Package org.eclipse.xtend.core.richstring

Interface Summary
ElseIfCondition A representation of the model object 'Else If Condition'.
ElseStart A representation of the model object 'Else Start'.
EndIf A representation of the model object 'End If'.
ForLoopEnd A representation of the model object 'For Loop End'.
ForLoopStart A representation of the model object 'For Loop Start'.
IfConditionStart A representation of the model object 'If Condition Start'.
IRichStringIndentationHandler The indentation handler encapsulates the logic of rich string indentation with respect to template and semantic whitespace per line.
IRichStringPartAcceptor The IRichStringPartAcceptor can be passed into a RichStringProcessor to handle the semantics of a RichString for a specific use case.
Line A representation of the model object 'Line'.
LineBreak A representation of the model object 'Line Break'.
LinePart A representation of the model object 'Line Part'.
Literal A representation of the model object 'Literal'.
PrintedExpression A representation of the model object 'Printed Expression'.
ProcessedRichString A representation of the model object 'Processed Rich String'.
ProcessedRichStringFactory The Factory for the model.
ProcessedRichStringPackage The Package for the model.
ProcessedRichStringPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type

Class Summary
AbstractRichStringPartAcceptor No-op implementation of the IRichStringPartAcceptor.
DefaultIndentationHandler Default indentation handler for rich strings.
InitialTemplateIndentationComputer Computes the initial indentation of a rich string according to the semantics in the Xtend language specification.
TextLine Implementation CharSequence that is tailored to line-per-line processing of text and supports special handling of whitespace.