Interface ClearAssociationAction

All Superinterfaces:
Action, ActivityNode, Element, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, ExecutableNode, NamedElement, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier, RedefinableElement

public interface ClearAssociationAction
extends Action

A representation of the model object 'Clear Association Action'. A clear association action is an action that destroys all links of an association in which a particular object participates.

The following features are supported:

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement
Method Summary
 InputPin createObject(java.lang.String name, Type type)
          Creates a new InputPin,with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and sets the 'Object' containment reference
 InputPin createObject(java.lang.String name, Type type, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
          Creates a new InputPin, with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and sets the 'Object' containment reference
 Association getAssociation()
          Returns the value of the 'Association' reference
 InputPin getObject()
          Returns the value of the 'Object' containment reference.
 void setAssociation(Association value)
          Sets the value of the 'Association' reference
 void setObject(InputPin value)
          Sets the value of the 'Object' containment reference
 boolean validateMultiplicity(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
          The multiplicity of the input pin is 1..1.
 boolean validateSameType(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
          The type of the input pin must be the same as the type of at least one of the association ends of the association.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Action
createLocalPostcondition, createLocalPostcondition, createLocalPrecondition, createLocalPrecondition, getContext, getInput, getInput, getInputs, getLocalPostcondition, getLocalPostcondition, getLocalPostconditions, getLocalPrecondition, getLocalPrecondition, getLocalPreconditions, getOutput, getOutput, getOutputs, isLocallyReentrant, setIsLocallyReentrant
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ExecutableNode
createHandler, getHandlers
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ActivityNode
getActivity, getIncoming, getIncoming, getIncomings, getInGroup, getInGroup, getInGroups, getInInterruptibleRegion, getInInterruptibleRegion, getInInterruptibleRegions, getInPartition, getInPartition, getInPartitions, getInStructuredNode, getOutgoing, getOutgoing, getOutgoings, getRedefinedNode, getRedefinedNode, getRedefinedNodes, setActivity, setInStructuredNode, validateOwned, validateOwnedStructuredNode
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.RedefinableElement
getRedefinedElement, getRedefinedElement, getRedefinedElements, getRedefinitionContext, getRedefinitionContext, getRedefinitionContexts, isConsistentWith, isLeaf, isRedefinitionContextValid, setIsLeaf, validateNonLeafRedefinition, validateRedefinitionConsistent, validateRedefinitionContextValid
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement
allNamespaces, allOwningPackages, createDependency, createNameExpression, createUsage, getClientDependencies, getClientDependency, getClientDependency, getLabel, getLabel, getName, getNameExpression, getNamespace, getQualifiedName, getVisibility, isDistinguishableFrom, isSetName, isSetVisibility, separator, setName, setNameExpression, setVisibility, unsetName, unsetVisibility, validateHasNoQualifiedName, validateHasQualifiedName, validateVisibilityNeedsOwnership
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element
addKeyword, allOwnedElements, applyStereotype, createEAnnotation, createOwnedComment, destroy, getApplicableStereotype, getApplicableStereotypes, getAppliedStereotype, getAppliedStereotypes, getAppliedSubstereotype, getAppliedSubstereotypes, getKeywords, getModel, getNearestPackage, getOwnedComments, getOwnedElements, getOwner, getRelationships, getRelationships, getRequiredStereotype, getRequiredStereotypes, getSourceDirectedRelationships, getSourceDirectedRelationships, getStereotypeApplication, getStereotypeApplications, getTargetDirectedRelationships, getTargetDirectedRelationships, getValue, hasKeyword, hasValue, isStereotypeApplicable, isStereotypeApplied, isStereotypeRequired, mustBeOwned, removeKeyword, setValue, unapplyStereotype, validateHasOwner, validateNotOwnSelf
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement
getEAnnotation, getEAnnotations
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver

Method Detail


InputPin getObject()
Returns the value of the 'Object' containment reference.

This feature subsets the following features:

Gives the input pin from which is obtained the object whose participation in the association is to be cleared.

the value of the 'Object' containment reference.
See Also:
setObject(InputPin), UMLPackage.getClearAssociationAction_Object()


void setObject(InputPin value)
Sets the value of the 'Object' containment reference.

value - the new value of the 'Object' containment reference.
See Also:


InputPin createObject(java.lang.String name,
                      Type type,
                      org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
Creates a new InputPin, with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and sets the 'Object' containment reference.

name - The 'Name' for the new InputPin, or null.
type - The 'Type' for the new InputPin, or null.
eClass - The Ecore class of the InputPin to create.
The new InputPin.
See Also:


InputPin createObject(java.lang.String name,
                      Type type)
Creates a new InputPin,with the specified 'Name', and 'Type', and sets the 'Object' containment reference.

name - The 'Name' for the new InputPin, or null.
type - The 'Type' for the new InputPin, or null.
The new InputPin.
See Also:


Association getAssociation()
Returns the value of the 'Association' reference. Association to be cleared.

the value of the 'Association' reference.
See Also:
setAssociation(Association), UMLPackage.getClearAssociationAction_Association()


void setAssociation(Association value)
Sets the value of the 'Association' reference.

value - the new value of the 'Association' reference.
See Also:


boolean validateSameType(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
                         java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
The type of the input pin must be the same as the type of at least one of the association ends of the association. self.association->exists(end.type = self.object.type)

diagnostics - The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended.
context - The cache of context-specific information.


boolean validateMultiplicity(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
                             java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
The multiplicity of the input pin is 1..1.,1)

diagnostics - The chain of diagnostics to which problems are to be appended.
context - The cache of context-specific information.

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