Uses of Interface

Packages that use CGValuedElement

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.analyzer

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.analyzer that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement AutoAS2CGVisitor.visitOperationCallExp(OperationCallExp element)

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel

Subinterfaces of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel
 interface CGASTCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CGAST Call Exp'.
 interface CGContainmentBody
          A representation of the model object 'CG Containment Body'.
 interface CGContainmentPart
          A representation of the model object 'CG Containment Part'.
 interface CGContainmentVisit
          A representation of the model object 'CG Containment Visit'.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement CGContainmentPart.getInit()
          Returns the value of the 'Init' containment reference.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel with parameters of type CGValuedElement
 void CGContainmentPart.setInit(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Init' containment reference.

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel.impl

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel.impl that implement CGValuedElement
 class CGASTCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CGAST Call Exp'.
 class CGContainmentBodyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Containment Body'.
 class CGContainmentPartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Containment Part'.
 class CGContainmentVisitImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Containment Visit'.

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel.impl declared as CGValuedElement
protected  CGValuedElement CGContainmentPartImpl.init
          The cached value of the 'Init' containment reference.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel.impl that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement CGContainmentPartImpl.getInit()

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel.impl with parameters of type CGValuedElement
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGContainmentPartImpl.basicSetInit(CGValuedElement newInit, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 java.lang.Boolean CGContainmentBodyImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGContainmentPartImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 void CGContainmentPartImpl.setInit(CGValuedElement newInit)

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel.util

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel.util with parameters of type CGValuedElement
 T AutoCGModelSwitch.caseCGValuedElement(CGValuedElement object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'CG Valued Element'.

Uses of CGValuedElement in

Fields in with type parameters of type CGValuedElement
protected  java.util.List<CGValuedElement> AutoCG2JavaVisitor.sortedGlobals

Methods in that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement AutoGlobalContext.getIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
 CGValuedElement AutoLocalContext.getIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
protected  CGValuedElement AutoCG2JavaPreVisitor.installIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)

Methods in with parameters of type CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement AutoGlobalContext.getIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
 CGValuedElement AutoLocalContext.getIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
protected  CGValuedElement AutoCG2JavaPreVisitor.installIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type CGValuedElement
AutoCG2JavaVisitor(AutoCodeGenerator codeGenerator, CGPackage cgPackage, java.util.List<CGValuedElement> sortedGlobals)

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.analyzer

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.analyzer that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement CodeGenAnalyzer.getExpression(CGValuedElement cgExpression)
 CGValuedElement DependencyVisitor.getPrimaryElement(CGValuedElement cgElement)
protected  CGValuedElement AS2CGVisitor.inlineOperationCall(OperationCallExp callExp, OpaqueExpression bodyExpression)
static CGValuedElement CGUtils.replace(CGValuedElement oldElement, CGValuedElement newElement)
          Replace oldElement by newElement and return oldElement which is orphaned by the replacement.
 CGValuedElement CodeGenAnalyzer.replace(CGValuedElement oldElement, CGValuedElement newElement, java.lang.String messageTemplate, java.lang.Object... bindings)
          Replace oldElement by newElement and return oldElement which is orphaned by the replacement.
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsAssertNonNulled(CGValuedElement cgChild)
          Insert a CGAssertNonNullExp around cgChild.
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsBoxed(CGValuedElement cgChild)
          Insert a CGBoxExp around cgChild.
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsCast(CGVariableExp cgChild)
          Insert a CGCastExp around cgChild.
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsGuarded(CGValuedElement cgChild)
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsGuarded(CGValuedElement cgChild, java.lang.String message)
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsUnboxed(CGValuedElement cgChild)
          Insert a CGUnboxExp around cgChild.
 CGValuedElement AS2CGVisitor.visitExpressionInOCL(ExpressionInOCL element)
 CGValuedElement AS2CGVisitor.visiting(Visitable visitable)
 CGValuedElement AS2CGVisitor.visitOperationCallExp(OperationCallExp element)
 CGValuedElement AS2CGVisitor.visitOppositePropertyCallExp(OppositePropertyCallExp element)
 CGValuedElement AS2CGVisitor.visitPropertyCallExp(PropertyCallExp element)
 CGValuedElement AS2CGVisitor.visitVariableExp(VariableExp asVariableExp)

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.analyzer that return types with arguments of type CGValuedElement
 java.util.List<CGValuedElement> DependencyVisitor.getSortedDependencies(boolean isGlobal)

