Uses of Class

Packages that use ElementCSImpl

Uses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.impl

Subclasses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.impl
 class AnnotationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Annotation CS'.
 class AnnotationElementCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Annotation Element CS'.
 class AttributeCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Attribute CS'.
 class ClassCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Class CS'.
 class ClassifierCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Classifier CS'.
 class ConstraintCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Constraint CS'.
 class DataTypeCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Data Type CS'.
 class DetailCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Detail CS'.
 class DocumentationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Documentation CS'.
 class ElementRefCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Element Ref CS'.
 class EnumerationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Enum CS'.
 class EnumerationLiteralCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Enum Literal CS'.
 class ImportCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Import CS'.
 class LambdaTypeCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Lambda Type CS'.
 class LibraryCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Library CS'.
 class ModelElementCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Model Element CS'.
 class ModelElementRefCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Model Element Ref CS'.
 class MultiplicityBoundsCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Integer Multiplicity CS'.
 class MultiplicityStringCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'String Multiplicity CS'.
 class NamedElementCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Named Element CS'.
 class OperationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Operation CS'.
 class PackageCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Package CS'.
 class PackageOwnerCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Package Owner CS'.
 class ParameterCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Parameter CS'.
 class PathElementCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Simple Named Element Ref CS'.
 class PathElementWithURICSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Path Element With URICS'.
 class PathNameCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Qualified Element Ref CS'.
 class PivotableElementCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Pivotable Element CS'.
 class PrimitiveTypeRefCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Primitive Type Ref CS'.
 class ReferenceCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Reference CS'.
 class RootPackageCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Root Package CS'.
 class SpecificationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Specification CS'.
 class StructuralFeatureCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Structural Feature CS'.
 class TemplateBindingCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Template Binding CS'.
 class TemplateParameterCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Template Parameter CS'.
 class TemplateParameterSubstitutionCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Template Parameter Substitution CS'.
 class TemplateSignatureCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Template Signature CS'.
 class TuplePartCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Tuple Part CS'.
 class TupleTypeCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Tuple Type CS'.
 class TypedElementCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Typed Element CS'.
 class TypedRefCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Typed Ref CS'.
 class TypedTypeRefCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Typed Type Ref CS'.
 class TypeParameterCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Type Parameter CS'.
 class TypeRefCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Type CS Ref'.
 class WildcardTypeRefCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Wildcard Type Ref CS'.

Uses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.completeoclcs.impl

Subclasses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.completeoclcs.impl
 class ClassifierContextDeclCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Classifier Context Decl CS'.
 class CompleteOCLDocumentCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Document CS'.
 class ContextDeclCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Context Decl CS'.
 class DefCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Def CS'.
 class DefOperationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Def Operation CS'.
 class DefPropertyCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Def Property CS'.
 class FeatureContextDeclCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Feature Context Decl CS'.
 class IncludeCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Include CS'.
 class OCLMessageArgCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Ocl Message Arg CS'.
 class OperationContextDeclCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Operation Context Decl CS'.
 class PackageDeclarationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Package Declaration CS'.
 class PathNameDeclCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Named Element Decl CS'.
 class PropertyContextDeclCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Property Context Decl CS'.

Uses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.essentialoclcs.impl

Subclasses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.essentialoclcs.impl
 class BinaryOperatorCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Binary Operator CS'.
 class BooleanLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Boolean Literal Exp CS'.
 class CollectionLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Collection Literal Exp CS'.
 class CollectionLiteralPartCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Collection Literal Part CS'.
 class CollectionTypeCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Collection Type CS'.
 class ConstructorExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Constructor Exp CS'.
 class ConstructorPartCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Constructor Part CS'.
 class ContextCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Context CS'.
 class ExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Ocl Expression CS'.
 class ExpSpecificationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Exp Constraint CS'.
 class IfExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'If Exp CS'.
 class IndexExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Index Exp CS'.
 class InfixExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Binary Expression CS'.
 class InvalidLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Invalid Literal Exp CS'.
 class InvocationExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Navigating Exp CS'.
 class LetExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Let Exp CS'.
 class LetVariableCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Variable CS'.
 class LiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Literal Exp CS'.
 class NamedExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Named Exp CS'.
 class NameExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Named Element Ref CS'.
 class NavigatingArgCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Navigating Arg CS'.
 class NavigationOperatorCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Navigation Operator CS'.
 class NestedExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Nested Exp CS'.
 class NullLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Null Literal Exp CS'.
 class NumberLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Number Literal Exp CS'.
 class OperatorCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Operator CS'.
 class PrefixExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Unary Expression CS'.
 class PrimitiveLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Primitive Literal Exp CS'.
 class SelfExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Variable Exp CS'.
 class StringLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'String Literal Exp CS'.
 class TupleLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Tuple Literal Exp CS'.
 class TupleLiteralPartCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Tuple Literal Part CS'.
 class TypeLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Type Literal Exp CS'.
 class TypeNameExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Type Name Exp CS'.
 class UnaryOperatorCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Unary Operator CS'.
 class UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Unlimited Natural Literal Exp CS'.
 class VariableCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Variable CS'.

Uses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.oclinecorecs.impl

Subclasses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.oclinecorecs.impl
 class OCLinEcoreConstraintCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Constraint CS'.
 class SysMLCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Sys MLCS'.
 class TopLevelCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Top Level CS'.

Uses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.oclstdlibcs.impl

Subclasses of ElementCSImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.oclstdlibcs.impl
 class LibClassCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Lib Class CS'.
 class LibConstraintCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Lib Constraint CS'.
 class LibIterationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Lib Iteration CS'.
 class LibOperationCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Lib Operation CS'.
 class LibPackageCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Lib Package CS'.
 class LibPropertyCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Lib Property CS'.
 class LibRootPackageCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Lib Root Package CS'.
 class MetaTypeNameImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Meta Type Name'.
 class PrecedenceCSImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'Precedence CS'.