Class JvmFeatureScopeProvider

  extended by org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.scoping.featurecalls.JvmFeatureScopeProvider
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JvmFeatureScopeProvider
extends java.lang.Object
implements IJvmFeatureScopeProvider

Provides a feature scope for a type, based on the type hierarchy. It also allows to add additional secondary elements, it sorts invalid elements out and adds it to the end of the scope hierarchy, and it allows to apply lower prioritized, sugared versions of the JvmFeatureDescriptions contained in the provided Scope.

Sven Efftinge - Initial contribution and API, Sebastian Zarnekow

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.scoping.featurecalls.IJvmFeatureScopeProvider
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 JvmFeatureScope createFeatureScope(IScope parent, java.util.List<IJvmFeatureScopeProvider.FeatureScopeDescription> featureScopeDescriptions)
           Provides the feature scope for a given JvmTypeReference, using the given IJvmFeatureDescriptionProvider.
protected  LazyJvmFeatureScope createFeatureScopeForTypeRef(IJvmFeatureScopeProvider.FeatureScopeDescription featureScopeDescription)
           Provides the feature scope for a given JvmTypeReference, using the given IJvmFeatureDescriptionProvider.
protected  boolean isValidFeature(JvmFeature input)
 java.lang.Iterable<JvmTypeReference> linearizeTypeHierarchy(JvmTypeReference typeRef)
 void setSuperTypeCollector(SuperTypeCollector superTypeCollector)
 void setTypeArgumentContextProvider(TypeArgumentContextProvider typeArgumentContextProvider)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JvmFeatureScopeProvider()
Method Detail


public void setTypeArgumentContextProvider(TypeArgumentContextProvider typeArgumentContextProvider)


public void setSuperTypeCollector(SuperTypeCollector superTypeCollector)


public JvmFeatureScope createFeatureScope(IScope parent,
                                          java.util.List<IJvmFeatureScopeProvider.FeatureScopeDescription> featureScopeDescriptions)
Description copied from interface: IJvmFeatureScopeProvider

Provides the feature scope for a given JvmTypeReference, using the given IJvmFeatureDescriptionProvider.

It traverses the type hierarchy of the given JvmTypeReference for each IJvmFeatureDescriptionProvider passed to this method subsequent in the order they are provided. For a sugared scope, you'd typical pass in two IJvmFeatureDescriptionProviders the first one will create the primary features, the second will create sugared elements.

JvmFeatureDescriptions marked as invalid JvmFeatureDescription.isValid(), will be sorted last (even after sugar). This ensures that it is shadowed by valid elements and can be filtered out if not needed.

Specified by:
createFeatureScope in interface IJvmFeatureScopeProvider


protected LazyJvmFeatureScope createFeatureScopeForTypeRef(IJvmFeatureScopeProvider.FeatureScopeDescription featureScopeDescription)

Provides the feature scope for a given JvmTypeReference, using the given IJvmFeatureDescriptionProvider.

The default implementation traverses the type hierarchy of the given JvmTypeReference and asks the IJvmFeatureDescriptionProvider to create any number of JvmFeatureDescription for each JvmFeature.

In a second traversal the XFeatureCallSugarDescriptionProvider is asked to add additional sugar for each JvmFeatureDescription which gets less priority than all the descriptions from the first traversal (i.e. sugar is contained in parent scopes).

JvmFeatureDescriptions marked as invalid JvmFeatureDescription.isValid(), will be sorted last (even after sugar). This ensures that it is shadowed by valid elements and can be filtered out if not needed.


protected boolean isValidFeature(JvmFeature input)


public java.lang.Iterable<JvmTypeReference> linearizeTypeHierarchy(JvmTypeReference typeRef)
an iterable containing the given type and all its super types in a deterministic order. The order is more specific types come first. This method also adds any convertable types e.g. wrapper types for primitives