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.analyzer with parameters of type CGValuedElement
protected  void DependencyVisitor.addDependency(CGValuedElement cgElement, CGValuedElement dependsOn)
 CGValuedElement CodeGenAnalyzer.getExpression(CGValuedElement cgExpression)
 CGValuedElement DependencyVisitor.getPrimaryElement(CGValuedElement cgElement)
 int DependencyVisitor.getRootDepth(CGValuedElement cgElement)
protected  void FieldingAnalyzer.RewriteVisitor.insertCatch(CGValuedElement cgChild)
protected  void FieldingAnalyzer.RewriteVisitor.insertThrow(CGValuedElement cgChild)
static CGValuedElement CGUtils.replace(CGValuedElement oldElement, CGValuedElement newElement)
          Replace oldElement by newElement and return oldElement which is orphaned by the replacement.
 CGValuedElement CodeGenAnalyzer.replace(CGValuedElement oldElement, CGValuedElement newElement, java.lang.String messageTemplate, java.lang.Object... bindings)
          Replace oldElement by newElement and return oldElement which is orphaned by the replacement.
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsAssertNonNulled(CGValuedElement cgChild)
          Insert a CGAssertNonNullExp around cgChild.
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsBoxed(CGValuedElement cgChild)
          Insert a CGBoxExp around cgChild.
protected  void FieldingAnalyzer.RewriteVisitor.rewriteAsCaught(CGValuedElement cgChild)
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsGuarded(CGValuedElement cgChild)
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsGuarded(CGValuedElement cgChild, java.lang.String message)
protected  void FieldingAnalyzer.RewriteVisitor.rewriteAsThrown(CGValuedElement cgChild)
protected  CGValuedElement BoxingAnalyzer.rewriteAsUnboxed(CGValuedElement cgChild)
          Insert a CGUnboxExp around cgChild.
 void CodeGenAnalyzer.setConstant(CGValuedElement oldElement, CGValuedElement aConstant)
 void CodeGenAnalyzer.setExplicitNames(CGValuedElement cgValue, java.lang.Object anObject)
 void CodeGenAnalyzer.setNames(CGValuedElement cgValue, java.lang.Object anObject)
 java.lang.String CG2StringVisitor.visitCGValuedElement(CGValuedElement cgElement)
 java.lang.Boolean FieldingAnalyzer.RewriteVisitor.visitCGValuedElement(CGValuedElement cgElement)
static void CGUtils.wrap(CGCallExp wrapExp, CGValuedElement wrappedExp)
          Use wrapExp to wrap wrappedExp.

