Package org.eclipse.xtext.common.types

Interface Summary
JvmAnnotationAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Annotation Annotation Value'
JvmAnnotationReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Annotation Reference'
JvmAnnotationTarget A representation of the model object 'Jvm Annotation Target'
JvmAnnotationType A representation of the model object 'Jvm Annotation Type'
JvmAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Annotation Value'
JvmAnyTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Any Type Reference'
JvmArrayType A representation of the model object 'Jvm Array Type'
JvmBooleanAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Boolean Annotation Value'
JvmByteAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Byte Annotation Value'
JvmCharAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Char Annotation Value'
JvmComponentType A representation of the model object 'Jvm Component Type'
JvmCompoundTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Compound Type Reference'
JvmConstraintOwner A representation of the model object 'Jvm Constraint Owner'
JvmConstructor A representation of the model object 'Jvm Constructor'
JvmCustomAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Custom Annotation Value'
JvmDeclaredType A representation of the model object 'Jvm Declared Type'
JvmDelegateTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Delegate Type Reference'
JvmDoubleAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Double Annotation Value'
JvmEnumAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Enum Annotation Value'
JvmEnumerationLiteral A representation of the model object 'Jvm Enumeration Literal'
JvmEnumerationType A representation of the model object 'Jvm Enumeration Type'
JvmExecutable A representation of the model object 'Jvm Executable'
JvmFeature A representation of the model object 'Jvm Feature'
JvmField A representation of the model object 'Jvm Field'
JvmFloatAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Float Annotation Value'
JvmFormalParameter A representation of the model object 'Jvm Formal Parameter'
JvmGenericArrayTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Generic Array Type Reference'
JvmGenericType A representation of the model object 'Jvm Generic Type'
JvmIdentifiableElement A representation of the model object 'Jvm Identifiable Element'
JvmIntAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Int Annotation Value'
JvmLongAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Long Annotation Value'
JvmLowerBound A representation of the model object 'Jvm Lower Bound'
JvmMember A representation of the model object 'Jvm Member'
JvmMultiTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Multi Type Reference'
JvmOperation A representation of the model object 'Jvm Operation'
JvmParameterizedTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Parameterized Type Reference'
JvmPrimitiveType A representation of the model object 'Jvm Primitive Type'
JvmShortAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Short Annotation Value'
JvmSpecializedTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Specialized Type Reference'
JvmStringAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm String Annotation Value'
JvmSynonymTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Synonym Type Reference'
JvmType A representation of the model object 'Jvm Type'
JvmTypeAnnotationValue A representation of the model object 'Jvm Type Annotation Value'
JvmTypeConstraint A representation of the model object 'Jvm Type Constraint'
JvmTypeParameter A representation of the model object 'Jvm Type Parameter'
JvmTypeParameterDeclarator A representation of the model object 'Jvm Type Parameter Declarator'
JvmTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Type Reference'
JvmUnknownTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Unknown Type Reference'
JvmUpperBound A representation of the model object 'Jvm Upper Bound'
JvmVoid A representation of the model object 'Jvm Void'
JvmWildcardTypeReference A representation of the model object 'Jvm Wildcard Type Reference'
TypesFactory The Factory for the model.
TypesPackage The Package for the model.
TypesPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type

Class Summary

Enum Summary
JvmVisibility A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Jvm Visibility', and utility methods for working with them