Uses of Class

Packages that use LocalPlace

Uses of LocalPlace in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse

Subclasses of LocalPlace in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse
 class CatchPlace
          A CatchPlace describes either the body forest of CG trees for a catch expression.
 class ControlPlace
          A ControlPlace is associated with a location in the CG AST such as the then or else (but not condition) ig a CGIfExp at which child nodes cannot be hoisted without violating control dependencies.
static class IfPlaces.ElsePlace
          An ElsePlace describes the else forest of CG trees for an IF expression.
static class IfPlaces.ThenPlace
          A ThenPlace describes the then forest of CG trees for an IF expression.
 class InnerStackPlace
          An InnerStackPlace describes either the body forest of CG trees for a loop expression.
static class LetPlaces.InPlace
          A InPlace describes the in forest of CG trees for a Let expression.
 class OuterStackPlace
 class StackPlace
 class ThrowPlace
          A ThrowPlace describes either the body forest of CG trees for a throw expression.

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse declared as LocalPlace
protected  LocalPlace ControlPlace.parentPlace

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse that return LocalPlace
static LocalPlace CatchPlace.createCatchPlace(java.util.Map<CGElement,AbstractPlace> element2place, CGCatchExp cgCatchExp)
static LocalPlace IfPlaces.createIfPlaces(java.util.Map<CGElement,AbstractPlace> element2place, CGIfExp cgIfExp)
static LocalPlace InnerStackPlace.createInnerStackPlace(java.util.Map<CGElement,AbstractPlace> element2place, CGIterationCallExp cgLoopExp)
static LocalPlace LetPlaces.createLetPlaces(java.util.Map<CGElement,AbstractPlace> element2place, CGLetExp cgLetExp)
static LocalPlace ThrowPlace.createThrowPlace(java.util.Map<CGElement,AbstractPlace> element2place, CGThrowExp cgThrowExp)
protected static LocalPlace LocalPlace.getLocalPlace(AbstractPlace abstractPlace, CGElement cgElement)
protected static LocalPlace LocalPlace.getLocalPlace(java.util.Map<CGElement,AbstractPlace> element2place, CGElement cgElement)
 LocalPlace ControlPlace.getParentPlace()

Constructors in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse with parameters of type LocalPlace
ControlPlace(LocalPlace parentPlace, CGValuedElement cgElement)