Package org.eclipse.xtext.ui.refactoring.impl

Interface Summary
IRefactoringDocument Abstraction over an open document or a text file that is affected by a refactoring.

Class Summary
AbstractProcessorBasedRenameParticipant A rename participant that triggers further rename refactorings based on RenameProcessors.
AbstractReferenceUpdater Abstract base class to update the references to renamed elements.
AbstractRenameProcessor Unfortunately LTK only defines abstract classes so this is an abstract class instead of an interface only.
AbstractRenameStrategy Base class for all IRenameStrategy implementations.
CrossReferenceSerializerFacade A facade for the old and the new serializer.
DefaultDependentElementsCalculator Delivers all contained elements of an element to be renamed in order to updated references to them.
DefaultRefactoringDocumentProvider Unifies the creation of Changes from TextEdits on IFiles and IDocuments.
DefaultReferenceUpdater Creates updates for all references from Xtext based resources to a renamed element using Xtext's serialization API.
DefaultRenameStrategy Default rename strategy for Xtext based elements that have an EAttribute name.
DefaultRenameStrategyProvider Uses a Guice provider to instantiate and initialize a IRenameStrategy.
DisplayChangeWrapper Wraps a Change to be performed on the display thread.
EmfResourceChangeUtil Serialize an EMF resource and delivers the resulting text as an TextEdit that replaces the old content.
EmfResourceReferenceUpdater A generic reference updater for EMF resources referring to Xtext elements.
EmfResourceRenameStrategy Generic rename strategy for EMF resources.
ProjectUtil Converts URIs to IFiles and IProjects.
RefactoringReferenceQueryDataFactory Factory for the query to find cross references to renamed elements.
RefactoringResourceSetProvider Provides the correctly configured ResourceSet that is used during refactoring.
RefactoringUpdateAcceptor Aggregates TextEdits and/or Changes into a CompositeChange.
ReferenceDescriptionSorter Sorts reference descriptions by project and by resource to allow efficient processing later on.
ReferenceUpdaterDispatcher Finds all references to renamed elements and dispatches to the IReferenceUpdater of the referring languages to calculate the updates.
RenamedElementTracker Renames an element without loosing track of the element and dependent elements.
RenameElementProcessor LTK RefactoringProcessor for an Xtext element rename refactoring.
StatusWrapper Convenience class to create refactoring issues with an RefactoringStatusContext.

Exception Summary
RefactoringException A convenient way to stop calculation of refactoring changes.