Interface InternalTransactionalCommandStack

All Superinterfaces:
CommandStack, TransactionalCommandStack
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTransactionalCommandStack, TransactionalCommandStackImpl, WorkspaceCommandStackImpl

public interface InternalTransactionalCommandStack
extends TransactionalCommandStack

An internal interface that must be provided by any implementation of the public TransactionalCommandStack interface, in order to function correctly in the transactional editing domain framework.

Method Summary
 EMFCommandTransaction createTransaction(Command command, Map<?,?> options)
          Creates a read/write transaction in my editing domain for the purpose of executing the specified command.
 void dispose()
          Disposes of my state and any additional resources that I may be retaining.
 void executeTriggers(Command command, List<Command> triggers, Map<?,?> options)
          Executes the specified list of trigger commands.
 InternalTransactionalEditingDomain getDomain()
          Obtains the editing domain in which I create transactions.
 void setEditingDomain(InternalTransactionalEditingDomain domain)
          Assigns the editing domain in which I create transactions.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalCommandStack
execute, getExceptionHandler, setExceptionHandler
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CommandStack
addCommandStackListener, canRedo, canUndo, execute, flush, getMostRecentCommand, getRedoCommand, getUndoCommand, redo, removeCommandStackListener, undo

Method Detail


InternalTransactionalEditingDomain getDomain()
Obtains the editing domain in which I create transactions.

my editing domain
See Also:
createTransaction(Command, Map)


void setEditingDomain(InternalTransactionalEditingDomain domain)
Assigns the editing domain in which I create transactions.

domain - my editing domain
See Also:
createTransaction(Command, Map)


EMFCommandTransaction createTransaction(Command command,
                                        Map<?,?> options)
                                        throws InterruptedException
Creates a read/write transaction in my editing domain for the purpose of executing the specified command. The resulting transaction is expected to be started when it is returned (hence the possibility of interruption).

command - a command that I need to execute
options - the options to apply to the resulting transaction
the command transaction
InterruptedException - if the current thread is interrupted while waiting for the transaction to start
See Also:


void executeTriggers(Command command,
                     List<Command> triggers,
                     Map<?,?> options)
                     throws InterruptedException,
Executes the specified list of trigger commands. All of the commands are executed within a single child transaction of the transaction that executed the triggering command; they must not be "piggy-backed" on the currently active transaction.

command - the command whose execution triggered additional commands (from pre-commit listeners)
triggers - a list of zero or more Commands to execute. If there are none, then no transaction needs to be started
options - the options to apply to the child transaction
InterruptedException - if the current thread is interrupted while waiting for the trigger transaction to start
RollbackException - if the trigger transaction rolls back on commit
See Also:
ResourceSetListener.transactionAboutToCommit(org.eclipse.emf.transaction.ResourceSetChangeEvent), createTransaction(Command, Map)


void dispose()
Disposes of my state and any additional resources that I may be retaining. I am only disposed when my editing domain is disposed.

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