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel

Subinterfaces of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel
 interface CGAccumulator
          A representation of the model object 'CG Accumulator'.
 interface CGAssertNonNullExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Assert Non Null Exp'.
 interface CGBoolean
          A representation of the model object 'CG Boolean'.
 interface CGBoxExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Box Exp'.
 interface CGBuiltInIterationCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG While Exp'.
 interface CGCallable
          A representation of the model object 'CG Callable'.
 interface CGCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Call Exp'.
 interface CGCastExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Cast Exp'.
 interface CGCatchExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Catch Exp'.
 interface CGCollectionExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Collection Exp'.
 interface CGCollectionPart
          A representation of the model object 'CG Collection Part'.
 interface CGConstant
          A representation of the model object 'CG Global Constant'.
 interface CGConstantExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Literal Exp'.
 interface CGConstraint
          A representation of the model object 'CG Constraint'.
 interface CGConstructorExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Constructor Exp'.
 interface CGConstructorPart
          A representation of the model object 'CG Constructor Part'.
 interface CGEcoreClassConstructorExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Class Constructor Exp'.
 interface CGEcoreDataTypeConstructorExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Data Type Constructor Exp'.
 interface CGEcoreOperation
          A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Operation'.
 interface CGEcoreOperationCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Operation Call Exp'.
 interface CGEcoreOppositePropertyCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Opposite Property Call Exp'.
 interface CGEcorePropertyCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Property Call Exp'.
 interface CGElementId
          A representation of the model object 'CG Element Id'.
 interface CGExecutorCompositionProperty
          A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Composition Property'.
 interface CGExecutorConstructorPart
          A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Constructor Part'.
 interface CGExecutorNavigationProperty
          A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Navigation Property'.
 interface CGExecutorOperation
          A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Operation'.
 interface CGExecutorOperationCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Operation Call Exp'.
 interface CGExecutorOppositeProperty
          A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Opposite Property'.
 interface CGExecutorOppositePropertyCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Opposite Property Call Exp'.
 interface CGExecutorProperty
          A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Property'.
 interface CGExecutorPropertyCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Property Call Exp'.
 interface CGExecutorType
          A representation of the model object 'CG Type With Reflection'.
 interface CGFinalVariable
          A representation of the model object 'CG Final Variable'.
 interface CGGuardExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Guard Exp'.
 interface CGIfExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG If Exp'.
 interface CGInteger
          A representation of the model object 'CG Integer'.
 interface CGInvalid
          A representation of the model object 'CG Invalid'.
 interface CGIsEqualExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Is Equal Exp'.
 interface CGIsInvalidExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Is Invalid Exp'.
 interface CGIsUndefinedExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Is Undefined Exp'.
 interface CGIterationCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Iteration Call Exp'.
 interface CGIterator
          A representation of the model object 'CG Iterator'.
 interface CGLetExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Let Exp'.
 interface CGLibraryIterateCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Library Iterate Call Exp'.
 interface CGLibraryIterationCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Library Iteration Call Exp'.
 interface CGLibraryOperation
          A representation of the model object 'CG Library Operation'.
 interface CGLibraryOperationCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Library Operation Call Exp'.
 interface CGLibraryPropertyCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Library Property Call Exp'.
 interface CGLocalVariable
          A representation of the model object 'CG Variable'.
 interface CGNavigationCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Navigation Call Exp'.
 interface CGNull
          A representation of the model object 'CG Null'.
 interface CGNumber
          A representation of the model object 'CG Number'.
 interface CGOperation
          A representation of the model object 'CG Operation'.
 interface CGOperationCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Operation Call Exp'.
 interface CGOppositePropertyCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Opposite Property Call Exp'.
 interface CGParameter
          A representation of the model object 'CG Parameter'.
 interface CGProperty
          A representation of the model object 'CG Property'.
 interface CGPropertyCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Property Call Exp'.
 interface CGReal
          A representation of the model object 'CG Real'.
 interface CGSettableVariable
          A representation of the model object 'CG Settable Variable'.
 interface CGString
          A representation of the model object 'CG String'.
 interface CGText
          A representation of the model object 'CG Text'.
 interface CGTextParameter
          A representation of the model object 'CG Text Parameter'.
 interface CGThrowExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Throw Exp'.
 interface CGTupleExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Tuple Exp'.
 interface CGTuplePart
          A representation of the model object 'CG Tuple Part'.
 interface CGTuplePartCallExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Tuple Part Call Exp'.
 interface CGTypeExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Type Exp'.
 interface CGTypeId
          A representation of the model object 'CG Type'.
 interface CGUnboxExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Unbox Exp'.
 interface CGUnlimited
          A representation of the model object 'CG Infinity'.
 interface CGVariable
          A representation of the model object 'CG Variable Declaration'.
 interface CGVariableExp
          A representation of the model object 'CG Variable Exp'.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement CGIsEqualExp.getArgument()
          Returns the value of the 'Argument' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGCallable.getBody()
          Returns the value of the 'Body' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGIterationCallExp.getBody()
          Returns the value of the 'Body' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGProperty.getBody()
          Returns the value of the 'Body' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGIfExp.getCondition()
          Returns the value of the 'Condition' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGIfExp.getElseExpression()
          Returns the value of the 'Else Expression' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGCollectionPart.getFirst()
          Returns the value of the 'First' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGLetExp.getIn()
          Returns the value of the 'In' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGConstructorPart.getInit()
          Returns the value of the 'Init' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGTuplePart.getInit()
          Returns the value of the 'Init' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGVariable.getInit()
          Returns the value of the 'Init' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGCollectionPart.getLast()
          Returns the value of the 'Last' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElement.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGConstantExp.getReferredConstant()
          Returns the value of the 'Referred Constant' reference.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElement.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGCallExp.getSource()
          Returns the value of the 'Source' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElement.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGIfExp.getThenExpression()
          Returns the value of the 'Then Expression' containment reference.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElement.getThisValue()
          Return a simpler CGValuedElement that is fully equivalent to this element.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElement.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel that return types with arguments of type CGValuedElement
 java.util.List<CGValuedElement> CGOperationCallExp.getArguments()
          Returns the value of the 'Arguments' containment reference list.
 java.util.List<CGValuedElement> CGValuedElement.getDependsOn()
          Returns the value of the 'Depends On' reference list.
 java.util.List<CGValuedElement> CGValuedElement.getOwns()
          Returns the value of the 'Owns' containment reference list.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel with parameters of type CGValuedElement
 java.lang.Boolean CGValuedElement.isEquivalentTo(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Returns true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGValuedElement.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 boolean CGElement.rewriteAs(CGValuedElement oldValue, CGValuedElement newValue)
          Rewrite the reference to oldValue by newValue.
 void CGIsEqualExp.setArgument(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Argument' containment reference.
 void CGCallable.setBody(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Body' containment reference.
 void CGIterationCallExp.setBody(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Body' containment reference.
 void CGProperty.setBody(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Body' containment reference.
 void CGIfExp.setCondition(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Condition' containment reference.
 void CGIfExp.setElseExpression(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Else Expression' containment reference.
 void CGCollectionPart.setFirst(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'First' containment reference.
 void CGLetExp.setIn(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'In' containment reference.
 void CGConstructorPart.setInit(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Init' containment reference.
 void CGTuplePart.setInit(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Init' containment reference.
 void CGVariable.setInit(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Init' containment reference.
 void CGCollectionPart.setLast(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Last' containment reference.
 void CGConstantExp.setReferredConstant(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Referred Constant' reference.
 void CGCallExp.setSource(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Source' containment reference.
 void CGIfExp.setThenExpression(CGValuedElement value)
          Sets the value of the 'Then Expression' containment reference.

