Interface InstanceSpecification

All Superinterfaces:
DeployedArtifact, DeploymentTarget, Element, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, NamedElement, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier, PackageableElement, ParameterableElement
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface InstanceSpecification
extends DeploymentTarget, PackageableElement, DeployedArtifact

A representation of the model object 'Instance Specification'. An instance specification has the capability of being a deployment target in a deployment relationship, in the case that it is an instance of a node. It is also has the capability of being a deployed artifact, if it is an instance of an artifact. An instance specification is a model element that represents an instance in a modeled system.

The following features are supported:

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement
Method Summary
 Slot createSlot()
          Creates a new Slot and appends it to the 'Slot' containment reference list
 ValueSpecification createSpecification(java.lang.String name, Type type, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
          Creates a new ValueSpecification, with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and sets the 'Specification' containment reference
 Classifier getClassifier(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the first Classifier with the specified 'Name' from the 'Classifier' reference list
 Classifier getClassifier(java.lang.String name, boolean ignoreCase, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
          Retrieves the first Classifier with the specified 'Name' from the 'Classifier' reference list
 org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<Classifier> getClassifiers()
          Returns the value of the 'Classifier' reference list.
 org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<Slot> getSlots()
          Returns the value of the 'Slot' containment reference list.
 ValueSpecification getSpecification()
          Returns the value of the 'Specification' containment reference.
 void setSpecification(ValueSpecification value)
          Sets the value of the 'Specification' containment reference
 boolean validateDefiningFeature(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
          The defining feature of each slot is a structural feature (directly or inherited) of a classifier of the instance specification.
 boolean validateDeploymentArtifact(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
          An InstanceSpecification can be a DeployedArtifact if it is the instance specification of an Artifact.
 boolean validateDeploymentTarget(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
          An InstanceSpecification can be a DeploymentTarget if it is the instance specification of a Node and functions as a part in the internal structure of an encompassing Node.
 boolean validateStructuralFeature(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
          One structural feature (including the same feature inherited from multiple classifiers) is the defining feature of at most one slot in an instance specification.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.DeploymentTarget
createDeployment, getDeployedElement, getDeployedElement, getDeployedElements, getDeployment, getDeployment, getDeployments
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterableElement
getOwningTemplateParameter, getTemplateParameter, isCompatibleWith, isTemplateParameter, setOwningTemplateParameter, setTemplateParameter
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement
allNamespaces, allOwningPackages, createDependency, createNameExpression, createUsage, getClientDependencies, getClientDependency, getClientDependency, getLabel, getLabel, getName, getNameExpression, getNamespace, getQualifiedName, getVisibility, isDistinguishableFrom, isSetName, isSetVisibility, separator, setName, setNameExpression, setVisibility, unsetName, unsetVisibility, validateHasNoQualifiedName, validateHasQualifiedName, validateVisibilityNeedsOwnership
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element
addKeyword, allOwnedElements, applyStereotype, createEAnnotation, createOwnedComment, destroy, getApplicableStereotype, getApplicableStereotypes, getAppliedStereotype, getAppliedStereotypes, getAppliedSubstereotype, getAppliedSubstereotypes, getKeywords, getModel, getNearestPackage, getOwnedComments, getOwnedElements, getOwner, getRelationships, getRelationships, getRequiredStereotype, getRequiredStereotypes, getSourceDirectedRelationships, getSourceDirectedRelationships, getStereotypeApplication, getStereotypeApplications, getTargetDirectedRelationships, getTargetDirectedRelationships, getValue, hasKeyword, hasValue, isStereotypeApplicable, isStereotypeApplied, isStereotypeRequired, mustBeOwned, removeKeyword, setValue, unapplyStereotype, validateHasOwner, validateNotOwnSelf
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement
getEAnnotation, getEAnnotations
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver

Method Detail


org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<Classifier> getClassifiers()
Returns the value of the 'Classifier' reference list. The list contents are of type Classifier. The classifier or classifiers of the represented instance. If multiple classifiers are specified, the instance is classified by all of them.

the value of the 'Classifier' reference list.
See Also:


Classifier getClassifier(java.lang.String name)
Retrieves the first Classifier with the specified 'Name' from the 'Classifier' reference list.

name - The 'Name' of the Classifier to retrieve, or null.
The first Classifier with the specified 'Name', or null.
See Also:


Classifier getClassifier(java.lang.String name,
                         boolean ignoreCase,
                         org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
Retrieves the first Classifier with the specified 'Name' from the 'Classifier' reference list.

name - The 'Name' of the Classifier to retrieve, or null.
ignoreCase - Whether to ignore case in String comparisons.
eClass - The Ecore class of the Classifier to retrieve, or null.
The first Classifier with the specified 'Name', or null.
See Also:


ValueSpecification getSpecification()
Returns the value of the 'Specification' containment reference.

This feature subsets the following features:

A specification of how to compute, derive, or construct the instance.

the value of the 'Specification' containment reference.
See Also:
setSpecification(ValueSpecification), UMLPackage.getInstanceSpecification_Specification()


void setSpecification(ValueSpecification value)
Sets the value of the 'Specification' containment reference.

value - the new value of the 'Specification' containment reference.
See Also:


ValueSpecification createSpecification(java.lang.String name,
                                       Type type,
                                       org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
Creates a new ValueSpecification, with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and sets the 'Specification' containment reference.

name - The 'Name' for the new ValueSpecification, or null.
type - The 'Type' for the new ValueSpecification, or null.
eClass - The Ecore class of the ValueSpecification to create.
The new ValueSpecification.
See Also:


org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<Slot> getSlots()
Returns the value of the 'Slot' containment reference list. The list contents are of type Slot. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Owning Instance'.

This feature subsets the following features:

A slot giving the value or values of a structural feature of the instance. An instance specification can have one slot per structural feature of its classifiers, including inherited features. It is not necessary to model a slot for each structural feature, in which case the instance specification is a partial description.

the value of the 'Slot' containment reference list.
See Also:
UMLPackage.getInstanceSpecification_Slot(), Slot.getOwningInstance()


Slot createSlot()
Creates a new Slot and appends it to the 'Slot' containment reference list.

The new Slot.
See Also:


boolean validateDefiningFeature(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
                                java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
The defining feature of each slot is a structural feature (directly or inherited) of a classifier of the instance specification. slot->forAll(s | classifier->exists (c | c.allFeatures()->includes (s.definingFeature)))

diagnostics - The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended.
context - The cache of context-specific information.


boolean validateStructuralFeature(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
One structural feature (including the same feature inherited from multiple classifiers) is the defining feature of at most one slot in an instance specification. classifier->forAll(c | (c.allFeatures()->forAll(f | slot->select(s | s.definingFeature = f)->size() <= 1)))

diagnostics - The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended.
context - The cache of context-specific information.


boolean validateDeploymentTarget(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
An InstanceSpecification can be a DeploymentTarget if it is the instance specification of a Node and functions as a part in the internal structure of an encompassing Node. true

diagnostics - The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended.
context - The cache of context-specific information.


boolean validateDeploymentArtifact(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
An InstanceSpecification can be a DeployedArtifact if it is the instance specification of an Artifact. true

diagnostics - The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended.
context - The cache of context-specific information.

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