Package org.eclipse.emf.transaction.internal

Interface Summary
ITransactionLock Common interface for locks in transactionable editing domains.

Class Summary
AllowChangePropagationBlockingOption Metadata implementation for the non-trivial complexity of the TransactionImpl.ALLOW_CHANGE_PROPAGATION_BLOCKING transaction option.
BlockChangePropagationOption Metadata implementation for the non-trivial complexity of the TransactionImpl.BLOCK_CHANGE_PROPAGATION transaction option.
EMFTransactionDebugOptions The debug options available for this plug-in.
EMFTransactionPlugin The main plugin class to be used in the desktop.
EMFTransactionPlugin.Implementation The definition of the Eclipse plug-in flavour of this EMF plug-in.
EMFTransactionStatusCodes Error status codes for the EMF Transaction plug-in.
Tracing Provides debug tracing services.
ValidateEditOption Metadata implementation for the non-trivial complexity of the Transaction.OPTION_VALIDATE_EDIT transaction option.

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