returning a child identifier to a client, you may use CHILDID_NONE to indicate that no child or control has the required information.

Note: This adapter is typically used by implementors of a custom control to provide very detailed information about the control instance to accessibility clients.

See Also:
AccessibleTextListener, AccessibleTextEvent, Sample code and further information

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void getCaretOffset(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Sent when an accessibility client requests the current character offset of the text caret.
 void getSelectionRange(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Sent when an accessibility client requests the range of the current text selection.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AccessibleTextAdapter()
Method Detail


public void getCaretOffset(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Sent when an accessibility client requests the current character offset of the text caret. The default behavior is to do nothing.

Return the caret offset in the offset field of the event object.

Specified by:
getCaretOffset in interface AccessibleTextListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • childID [IN] - an identifier specifying a child of the control
  • offset [OUT] - the current offset of the text caret


public void getSelectionRange(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Sent when an accessibility client requests the range of the current text selection. The default behavior is to do nothing.

Return the selection start offset and non-negative length in the offset and length fields of the event object.

Specified by:
getSelectionRange in interface AccessibleTextListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • childID [IN] - an identifier specifying a child of the control
  • offset [OUT] - the offset of the current text selection
  • length [OUT] - the length of the current text selection

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

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