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.impl

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.impl that implement CGValuedElement
 class CGAccumulatorImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Accumulator'.
 class CGAssertNonNullExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Assert Non Null Exp'.
 class CGBooleanImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Boolean'.
 class CGBoxExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Box Exp'.
 class CGBuiltInIterationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Built In Iteration Call Exp'.
 class CGCallableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Callable'.
 class CGCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Call Exp'.
 class CGCastExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Cast Exp'.
 class CGCatchExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Catch Exp'.
 class CGCollectionExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Collection Exp'.
 class CGCollectionPartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Collection Part'.
 class CGConstantExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constant Exp'.
 class CGConstantImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constant'.
 class CGConstraintImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constraint'.
 class CGConstructorExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constructor Exp'.
 class CGConstructorPartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constructor Part'.
 class CGEcoreClassConstructorExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Class Constructor Exp'.
 class CGEcoreDataTypeConstructorExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Data Type Constructor Exp'.
 class CGEcoreOperationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Operation Call Exp'.
 class CGEcoreOperationImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Operation'.
 class CGEcoreOppositePropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Opposite Property Call Exp'.
 class CGEcorePropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Property Call Exp'.
 class CGElementIdImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Element Id'.
 class CGExecutorCompositionPropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Composition Property'.
 class CGExecutorConstructorPartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Constructor Part'.
 class CGExecutorNavigationPropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Navigation Property'.
 class CGExecutorOperationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Operation Call Exp'.
 class CGExecutorOperationImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Operation'.
 class CGExecutorOppositePropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Opposite Property Call Exp'.
 class CGExecutorOppositePropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Opposite Property'.
 class CGExecutorPropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Property Call Exp'.
 class CGExecutorPropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Property'.
 class CGExecutorTypeImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Type'.
 class CGFinalVariableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Final Variable'.
 class CGGuardExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Guard Exp'.
 class CGIfExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG If Exp'.
 class CGIntegerImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Integer'.
 class CGInvalidImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Invalid'.
 class CGIsEqualExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Is Equal Exp'.
 class CGIsInvalidExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Is Invalid Exp'.
 class CGIsUndefinedExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Is Undefined Exp'.
 class CGIterationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Iteration Call Exp'.
 class CGIteratorImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Iterator'.
 class CGLetExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Let Exp'.
 class CGLibraryIterateCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Iterate Call Exp'.
 class CGLibraryIterationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Iteration Call Exp'.
 class CGLibraryOperationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Operation Call Exp'.
 class CGLibraryOperationImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Operation'.
 class CGLibraryPropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Property Call Exp'.
 class CGLocalVariableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Local Variable'.
 class CGNavigationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Navigation Call Exp'.
 class CGNullImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Null'.
 class CGNumberImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Number'.
 class CGOperationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Operation Call Exp'.
 class CGOperationImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Operation'.
 class CGOppositePropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Opposite Property Call Exp'.
 class CGParameterImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Parameter'.
 class CGPropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Property Call Exp'.
 class CGPropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Property'.
 class CGRealImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Real'.
 class CGSettableVariableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Settable Variable'.
 class CGStringImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG String'.
 class CGTextImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Text'.
 class CGTextParameterImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Text Parameter'.
 class CGThrowExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Throw Exp'.
 class CGTupleExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Tuple Exp'.
 class CGTuplePartCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Tuple Part Call Exp'.
 class CGTuplePartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Tuple Part'.
 class CGTypeExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Type Exp'.
 class CGTypeIdImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Type Id'.
 class CGUnboxExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Unbox Exp'.
 class CGUnlimitedImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Infinity'.
 class CGValuedElementImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Valued Element'.
 class CGVariableExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Variable Exp'.
 class CGVariableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Variable'.

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.impl declared as CGValuedElement
protected  CGValuedElement CGIsEqualExpImpl.argument
          The cached value of the 'Argument' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGCallableImpl.body
          The cached value of the 'Body' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGIterationCallExpImpl.body
          The cached value of the 'Body' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGPropertyImpl.body
          The cached value of the 'Body' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGIfExpImpl.condition
          The cached value of the 'Condition' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGIfExpImpl.elseExpression
          The cached value of the 'Else Expression' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGCollectionPartImpl.first
          The cached value of the 'First' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement
          The cached value of the 'In' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGConstructorPartImpl.init
          The cached value of the 'Init' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGTuplePartImpl.init
          The cached value of the 'Init' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGVariableImpl.init
          The cached value of the 'Init' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGCollectionPartImpl.last
          The cached value of the 'Last' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGConstantExpImpl.referredConstant
          The cached value of the 'Referred Constant' reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGCallExpImpl.source
          The cached value of the 'Source' containment reference.
protected  CGValuedElement CGIfExpImpl.thenExpression
          The cached value of the 'Then Expression' containment reference.

