Class DnsSdDiscoveryLocator

  extended by org.eclipse.ecf.core.AbstractContainer
      extended by org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.AbstractDiscoveryContainerAdapter
          extended by org.eclipse.ecf.provider.dnssd.DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter
              extended by org.eclipse.ecf.provider.dnssd.DnsSdDiscoveryLocator
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable, IContainer, IIdentifiable, IDiscoveryAdvertiser, IDiscoveryLocator

public class DnsSdDiscoveryLocator
extends DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.ecf.provider.dnssd.DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.ecf.provider.dnssd.DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter
resolver, targetID
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.AbstractDiscoveryContainerAdapter
allServiceListeners, serviceListeners, servicesNamespaceName, serviceTypeListeners
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryLocator
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.IDiscoveryAdvertiser
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void connect(ID aTargetID, IConnectContext connectContext)
          Connect to a target remote process or process group.
 java.lang.String getContainerName()
 IServiceInfo getServiceInfo(IServiceID aServiceId)
          Synchronously retrieve info about the service
 IServiceInfo[] getServices()
          Synchronously get service info about all known services
 IServiceInfo[] getServices(IServiceTypeID aServiceTypeId)
          Synchronously get service info about all known services of given service type
 IServiceTypeID[] getServiceTypes()
          This always returns the service type found for our local domain Use org.eclipse.ecf.provider.dnssrv.DnsSrvDisocoveryLocator.getServices(IServiceTypeID) with a wildcard query instead.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ecf.provider.dnssd.DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter
disconnect, getBrowsingOrRegistrationDomains, getConnectedID, getRecords, getSearchPath, getSRVRecord, getSRVRecords, getSRVRecords, registerService, setResolver, setSearchPath, setTsigKey, unregisterService
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ecf.discovery.AbstractDiscoveryContainerAdapter
addServiceListener, addServiceListener, addServiceTypeListener, clearListeners, dispose, fireServiceDiscovered, fireServiceTypeDiscovered, fireServiceUndiscovered, getAsyncServiceInfo, getAsyncServices, getAsyncServices, getAsyncServiceTypes, getConfig, getConnectNamespace, getID, getListeners, getServiceEvent, getServicesNamespace, purgeCache, removeServiceListener, removeServiceListener, removeServiceTypeListener, unregisterAllServices
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ecf.core.AbstractContainer
addListener, fireContainerEvent, getAdapter, getPasswordFromConnectContext, removeListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable

Constructor Detail


public DnsSdDiscoveryLocator()
Method Detail


public IServiceInfo getServiceInfo(IServiceID aServiceId)
Description copied from interface: IDiscoveryLocator
Synchronously retrieve info about the service

Specified by:
getServiceInfo in interface IDiscoveryLocator
getServiceInfo in class DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter
aServiceId - IServiceID of the service to get info about. Must not be null.
IServiceInfo the service info retrieved. null if no information retrievable.


public IServiceTypeID[] getServiceTypes()
This always returns the service type found for our local domain Use org.eclipse.ecf.provider.dnssrv.DnsSrvDisocoveryLocator.getServices(IServiceTypeID) with a wildcard query instead.

Specified by:
getServiceTypes in interface IDiscoveryLocator
getServiceTypes in class DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter
IServiceTypeID[] the resulting array of service type IDs. Will not be null. May be of length 0.
See Also:


public IServiceInfo[] getServices()
Description copied from interface: IDiscoveryLocator
Synchronously get service info about all known services

Specified by:
getServices in interface IDiscoveryLocator
getServices in class DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter
IServiceInfo[] the resulting array of service info instances. Will not be null. May be of length 0.


public IServiceInfo[] getServices(IServiceTypeID aServiceTypeId)
Description copied from interface: IDiscoveryLocator
Synchronously get service info about all known services of given service type

Specified by:
getServices in interface IDiscoveryLocator
getServices in class DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter
aServiceTypeId - IServiceTypeID defining the type of service we are interested in getting service info about. Must not be null
IServiceInfo[] the resulting array of service info instances. Will not be null. May be of length 0.


public void connect(ID aTargetID,
                    IConnectContext connectContext)
             throws ContainerConnectException
Description copied from interface: IContainer
Connect to a target remote process or process group. The target identified by the first parameter (targetID) is connected the implementation class. If authentication information is required, the required information is given via via the second parameter (connectContext). Callers note that depending upon the provider implementation this method may block. It is suggested that callers use a separate thread to call this method. This method provides an implementation independent way for container implementations to connect, authenticate, and communicate with a remote service or group of services. Providers are responsible for implementing this operation in a way appropriate to the given remote service (or group) via expected protocol.

Specified by:
connect in interface IContainer
Specified by:
connect in class DnsSdDiscoveryContainerAdapter
aTargetID - the ID of the remote server or group to connect to. See IContainer.getConnectNamespace() for a explanation of the constraints upon this parameter.
connectContext - any required context to allow this container to authenticate. May be null if underlying provider does not have any authentication requirements for connection.
ContainerConnectException - thrown if communication cannot be established with remote service. Causes can include network connection failure, authentication failure, server error, or if container is already connected.


public java.lang.String getContainerName()
Specified by:
getContainerName in class AbstractDiscoveryContainerAdapter
The name of this discovery container