Interface IRichStringPartAcceptor

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRichStringPartAcceptor, AbstractRichStringPartAcceptor.ForLoopOnce, ValidatingRichStringAcceptor, Xtend2Compiler.RichStringPrepareCompiler, XtendHighlightingCalculator.RichStringHighlighter

public interface IRichStringPartAcceptor

The IRichStringPartAcceptor can be passed into a RichStringProcessor to handle the semantics of a RichString for a specific use case. It's mainly an event sink but may influence the control flow of the RichStringProcessor by means of #forLoopHasNext().

Sebastian Zarnekow - Initial contribution and API

Method Summary
 void acceptElse()
          Announces that an «ELSE» has been consumed.
 void acceptElseIfCondition(XExpression condition)
          Announces that an «ELSEIF condition» has been consumed.
 void acceptEndFor(XExpression after, java.lang.CharSequence indentation)
          Announces that an «ENDFOR» has been consumed.
 void acceptEndIf()
          Announces that an «ENDIF» has been consumed.
 void acceptExpression(XExpression expression, java.lang.CharSequence indentation)
          Announces that an «expression» has been consumed.
 void acceptForLoop(JvmFormalParameter parameter, XExpression expression)
          Announces that a «FOR parameter: expression» has been consumed.
 void acceptIfCondition(XExpression condition)
          Announces that an «IF condition» has been consumed.
 void acceptSemanticLineBreak(int charCount, RichStringLiteral origin, boolean controlStructureSeen)
          Indicates a semantic line break in a rich string literal.
 void acceptSemanticText(java.lang.CharSequence text, RichStringLiteral origin)
 void acceptTemplateLineBreak(int charCount, RichStringLiteral origin)
          Indicates a template line break in a rich string literal.
 void acceptTemplateText(java.lang.CharSequence text, RichStringLiteral origin)
 void announceNextLiteral(RichStringLiteral literal)
          Announces that a next literal will be processed.
 boolean forLoopHasNext(XExpression before, XExpression separator, java.lang.CharSequence indentation)
          Queried to determine whether the body of the for-loop should be evaluated (again).

Method Detail


void acceptSemanticText(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                        RichStringLiteral origin)
text - the semantic text. May not be null.
origin - the value holder for the full text or null, if unknown.


void acceptTemplateText(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                        RichStringLiteral origin)
text - the template text. May not be null.
origin - the value holder for the full text or null, if unknown.


void acceptSemanticLineBreak(int charCount,
                             RichStringLiteral origin,
                             boolean controlStructureSeen)
Indicates a semantic line break in a rich string literal.

origin - the instance holding the complete text value that contains the line break.
charCount - the number of characters in the line break.
whether - or not the linebreak occurs in a line that contains a control structure.


void acceptTemplateLineBreak(int charCount,
                             RichStringLiteral origin)
Indicates a template line break in a rich string literal.

origin - the instance holding the complete text value that contains the line break.
charCount - the number of characters in the line break.


void acceptIfCondition(XExpression condition)
Announces that an
«IF condition»
has been consumed.

condition - the condition of an RichStringIf.


void acceptElseIfCondition(XExpression condition)
Announces that an
«ELSEIF condition»
has been consumed.

condition - the condition of an RichStringElseIf.


void acceptElse()
Announces that an
has been consumed.


void acceptEndIf()
Announces that an
has been consumed.


void acceptForLoop(JvmFormalParameter parameter,
                   XExpression expression)
Announces that a
«FOR parameter: expression»
has been consumed.

parameter - the declared parameter in the for-loop.
expression - the expression that produces an Iterable.


boolean forLoopHasNext(XExpression before,
                       XExpression separator,
                       java.lang.CharSequence indentation)
Queried to determine whether the body of the for-loop should be evaluated (again).

before - the expression that should be evaluated prior to the first item of the loop, if any.
separator - the expression that should be evaluated prior to the second and all subsequent items of the loop.
indentation - the additional indentation for any line besides the first one.
true if the for-loop body should be evaluated.


void acceptEndFor(XExpression after,
                  java.lang.CharSequence indentation)
Announces that an
has been consumed.

after - the expression that should be evaluated after the last item of the loop, if any.
indentation - the additional indentation for any line besides the first one.


void acceptExpression(XExpression expression,
                      java.lang.CharSequence indentation)
Announces that an
has been consumed. If the expression's evaluation result contains more than one line, any line besides the first one may be prefixed with the given indentation.

expression - the consumed expression. May not be null.
indentation - the additional indentation for any line besides the first one.


void announceNextLiteral(RichStringLiteral literal)
Announces that a next literal will be processed.

literal - the literal.