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.impl with type parameters of type CGValuedElement
protected  org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<CGValuedElement> CGOperationCallExpImpl.arguments
          The cached value of the 'Arguments' containment reference list.
protected  org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<CGValuedElement> CGValuedElementImpl.dependsOn
          The cached value of the 'Depends On' reference list.
protected  org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<CGValuedElement> CGValuedElementImpl.owns
          The cached value of the 'Owns' containment reference list.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.impl that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement CGIsEqualExpImpl.getArgument()
 CGValuedElement CGCallableImpl.getBody()
 CGValuedElement CGIterationCallExpImpl.getBody()
 CGValuedElement CGPropertyImpl.getBody()
 CGValuedElement CGIfExpImpl.getCondition()
 CGValuedElement CGIfExpImpl.getElseExpression()
 CGValuedElement CGCollectionPartImpl.getFirst()
 CGValuedElement CGLetExpImpl.getIn()
 CGValuedElement CGConstructorPartImpl.getInit()
 CGValuedElement CGTuplePartImpl.getInit()
 CGValuedElement CGVariableImpl.getInit()
 CGValuedElement CGCollectionPartImpl.getLast()
 CGValuedElement CGAssertNonNullExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGBoxExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGCastExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGCatchExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGConstantExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGFinalVariableImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGGuardExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGIsInvalidExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGIsUndefinedExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGLetExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGLocalVariableImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGThrowExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGTuplePartImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGTypeExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGUnboxExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElementImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGVariableExpImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGVariableImpl.getNamedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the name of a declaration from which the value of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGConstantExpImpl.getReferredConstant()
 CGValuedElement CGAssertNonNullExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGBoxExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGCastExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGCatchExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGConstantExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGGuardExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGIsInvalidExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGIsUndefinedExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGLetExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGTextParameterImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGThrowExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGTuplePartImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGTypeExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGUnboxExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElementImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGVariableExpImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGVariableImpl.getReferredValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement to which the value of this CGValuedElement delegates.
 CGValuedElement CGCallExpImpl.getSource()
 CGValuedElement CGAssertNonNullExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGBoxExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGCastExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGCatchExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGConstantExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGGuardExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGIsInvalidExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGIsUndefinedExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGLetExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGTextParameterImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGThrowExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGTuplePartImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGTypeExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGUnboxExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElementImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGVariableExpImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGVariableImpl.getSourceValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement which is the source of the information value of this element.
 CGValuedElement CGIfExpImpl.getThenExpression()
 CGValuedElement CGCollectionExpImpl.getThisValue()
          Return a simpler CGValuedElement that is fully equivalent to this element.
 CGValuedElement CGCollectionPartImpl.getThisValue()
          Return a simpler CGValuedElement that is fully equivalent to this element.
 CGValuedElement CGConstantExpImpl.getThisValue()
          Return a simpler CGValuedElement that is fully equivalent to this element.
 CGValuedElement CGConstructorExpImpl.getThisValue()
          Return a simpler CGValuedElement that is fully equivalent to this element.
 CGValuedElement CGTupleExpImpl.getThisValue()
          Return a simpler CGValuedElement that is fully equivalent to this element.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElementImpl.getThisValue()
          Return a simpler CGValuedElement that is fully equivalent to this element.
 CGValuedElement CGAssertNonNullExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGBoxExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGCastExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGCatchExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGConstantExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGFinalVariableImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGGuardExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGIsInvalidExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGIsUndefinedExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGLetExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGLocalVariableImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGThrowExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGTuplePartImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGTypeExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGUnboxExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGValuedElementImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGVariableExpImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.
 CGValuedElement CGVariableImpl.getTypedValue()
          Return the CGValuedElement that provides the narrowest type declaration from which the type of this CGValuedElement may be obtained.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.impl that return types with arguments of type CGValuedElement
 java.util.List<CGValuedElement> CGOperationCallExpImpl.getArguments()
 java.util.List<CGValuedElement> CGValuedElementImpl.getDependsOn()
 java.util.List<CGValuedElement> CGValuedElementImpl.getOwns()

