Interface FunctionDefContextProvider

public interface FunctionDefContextProvider

aarnold - Initial contribution and API

Method Summary
 boolean canHandle(java.lang.String resourceName)
          gives the middle end a way to declare if it can and wants to handle a given source file / resource.
 FunctionDefContext getFdc(java.lang.String resourceName)
 java.lang.String getName()
 void setMiddleEnd(MiddleEnd middleEnd)
          This method is used to break the circular dependency between MiddleEnd and the language specific handlers.

Method Detail


void setMiddleEnd(MiddleEnd middleEnd)
This method is used to break the circular dependency between MiddleEnd and the language specific handlers. It is called by the MiddleEnd on creation.


java.lang.String getName()


boolean canHandle(java.lang.String resourceName)
gives the middle end a way to declare if it can and wants to handle a given source file / resource. If and only if it returns true, it will be asked for the functions and advice provided in this resource.


FunctionDefContext getFdc(java.lang.String resourceName)