Package org.eclipse.internal.xtend.util

Utility classes


Class Summary
EncodingDetector This class helps detecting the encoding of some resource by scanning the first bytes from it.
IdentityCacheWithoutNull<K,V> This cache treats keys as the same only if they are identical: (key1 == key2) This cache does not store null values, which means that if createNew(key) returns null for a specific key the result is not cached and createNew(key) is called again every time the key's value is requested.
Pair<T1,T2> This class provides combines two objects into one, giving them appropriate equals and hashCode methods.
QualifiedName A memory efficient structure to store qualified names composed of String segments which are (optionally) separated by a delimiter.
QualifiedNameWithDelimiter A memory efficient structure to store qualified names composed of string segments separated by '/'.
QualifiedNameWithDelimiter.QualifiedNameCache A cached pool of weakly referenced qualified names.
QualifiedNameWithDelimiter.StringCache A cached pool of weakly referenced strings.
StringCache A cache for Strings which allows that its values might by garbage collected.
StringHelper This class is a collection of helper functions for string handling.
Triplet<T1,T2,T3> This class provides combines three objects into one, giving them appropriate equals and hashCode methods.
WeakCache2<K,V> A cache implementation based on WeakReferences which cleans up GCed references regularely.
WeakInterningHashSet<E> Copied from org.eclipse.emf.common.util, since it is only available in EMF >= 2.9.
WeakInterningHashSet.Entry<E> A weak reference holder that caches the hash code of the referent and is chained in the WeakInterningHashSet.entries to handle collisions.

Package org.eclipse.internal.xtend.util Description

Utility classes