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.impl with parameters of type CGValuedElement
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGIsEqualExpImpl.basicSetArgument(CGValuedElement newArgument, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGCallableImpl.basicSetBody(CGValuedElement newBody, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGIterationCallExpImpl.basicSetBody(CGValuedElement newBody, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGPropertyImpl.basicSetBody(CGValuedElement newBody, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGIfExpImpl.basicSetCondition(CGValuedElement newCondition, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGIfExpImpl.basicSetElseExpression(CGValuedElement newElseExpression, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGCollectionPartImpl.basicSetFirst(CGValuedElement newFirst, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGLetExpImpl.basicSetIn(CGValuedElement newIn, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGConstructorPartImpl.basicSetInit(CGValuedElement newInit, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGTuplePartImpl.basicSetInit(CGValuedElement newInit, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGVariableImpl.basicSetInit(CGValuedElement newInit, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGCollectionPartImpl.basicSetLast(CGValuedElement newLast, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGCallExpImpl.basicSetSource(CGValuedElement newSource, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain CGIfExpImpl.basicSetThenExpression(CGValuedElement newThenExpression, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain msgs)
 java.lang.Boolean CGConstantExpImpl.isEquivalentTo(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Returns true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGTypeExpImpl.isEquivalentTo(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Returns true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGValuedElementImpl.isEquivalentTo(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Returns true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGVariableExpImpl.isEquivalentTo(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Returns true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGVariableImpl.isEquivalentTo(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Returns true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGBooleanImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGCallExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGCallableImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGCollectionExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGCollectionPartImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGConstantExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGConstructorPartImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGEcoreClassConstructorExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGEcoreDataTypeConstructorExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGElementIdImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGExecutorOperationImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGExecutorPropertyImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGExecutorTypeImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGIfExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGInvalidImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGIterationCallExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGLetExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGNavigationCallExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGNullImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGNumberImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGOperationCallExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGPropertyImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGStringImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGTextImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGTupleExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGTuplePartImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGTypeExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGUnlimitedImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGVariableExpImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 java.lang.Boolean CGVariableImpl.isEquivalentToInternal(CGValuedElement thatValue)
          Provided that thatValue does not delegate its equivalence computation, return true/false if this value can be determined to have deep value equivalence/inequivalence to thatValue, null if no determination can be made.
 boolean CGConstructorExpImpl.rewriteAs(CGValuedElement oldValue, CGValuedElement newValue)
          Rewrite the reference to oldValue by newValue.
 boolean CGConstructorPartImpl.rewriteAs(CGValuedElement oldValue, CGValuedElement newValue)
          Rewrite the reference to oldValue by newValue.
 boolean CGElementImpl.rewriteAs(CGValuedElement oldValue, CGValuedElement newValue)
          Rewrite the reference to oldValue by newValue.
 boolean CGExecutorOppositePropertyCallExpImpl.rewriteAs(CGValuedElement oldValue, CGValuedElement newValue)
          Rewrite the reference to oldValue by newValue.
 boolean CGExecutorPropertyCallExpImpl.rewriteAs(CGValuedElement oldValue, CGValuedElement newValue)
          Rewrite the reference to oldValue by newValue.
 boolean CGTypeExpImpl.rewriteAs(CGValuedElement oldValue, CGValuedElement newValue)
          Rewrite the reference to oldValue by newValue.
 boolean CGValuedElementImpl.rewriteAs(CGValuedElement oldValue, CGValuedElement newValue)
          Rewrite the reference to oldValue by newValue.
 void CGIsEqualExpImpl.setArgument(CGValuedElement newArgument)
 void CGCallableImpl.setBody(CGValuedElement newBody)
 void CGIterationCallExpImpl.setBody(CGValuedElement newBody)
 void CGPropertyImpl.setBody(CGValuedElement newBody)
 void CGIfExpImpl.setCondition(CGValuedElement newCondition)
 void CGIfExpImpl.setElseExpression(CGValuedElement newElseExpression)
 void CGCollectionPartImpl.setFirst(CGValuedElement newFirst)
 void CGLetExpImpl.setIn(CGValuedElement newIn)
 void CGConstructorPartImpl.setInit(CGValuedElement newInit)
 void CGTuplePartImpl.setInit(CGValuedElement newInit)
 void CGVariableImpl.setInit(CGValuedElement newInit)
 void CGCollectionPartImpl.setLast(CGValuedElement newLast)
 void CGConstantExpImpl.setReferredConstant(CGValuedElement newReferredConstant)
 void CGCallExpImpl.setSource(CGValuedElement newSource)
 void CGIfExpImpl.setThenExpression(CGValuedElement newThenExpression)

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.util

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.util with parameters of type CGValuedElement
 T CGModelSwitch.caseCGValuedElement(CGValuedElement object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'CG Valued Element'.
 R AbstractExtendingCGModelVisitor.visitCGValuedElement(CGValuedElement object)
 R AbstractNonNullExtendingCGModelVisitor.visitCGValuedElement(CGValuedElement object)
 R AbstractNullCGModelVisitor.visitCGValuedElement(CGValuedElement object)
 R CGModelVisitor.visitCGValuedElement(CGValuedElement object)

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse declared as CGValuedElement
protected  CGValuedElement SimpleAnalysis.cgElement
protected  CGValuedElement ControlPlace.placedElement

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement SimpleAnalysis.getElement()
abstract  CGValuedElement AbstractAnalysis.getPrimaryElement()
          Return the CG element to be used for this analysis.
 CGValuedElement CommonAnalysis.getPrimaryElement()
 CGValuedElement SimpleAnalysis.getPrimaryElement()

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse that return types with arguments of type CGValuedElement
 java.util.List<CGValuedElement> GlobalPlace.getSortedGlobals(DependencyVisitor dependencyVisitor)

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse with parameters of type CGValuedElement
static AbstractPlace ControlPlace.createControlPlace(java.util.Map<CGElement,AbstractPlace> element2place, CGValuedElement cgElement)
static AbstractPlace LocalPlace.createLocalPlace(java.util.Map<CGElement,AbstractPlace> element2place, CGValuedElement cgElement)
 ControlPlace GlobalPlace.getControlPlace(CGValuedElement cgElement)
static ControlPlace ControlPlace.getControlPlace(java.util.Map<CGElement,AbstractPlace> element2place, CGValuedElement cgElement)
 void CommonAnalysis.rewrite(CodeGenAnalyzer analyzer, CGValuedElement controlElement)
protected  CGLetExp CommonAnalysis.rewriteAsLet(CGValuedElement cgIn, CGVariable cgVariable)
          Insert a CGLetExp above cgIn for cgCSE.
protected  void CommonAnalysis.rewriteAsVariableExp(CGValuedElement cgElement, CGVariable cgVariable)

Constructors in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cse with parameters of type CGValuedElement
ControlPlace(LocalPlace parentPlace, CGValuedElement cgElement)
SimpleAnalysis(GlobalPlace globalPlace, CGValuedElement cgElement, int depth, int structuralHashCode, SimpleAnalysis[] children)

