Uses of Interface

Packages that use Environment

Uses of Environment in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot

Subinterfaces of Environment in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot
static interface Environment.Internal
           An interface that merges the Environment and BasicEnvironment interfaces that define the behaviour realised in abstract form by AbstractEnvironment.

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot that implement Environment
 class AbstractEnvironment
          A partial implementation of the Environment interface providing some useful common behavior for providers of metamodel bindings.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot that return Environment
 Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createAttributeContext(Environment parent, Property property)
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createAttributeContext(Environment parent, Property property)
          Creates an environment suitable for parsing OCL expressions on the specified property, which is some attribute in the client's metamodel.
 Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createClassifierContext(Environment parent, Type context)
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createClassifierContext(Environment parent, Type context)
          Creates an environment suitable for parsing OCL expressions in the specified context, which is some classifier in the client's model.
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createEnvironment()
          Creates a root environment, in which package contexts and/or classifier contexts will be created as nested environments.
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createEnvironment(Environment parent)
          Creates a child environment of a specified parent, for definition of nested scopes.
 Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createInstanceContext(Environment parent, java.lang.Object context)
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createInstanceContext(Environment parent, java.lang.Object context)
          Creates an environment suitable for parsing OCL expressions on the specified context object, which is an instance of some classifier in the client's model.
 Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createOperationContext(Environment parent, Operation operation)
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createOperationContext(Environment parent, Operation operation)
          Creates an environment suitable for parsing OCL expressions on the specified operation, which is some operation in the client's metamodel.
protected  Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createPackageContext(Environment parent, Package context)
          Creates an environment for the specified package context.
 Environment OCLBase.getEnvironment()
          Obtains the OCL parsing environment.
 Environment Environment.Registry.getEnvironmentFor(java.lang.Object abstractSyntaxElement)
          Obtains a suitable environment for introspection of the specified model element, type (such as a collection type), or other abstract syntax element (e.g., a variable).
 Environment Environment.Registry.getEnvironmentFor(OclExpression expression)
          Obtains a suitable environment for introspection of the specified expression.
 Environment Environment.getParent()
          Obtains my parent environment, if I have one.
static Environment OCLUtil.getValidationEnvironment(java.lang.Object target, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)
          Attempts to get an environment instance that is appropriate for introspection of the specified validation target.
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.loadEnvironment(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource resource)
          Loads an environment from the specified resource.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot with parameters of type Environment
static org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic OCLUtil.checkForErrors(Environment env)
          Checks whether the specified environment's problem handler has any diagnostics of error severity or worse and, if so, throws a semantic exception encapsulating these diagnostics.
 Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createAttributeContext(Environment parent, Property property)
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createAttributeContext(Environment parent, Property property)
          Creates an environment suitable for parsing OCL expressions on the specified property, which is some attribute in the client's metamodel.
 Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createClassifierContext(Environment parent, Type context)
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createClassifierContext(Environment parent, Type context)
          Creates an environment suitable for parsing OCL expressions in the specified context, which is some classifier in the client's model.
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createEnvironment(Environment parent)
          Creates a child environment of a specified parent, for definition of nested scopes.
 EvaluationVisitor AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createEvaluationVisitor(Environment env, EvaluationEnvironment evalEnv, ModelManager modelManager)
 EvaluationVisitor EnvironmentFactory.createEvaluationVisitor(Environment env, EvaluationEnvironment evalEnv, ModelManager modelManager)
          Creates a new evaluation visitor, for the evaluation of OCL expressions.
 Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createInstanceContext(Environment parent, java.lang.Object context)
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createInstanceContext(Environment parent, java.lang.Object context)
          Creates an environment suitable for parsing OCL expressions on the specified context object, which is an instance of some classifier in the client's model.
 Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createOperationContext(Environment parent, Operation operation)
 Environment EnvironmentFactory.createOperationContext(Environment parent, Operation operation)
          Creates an environment suitable for parsing OCL expressions on the specified operation, which is some operation in the client's metamodel.
protected  Environment AbstractEnvironmentFactory.createPackageContext(Environment parent, Package context)
          Creates an environment for the specified package context.
 void Environment.Registry.deregisterEnvironment(Environment environment)
          Removes the specified environment from the registry.
<T> T
OCLUtil.getAdapter(Environment env, java.lang.Class<T> adapterType)
          Obtains an adapter for the specified interface type.
static OCL OCL.newInstance(Environment env)
          Creates a new OCL using the specified initial Ecore environment.
 void Environment.Registry.registerEnvironment(Environment environment)
          Adds the specified environment to the registry.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot with parameters of type Environment
OCL(Environment env)
          Initializes me with an initial environment for the Ecore metamodel.
OCLBase(Environment env)
          Initializes me with a root environment.
OCLBase(EnvironmentFactory envFactory, Environment rootEnv)
          Initializes me with my environment factory and root environment.

