Package org.eclipse.uml2.codegen.ecore.genmodel

Interface Summary
GenBase A representation of the model object 'Gen Base'
GenClass A representation of the model object 'Gen Class'
GenClassifier A representation of the model object 'Gen Classifier'
GenDataType A representation of the model object 'Gen Data Type'
GenEnum A representation of the model object 'Gen Enum'
GenEnumLiteral A representation of the model object 'Gen Enum Literal'
GenFeature A representation of the model object 'Gen Feature'
GenModel A representation of the model object 'GenModel'
GenModelFactory The Factory for the model.
GenModelPackage The Package for the model.
GenModelPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
GenOperation A representation of the model object 'Gen Operation'
GenPackage A representation of the model object 'Gen Package'
GenParameter A representation of the model object 'Gen Parameter'
GenTypedElement A representation of the model object 'Gen Typed Element'

Enum Summary
GenCacheAdapterScope A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Gen Cache Adapter Scope', and utility methods for working with them

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