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.generator

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.generator with parameters of type CGValuedElement
 java.lang.Boolean TypeDescriptor.appendBox(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGBoxExp cgBoxExp, CGValuedElement unboxedValue)
 void TypeDescriptor.appendCastTerm(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement cgElement)
          Append a cgElement to js wrapped in a cast to this type
 void TypeDescriptor.appendEqualsValue(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement thisValue, CGValuedElement thatValue, boolean notEquals)
          Append an expression term that evaluates whether (this TypedDescriptor and) thisValue is not equals/ notEquals to thatValue.
 void TypeDescriptor.appendNotEqualsTerm(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement thisValue, TypeDescriptor thatTypeDescriptor, java.lang.String thatName)
          Append an expression term that evaluates whether (this TypedDescriptor and) thisValue is not equal to thatTypeDescriptor and thatName.
 java.lang.Boolean TypeDescriptor.appendUnboxStatements(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGUnboxExp cgUnboxExp, CGValuedElement boxedValue)
 TypeDescriptor CodeGenerator.getTypeDescriptor(CGValuedElement cgElement)
 boolean CodeGenerator.maybePrimitive(CGValuedElement cgValue)
          Return true if cgValue could be represented by a primitive value.
 void LocalContext.setNames(CGValuedElement cgValueElement, CGValuedElement cgExpression)

Uses of CGValuedElement in

Methods in that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.createEvaluatorVariable()
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.createIdResolverVariable()
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.getEvaluatorParameter(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
protected  CGValuedElement CG2JavaVisitor.getExpression(CGValuedElement cgExpression)
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.getIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.getOwned(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement, java.lang.String name)
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.getStandardLibraryVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
protected  CGValuedElement CG2JavaPreVisitor.installEvaluatorVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
protected  CGValuedElement CG2JavaPreVisitor.installIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CGValuedElement
 java.util.Collection<CGValuedElement> JavaGlobalContext.getGlobals()
 java.util.List<CGValuedElement> JavaCodeGenerator.prepareGlobals()
          After overall optimization, return a sorted list of global declarations.

Methods in with parameters of type CGValuedElement
protected  void JavaGlobalContext.addGlobal(CGValuedElement cgGlobal)
protected  void CG2JavaPreVisitor.addOwnedTypeId(CGValuedElement cgElement, ElementId typeId)
 boolean JavaStream.appendAssignment(CGValuedElement toVariable, CGValuedElement cgExpression)
 void JavaStream.appendAtomicReferenceTo(CGValuedElement cgValue)
 void JavaStream.appendAtomicReferenceTo(java.lang.Class<?> requiredClass, CGValuedElement cgValue)
 void JavaStream.appendAtomicReferenceTo(TypeDescriptor requiredTypeDescriptor, CGValuedElement cgValue)
 void JavaStream.appendBooleanValueName(CGValuedElement cgValue, boolean isTrue)
 void JavaStream.appendClassCast(CGValuedElement cgValue)
 void JavaStream.appendClassCast(CGValuedElement cgValue, java.lang.Class<?> actualJavaClass)
 void JavaStream.appendClassCast(CGValuedElement cgValue, java.lang.Class<?> actualJavaClass, JavaStream.SubStream subStream)
 void JavaStream.appendClassReference(CGValuedElement cgValue)
 void JavaStream.appendDeclaration(CGValuedElement cgElement)
 void JavaStream.appendEcoreValue(java.lang.String returnClassName, CGValuedElement cgValue)
          Append the value of cgValue, ensuring that it has the returnClassname type.
 boolean JavaStream.appendLocalStatements(CGValuedElement cgElement)
          Append the complete statements for cgElement for use with in a local operation context.
 void JavaStream.appendReferenceTo(CGValuedElement cgValue)
 void JavaStream.appendReferenceTo(java.lang.Class<?> requiredClass, CGValuedElement cgValue)
 void JavaStream.appendReferenceTo(TypeDescriptor requiredTypeDescriptor, CGValuedElement cgValue)
protected  void CG2JavaVisitor.appendReturn(CGValuedElement body)
 void JavaStream.appendValueName(CGValuedElement cgElement)
          Append the code name for the value of cgElement, lazily creating one if necessary.
protected  void CG2JavaPreVisitor.doValuedElement(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.getEvaluatorParameter(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
protected  CGValuedElement CG2JavaVisitor.getExpression(CGValuedElement cgExpression)
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.getIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.getOwned(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement, java.lang.String name)
 CGValuedElement JavaLocalContext.getStandardLibraryVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
 TypeDescriptor JavaCodeGenerator.getTypeDescriptor(CGValuedElement cgElement)
 CGParameter JavaLocalContext.getTypeIdParameter(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
protected  java.lang.String CG2JavaVisitor.getValueName(CGValuedElement cgElement)
 java.lang.String JavaGlobalContext.getValueName(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
 java.lang.String JavaLocalContext.getValueName(CGValuedElement cgElement)
protected  java.lang.String JavaStream.getValueName(CGValuedElement cgElement)
protected  CGValuedElement CG2JavaPreVisitor.installEvaluatorVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
protected  CGValuedElement CG2JavaPreVisitor.installIdResolverVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
protected  CGText CG2JavaPreVisitor.installStandardLibraryVariable(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)
 boolean JavaStream.is_boolean(CGValuedElement cgValue)
protected  boolean CG2JavaVisitor.isBoxedElement(CGValuedElement cgValue)
protected  boolean CG2JavaVisitor.isBoxedType(CGValuedElement cgValue)
protected  boolean CG2JavaVisitor.isBoxedType2(CGValuedElement cgValue)
protected  boolean CG2JavaVisitor.isEnumerationLiteral(CGValuedElement cgValue)
 boolean JavaCodeGenerator.maybePrimitive(CGValuedElement cgValue)
 void JavaLocalContext.setNames(CGValuedElement cgValueElement, CGValuedElement cgExpression)
protected  void JavaLocalContext.setNames(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement, java.lang.String nameHint, TypeId typeId)
protected  void JavaLocalContext.setNames2(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement, java.lang.String nameHint, TypeId typeId)
 java.lang.Object CG2JavaPreVisitor.visitCGValuedElement(CGValuedElement cgValuedElement)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type CGValuedElement
 void CG2JavaVisitor.generateGlobals(java.lang.Iterable<? extends CGValuedElement> sortedElements)

