Uses of Interface

Packages that use Action

Uses of Action in org.eclipse.uml2.uml

Subinterfaces of Action in org.eclipse.uml2.uml
 interface AcceptCallAction
          A representation of the model object 'Accept Call Action'
 interface AcceptEventAction
          A representation of the model object 'Accept Event Action'
 interface AddStructuralFeatureValueAction
          A representation of the model object 'Add Structural Feature Value Action'
 interface AddVariableValueAction
          A representation of the model object 'Add Variable Value Action'
 interface BroadcastSignalAction
          A representation of the model object 'Broadcast Signal Action'
 interface CallAction
          A representation of the model object 'Call Action'
 interface CallBehaviorAction
          A representation of the model object 'Call Behavior Action'
 interface CallOperationAction
          A representation of the model object 'Call Operation Action'
 interface ClearAssociationAction
          A representation of the model object 'Clear Association Action'
 interface ClearStructuralFeatureAction
          A representation of the model object 'Clear Structural Feature Action'
 interface ClearVariableAction
          A representation of the model object 'Clear Variable Action'
 interface ConditionalNode
          A representation of the model object 'Conditional Node'
 interface CreateLinkAction
          A representation of the model object 'Create Link Action'
 interface CreateLinkObjectAction
          A representation of the model object 'Create Link Object Action'
 interface CreateObjectAction
          A representation of the model object 'Create Object Action'
 interface DestroyLinkAction
          A representation of the model object 'Destroy Link Action'
 interface DestroyObjectAction
          A representation of the model object 'Destroy Object Action'
 interface ExpansionRegion
          A representation of the model object 'Expansion Region'
 interface InvocationAction
          A representation of the model object 'Invocation Action'
 interface LinkAction
          A representation of the model object 'Link Action'
 interface LoopNode
          A representation of the model object 'Loop Node'
 interface OpaqueAction
          A representation of the model object 'Opaque Action'
 interface RaiseExceptionAction
          A representation of the model object 'Raise Exception Action'
 interface ReadExtentAction
          A representation of the model object 'Read Extent Action'
 interface ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction
          A representation of the model object 'Read Is Classified Object Action'
 interface ReadLinkAction
          A representation of the model object 'Read Link Action'
 interface ReadLinkObjectEndAction
          A representation of the model object 'Read Link Object End Action'
 interface ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction
          A representation of the model object 'Read Link Object End Qualifier Action'
 interface ReadSelfAction
          A representation of the model object 'Read Self Action'
 interface ReadStructuralFeatureAction
          A representation of the model object 'Read Structural Feature Action'
 interface ReadVariableAction
          A representation of the model object 'Read Variable Action'
 interface ReclassifyObjectAction
          A representation of the model object 'Reclassify Object Action'
 interface ReduceAction
          A representation of the model object 'Reduce Action'
 interface RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction
          A representation of the model object 'Remove Structural Feature Value Action'
 interface RemoveVariableValueAction
          A representation of the model object 'Remove Variable Value Action'
 interface ReplyAction
          A representation of the model object 'Reply Action'
 interface SendObjectAction
          A representation of the model object 'Send Object Action'
 interface SendSignalAction
          A representation of the model object 'Send Signal Action'
 interface SequenceNode
          A representation of the model object 'Sequence Node'
 interface StartClassifierBehaviorAction
          A representation of the model object 'Start Classifier Behavior Action'
 interface StructuralFeatureAction
          A representation of the model object 'Structural Feature Action'
 interface StructuredActivityNode
          A representation of the model object 'Structured Activity Node'
 interface TestIdentityAction
          A representation of the model object 'Test Identity Action'
 interface UnmarshallAction
          A representation of the model object 'Unmarshall Action'
 interface ValueSpecificationAction
          A representation of the model object 'Value Specification Action'
 interface VariableAction
          A representation of the model object 'Variable Action'
 interface WriteLinkAction
          A representation of the model object 'Write Link Action'
 interface WriteStructuralFeatureAction
          A representation of the model object 'Write Structural Feature Action'
 interface WriteVariableAction
          A representation of the model object 'Write Variable Action'

Methods in org.eclipse.uml2.uml that return Action
 Action Interaction.createAction(java.lang.String name, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
          Creates a new Action, with the specified 'Name', and appends it to the 'Action' containment reference list
 Action InteractionUse.createArgument(java.lang.String name, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
          Creates a new Action, with the specified 'Name', and appends it to the 'Argument' containment reference list
 Action ActionInputPin.createFromAction(java.lang.String name, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
          Creates a new Action, with the specified 'Name', and sets the 'From Action' containment reference
 Action ActionExecutionSpecification.getAction()
          Returns the value of the 'Action' reference
 Action Interaction.getAction(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the first Action with the specified 'Name' from the 'Action' containment reference list
 Action Interaction.getAction(java.lang.String name, boolean ignoreCase, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass, boolean createOnDemand)
          Retrieves the first Action with the specified 'Name' from the 'Action' containment reference list
 Action InteractionUse.getArgument(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the first Action with the specified 'Name' from the 'Argument' containment reference list
 Action InteractionUse.getArgument(java.lang.String name, boolean ignoreCase, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass, boolean createOnDemand)
          Retrieves the first Action with the specified 'Name' from the 'Argument' containment reference list
 Action ActionInputPin.getFromAction()
          Returns the value of the 'From Action' containment reference.

Methods in org.eclipse.uml2.uml that return types with arguments of type Action
 org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<Action> Interaction.getActions()
          Returns the value of the 'Action' containment reference list.
 org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<Action> InteractionUse.getArguments()
          Returns the value of the 'Argument' containment reference list.

Methods in org.eclipse.uml2.uml with parameters of type Action
 boolean Variable.isAccessibleBy(Action a)
          The isAccessibleBy() operation is not defined in standard UML.
 void ActionExecutionSpecification.setAction(Action value)
          Sets the value of the 'Action' reference
 void ActionInputPin.setFromAction(Action value)
          Sets the value of the 'From Action' containment reference

Uses of Action in org.eclipse.uml2.uml.util

Methods in org.eclipse.uml2.uml.util with parameters of type Action
 T UMLSwitch.caseAction(Action object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'Action'
 boolean UMLValidator.validateAction(Action action, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain diagnostics, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)

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