Package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.evaluation

Interface Summary
EvaluationEnvironment The evaluation environment keeps track of the current values of variables in the evaluation of an OCL expression.
EvaluationVisitor A specialized visitor that is used for evaluation an OCL expression by walking its AST.

Class Summary
AbstractEvaluationEnvironment A partial implementation of the EvaluationEnvironment interface, providing some useful common behaviors.
AbstractEvaluationVisitor An evaluation visitor implementation for OCL expressions.
EvaluationVisitorDecorator A visitor that decorates another EvaluationVisitor, to intercept invocations of the visitXxx(...) methods.
EvaluationVisitorImpl An evaluation visitor implementation for OCL expressions.
PivotEvaluationEnvironment Implementation of the EvaluationEnvironment for evaluation of OCL expressions on instances of Ecore models (i.e., on M0 models).
TracingEvaluationVisitor A decorator for evaluation visitors that is installed when evaluation tracing is enabled, to trace interim evaluation results to the console.