Uses of Class

Packages that use BranchingTracebackStep

Uses of BranchingTracebackStep in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope.traceback

Subclasses of BranchingTracebackStep in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope.traceback
 class CollectionLiteralTracebackStep
          When a CollectionLiteralExp is traced back, it calls the TracebackStep.traceback(AnnotatedEObject, UnusedEvaluationRequestSet, TracebackCache, Notification) function for the item of those parts, which are instance of CollectionItem, forwarding the source object, the (possibly modified) pendingUnusedEvalRequests and the tracebackCache.
 class IfTracebackStep
          When a IfExp is traced back, it calls the TracebackStep.traceback(AnnotatedEObject, UnusedEvaluationRequestSet, TracebackCache, Notification) function for its then-expression and its else-expression, forwarding the source object, the (possibly modified) pendingUnusedEvalRequests and the tracebackCache.
 class IterateTracebackStep
 class LetTracebackStep
          When a LetExp is traced back, it calls the TracebackStep.traceback(AnnotatedEObject, UnusedEvaluationRequestSet, TracebackCache, Notification) function for its in-expression, forwarding the source object, the (possibly modified) pendingUnusedEvalRequests and the tracebackCache.
 class OperationCallTracebackStep
 class TupleLiteralTracebackStep
 class VariableTracebackStep
          The step produced will be invoked with the value for the variable.