Class RemoteConstants

  extended by

public class RemoteConstants
extends java.lang.Object

ECF Remote Service Admin RemoteConstants. These are constants for ECF's RSA implementation-specific meta-data. For OSGi Remote constant see RemoteConstants and the OSGI 4.2 Remote Service Admin specification (chap 122).

Field Summary
          ECF service name default prefix.
static java.lang.String DISCOVERY_NAMING_AUTHORITY
          ECF discovery naming authority property.
static java.lang.String DISCOVERY_PROTOCOLS
          ECF discovery protocols property.
static java.lang.String DISCOVERY_SCOPE
          ECF discovery scope property.
static java.lang.String DISCOVERY_SERVICE_NAME
          ECF discovery service name property.
static java.lang.String DISCOVERY_SERVICE_TYPE
          ECF discovery service type for Remote Service Admin.
static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_CONNECTTARGET_ID
          Optional ECF EndpointDescription property (with value of type String) that defines a connect target ID.
          Optional ECF EndpointDescription property (with value of type String) that defines the unique Namespace name.
static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_IDFILTER_IDS
          Optional ECF EndpointDescription property (with value of type String+) that defines one or more IDs used for filtering remote service references during RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription) .
          Optional ECF EndpointDescription property (with value of type String), that defines a remote services properties filter used during RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription) .
          Container connect context for exported remote service hosts.
          Container factory arguments for exported remote service hosts.
          Container ID of the target host container for remote service export.
static java.lang.String SERVICE_IMPORTED_ENDPOINT_ID
          This property is set on the remote service proxy during RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription) , before local service proxy registration.
          This property is set on the remote service proxy during RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription) , before local service proxy registration.
static java.lang.String SERVICE_IMPORTED_VALUETYPE
          Allows exporting ECF containers to determine the type of value associated with the RemoteConstants.SERVICE_IMPORTED property on the OSGi remote service consumer.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String DISCOVERY_SERVICE_TYPE
ECF discovery service type for Remote Service Admin. All ECF remote services published by Remote Service Admin advertisers should have this value as one of the entries in the list returned from IServiceTypeID.getServices().

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DISCOVERY_SCOPE
ECF discovery scope property. Value type is String+. If set, the value will be used by the IServiceInfoFactory during IServiceInfoFactory.createServiceInfo(org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryAdvertiser, EndpointDescription) to create an IServiceTypeID via IServiceIDFactory.createServiceTypeID(org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.Namespace, String[], String[], String[], String) . The scopes value determines the third parameter. If not explicitly set, the IServiceTypeID.DEFAULT_SCOPE is used.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DISCOVERY_PROTOCOLS
ECF discovery protocols property. Value type is String+. If set, the value will be used by the IServiceInfoFactory during IServiceInfoFactory.createServiceInfo(org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryAdvertiser, EndpointDescription) to create an IServiceTypeID via IServiceIDFactory.createServiceTypeID(org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.Namespace, String[], String[], String[], String) . The protocols value determines the fourth parameter. If not explicitly set, the IServiceTypeID.DEFAULT_PROTO is used.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DISCOVERY_NAMING_AUTHORITY
ECF discovery naming authority property. Value type is String. If set, the value will be used by the IServiceInfoFactory during IServiceInfoFactory.createServiceInfo(org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryAdvertiser, EndpointDescription) to create an IServiceTypeID via IServiceIDFactory.createServiceTypeID(org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.Namespace, String[], String[], String[], String) . The protocols value determines the fifth parameter. If not explicitly set, the IServiceTypeID.DEFAULT_NA is used.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DISCOVERY_SERVICE_NAME
ECF discovery service name property. Value type is String. If set, the value will be used by the IServiceInfoFactory during IServiceInfoFactory.createServiceInfo(org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryAdvertiser, EndpointDescription) to create an IServiceInfo with a given name. The default is a globally unique identifier. Note that if this value is explicitly set, care should be taken to not have the name conflict with other remote service names.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DISCOVERY_DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME_PREFIX
ECF service name default prefix. If the DISCOVERY_SERVICE_NAME is not set, this prefix will be the precede the unique identifier.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_CONTAINER_ID_NAMESPACE
Optional ECF EndpointDescription property (with value of type String) that defines the unique Namespace name. If present in the EndpointDescription, the value will be used to create the containerID for accessing a remote service. The Namespace name is optional because typically the ID protocol specifier (e.g. 'ecftcp' in ID with name: 'ecftcp://localhost:3282/server') can be used to unambiguously determine the appropriate Namespace used to create the container ID for remote service import.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_CONNECTTARGET_ID
Optional ECF EndpointDescription property (with value of type String) that defines a connect target ID. If set/non-null, this property can be used by remote service consumers to connect to a specific container, and access a remote service exposed by some other member of the group.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_IDFILTER_IDS
Optional ECF EndpointDescription property (with value of type String+) that defines one or more IDs used for filtering remote service references during RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription) .

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_REMOTESERVICE_FILTER
Optional ECF EndpointDescription property (with value of type String), that defines a remote services properties filter used during RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription) .

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_SERVICE_IMPORTED_CONFIGS_VALUE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_EXPORTED_CONTAINER_FACTORY_ARGS
Container factory arguments for exported remote service hosts. If specified as a service property upon remote service registration, this property allows ECF containers to be initialized and configured upon creation during the call to HostContainerSelector.selectHostContainers(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference, String[], String[], String[]) . The type of the value may be String, ID, or Object[]. The IContainerFactory.createContainer method is then selected based upon the type of the value...i.e. IContainerFactory.createContainer(org.eclipse.ecf.core.ContainerTypeDescription, String) , IContainerFactory.createContainer(org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.ID) , or IContainerFactory.createContainer(String, Object[]), and the value is passed in for container creation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_EXPORTED_CONTAINER_CONNECT_CONTEXT
Container connect context for exported remote service hosts. If specified as a service property for remote service export, this property allows ECF containers to have given a connect context for authentication upon container connection by HostContainerSelector.selectHostContainers(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference, String[], String[], String[]) . The type of the value is IConnectContext.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_EXPORTED_CONTAINER_ID
Container ID of the target host container for remote service export. If specified as a service property for remote service export, this property is used to match against the set of available containers in HostContainerSelector.selectHostContainers(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference, String[], String[], String[]) . The type of the value is ID.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_IMPORTED_VALUETYPE
Allows exporting ECF containers to determine the type of value associated with the RemoteConstants.SERVICE_IMPORTED property on the OSGi remote service consumer. For ECF, the default value type is IRemoteService. If set to some other value (e.g. Boolean by the exporting host container, then consumers can use the SERVICE_IMPORTED value appropriately.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_IMPORTED_ENDPOINT_ID
This property is set on the remote service proxy during RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription) , before local service proxy registration. It's String value is set to the value returned from EndpointDescription.getId(). It allows those accessing the remote service proxy to get information about the endpoint id.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_IMPORTED_ENDPOINT_SERVICE_ID
This property is set on the remote service proxy during RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription) , before local service proxy registration. It's Long value is set to the value returned from EndpointDescription.getServiceId() . It allows those accessing the remote service proxy to get information about the endpoint remote service id.

See Also:
Constant Field Values