Uses of Environment in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.evaluation

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.evaluation declared as Environment
protected  Environment AbstractEvaluationVisitor.environment

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.evaluation that return Environment
 Environment AbstractEvaluationVisitor.getEnvironment()
 Environment EvaluationVisitor.getEnvironment()
          Obtains the environment that provides the metamodel semantics for the expression to be evaluated.
 Environment EvaluationVisitorDecorator.getEnvironment()
          Obtains my delegate's environment.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.evaluation with parameters of type Environment
AbstractEvaluationVisitor(Environment env, EvaluationEnvironment evalEnv, ModelManager modelManager)
          Initializes me.
EvaluationVisitorImpl(Environment env, EvaluationEnvironment evalEnv, ModelManager modelManager)

Uses of Environment in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.helper

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.helper that return Environment
 Environment OCLHelper.getEnvironment()
          Obtains the environment defining my current classifier, operation, or attribute context.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.helper with parameters of type Environment
static java.lang.Object HelperUtil.getConstraintContext(Environment env, java.lang.Object element, ExpressionInOcl expr)
static java.lang.Object HelperUtil.getConstraintContext(Environment env, java.lang.Object element, OclExpression expr)

Uses of Environment in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.options

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.options with parameters of type Environment
<T> T
ParsingOptions.getValue(Environment env, Option<T> option)
          Obtains the value of the specified option's setting in the the given environment's options map, adapting the environment as necessary to the Customizable API.
static Option<Type> ParsingOptions.implicitRootClass(Environment env)
           A parsing option specifying a class that's assumed to be the implicit root of the subject model's class hierarchy.
<T> void
ParsingOptions.setOption(Environment env, Option<T> option, T value)
          Add an option to apply to the specified environment, adapting it as necessary to the Customizable API.

Uses of Environment in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.utilities

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.utilities that implement Environment
 class PivotEnvironment
          Implementation of the Environment for parsing OCL expressions on Ecore models.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.utilities that return Environment
 Environment EnvironmentRegistryImpl.getEnvironmentFor(java.lang.Object abstractSyntaxElement)
 Environment EnvironmentRegistryImpl.getEnvironmentFor(OclExpression expression)

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.utilities with parameters of type Environment
 PivotEnvironment PivotEnvironmentFactory.createEnvironment(Environment parent)
 void EnvironmentRegistryImpl.deregisterEnvironment(Environment environment)
static ToStringVisitor ToStringVisitor.getInstance(Environment env)
 void EnvironmentRegistryImpl.registerEnvironment(Environment environment)

Constructors in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.utilities with parameters of type Environment
QueryBaseImpl(Environment environment, ExpressionInOcl specification, ModelManager modelManager)

Uses of Environment in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.console

Constructors in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.console with parameters of type Environment
OCLConsolePage.CancelableEvaluationVisitor(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor, Environment env, EvaluationEnvironment evalEnv, ModelManager modelManager)