Uses of CGValuedElement in

Methods in that return CGValuedElement
protected  CGValuedElement AbstractIteration2Java.getBody(CGBuiltInIterationCallExp cgIterationCallExp)

Uses of CGValuedElement in

Methods in with parameters of type CGValuedElement
 java.lang.Boolean AbstractCollectionDescriptor.appendBox(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGBoxExp cgBoxExp, CGValuedElement unboxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean AbstractDescriptor.appendBox(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGBoxExp cgBoxExp, CGValuedElement unboxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean EnumerationObjectDescriptor.appendBox(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGBoxExp cgBoxExp, CGValuedElement unboxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean IntegerObjectDescriptor.appendBox(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGBoxExp cgBoxExp, CGValuedElement unboxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean RealObjectDescriptor.appendBox(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGBoxExp cgBoxExp, CGValuedElement unboxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean UnlimitedNaturalObjectDescriptor.appendBox(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGBoxExp cgBoxExp, CGValuedElement unboxedValue)
 void AbstractDescriptor.appendCastTerm(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement cgElement)
 void AbstractDescriptor.appendEqualsValue(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement thisValue, CGValuedElement thatValue, boolean notEquals)
 void BooleanObjectDescriptor.appendEqualsValue(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement thisValue, CGValuedElement thatValue, boolean notEquals)
 void BooleanPrimitiveDescriptor.appendEqualsValue(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement thisValue, CGValuedElement thatValue, boolean notEquals)
 void EnumerationValueDescriptor.appendEqualsValue(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement thisValue, CGValuedElement thatValue, boolean notEquals)
 void AbstractDescriptor.appendNotEqualsTerm(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement thisValue, TypeDescriptor thatTypeDescriptor, java.lang.String thatName)
 void BooleanObjectDescriptor.appendNotEqualsTerm(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement thisValue, TypeDescriptor thatTypeDescriptor, java.lang.String thatName)
 void BooleanPrimitiveDescriptor.appendNotEqualsTerm(JavaStream js, CGValuedElement thisValue, TypeDescriptor thatTypeDescriptor, java.lang.String thatName)
 java.lang.Boolean AbstractDescriptor.appendUnboxStatements(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGUnboxExp cgUnboxExp, CGValuedElement boxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean BoxedValuesDescriptor.appendUnboxStatements(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGUnboxExp cgUnboxExp, CGValuedElement boxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean EnumerationValueDescriptor.appendUnboxStatements(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGUnboxExp cgUnboxExp, CGValuedElement boxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean IntegerValueDescriptor.appendUnboxStatements(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGUnboxExp cgUnboxExp, CGValuedElement boxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean RealValueDescriptor.appendUnboxStatements(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGUnboxExp cgUnboxExp, CGValuedElement boxedValue)
 java.lang.Boolean UnlimitedNaturalValueDescriptor.appendUnboxStatements(JavaStream js, JavaLocalContext localContext, CGUnboxExp cgUnboxExp, CGValuedElement boxedValue)
protected  boolean AbstractDescriptor.zzisBoxedType(MetaModelManager metaModelManager, CGValuedElement cgValue)

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.oclinecore

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.oclinecore that return CGValuedElement
 CGValuedElement OCLinEcoreLocalContext.createEvaluatorVariable()
 CGValuedElement OCLinEcoreLocalContext.createIdResolverVariable()

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.oclinecore with parameters of type CGValuedElement
protected  java.lang.String OCLinEcoreCG2JavaVisitor.generateBody(CGValuedElement cgBody, java.lang.String returnClassName)
protected  java.lang.String OCLinEcoreCG2JavaVisitor.generateValidatorBody(CGValuedElement cgBody, Constraint asConstraint, Type asType)

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.oclinecore with type arguments of type CGValuedElement
 java.lang.String OCLinEcoreCG2JavaVisitor.generateConstants(java.util.List<CGValuedElement> sortedGlobals)

Uses of CGValuedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.oclinjunit

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.oclinjunit with type parameters of type CGValuedElement
protected  java.util.List<CGValuedElement> JUnitCG2JavaClassVisitor.sortedGlobals

Constructor parameters in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.oclinjunit with type arguments of type CGValuedElement
JUnitCG2JavaClassVisitor(JavaCodeGenerator codeGenerator, ExpressionInOCL expInOcl, java.util.List<CGValuedElement> sortedGlobals)