Class TransactionChangeRecorder

  extended by org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util.ListDifferenceAnalyzer
      extended by org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util.BasicChangeRecorder
          extended by org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util.ChangeRecorder
              extended by org.eclipse.emf.transaction.impl.TransactionChangeRecorder
All Implemented Interfaces:
Adapter, Adapter.Internal

public class TransactionChangeRecorder
extends ChangeRecorder

The change recorder for a TransactionalEditingDomain, used by transactions to record rollback information and to detect changes that violate the transaction protocol. It also forwards notifications to the domain's currently active transaction.

See Also:
InternalTransactionalEditingDomain.getChangeRecorder(), TransactionValidator, InternalTransaction.add(Notification)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util.ChangeRecorder
loadingTargets, originalTargetObjects, resolveProxies, targetObjects
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util.BasicChangeRecorder
changeDescription, recording
Constructor Summary
TransactionChangeRecorder(InternalTransactionalEditingDomain domain, ResourceSet rset)
          Initializes me with the editing domain that I assist and the resource set in which I will record changes.
Method Summary
protected  void appendNotification(Notification notification)
          Appends the specified notification to the batch for the active transaction, to be distributed when it commits.
protected  void assertWriting()
          Implements the read/write transaction protocol check.
 void beginRecording()
          Starts recording changes in my editing domain.
 void dispose()
          Extends the inherited implementation to remove myself from all adapters that I can find in my editing domain.
 ChangeDescription endRecording()
          Extends the inherited implementation to clear the reference to the change description returned.
 InternalTransactionalEditingDomain getEditingDomain()
          Obtains the editing domain that I assist.
 boolean isPaused()
          Queries whether I am currently paused in my recording.
 void notifyChanged(Notification notification)
          Detects whether the change indicated by the specified notification violates the transaction protocol and/or how it changes the load state of a resource (if it all), in addition to recording the change (if I am currently recording) and passing it along to the domain's current transaction (if any).
 void pause()
          Temporarily pauses the recording of the current change description.
protected  void processObjectNotification(Notification notification)
          Analyzes an object notification for violations of the transaction protocol before passing it to the active transaction (if any).
protected  void processResourceNotification(Notification notification)
          Analyzes a resource notification for changes in its load state and violations of the transaction protocol before passing it to the active transaction (if any).
protected  void processResourceSetNotification(Notification notification)
          Analyzes a resource set notification for changes in the load state of resources and violations of the transaction protocol before passing it to the active transaction (if any).
 void resume()
          Resumes the paused recording of the current change description.
 void setTarget(Notifier target)
          Overrides the superclass method to ignore the "originalTargetObjects" since we never resume recording a paused change description ignore the "targetObjects" because we will never find, upon upon consolidating changes, that any target object is unexpectedly orphaned (as we always listen to everything in the resource set, so will always get the appropriate removal notifications).
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util.ChangeRecorder
addAdapter, beginRecording, beginRecording, consolidateChanges, getTarget, handleFeature, handleResource, isAdapterForType, isOrphan, isResolveProxies, prepareChangeDescriptionForResume, removeAdapter, setResolveProxies, shouldRecord, unsetTarget
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util.BasicChangeRecorder
createChangeDescription, createFeatureChange, createResourceChange, eliminateEmptyChanges, finalizeChange, finalizeChange, getChangeDescription, getFeatureChange, getFeatureChanges, getResourceChange, getResourceChanges, isRecording, setChangeDescription, setRecording, shouldRecord, summarize
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util.ListDifferenceAnalyzer
analyzeLists, analyzeLists, createAddListChange, createListChange, createListChanges, createMoveListChange, createRemoveListChange
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TransactionChangeRecorder(InternalTransactionalEditingDomain domain,
                                 ResourceSet rset)
Initializes me with the editing domain that I assist and the resource set in which I will record changes. Note that I do not begin recording until specifically asked to (unlike the superclass).

domain - my editing domain
rset - my resource set
Method Detail


public final InternalTransactionalEditingDomain getEditingDomain()
Obtains the editing domain that I assist.

my editing domain


public void beginRecording()
Starts recording changes in my editing domain.

IllegalStateException - if I have been disposed


public ChangeDescription endRecording()
Extends the inherited implementation to clear the reference to the change description returned.

endRecording in class BasicChangeRecorder
IllegalStateException - if I have been disposed


public void setTarget(Notifier target)
Overrides the superclass method to

Specified by:
setTarget in interface Adapter
setTarget in class ChangeRecorder


public void notifyChanged(Notification notification)
Detects whether the change indicated by the specified notification violates the transaction protocol and/or how it changes the load state of a resource (if it all), in addition to recording the change (if I am currently recording) and passing it along to the domain's current transaction (if any).

Specified by:
notifyChanged in interface Adapter
notifyChanged in class ChangeRecorder


protected void processResourceSetNotification(Notification notification)
Analyzes a resource set notification for changes in the load state of resources and violations of the transaction protocol before passing it to the active transaction (if any).

notification - a notification from the resource set


protected void processResourceNotification(Notification notification)
Analyzes a resource notification for changes in its load state and violations of the transaction protocol before passing it to the active transaction (if any).

notification - a notification from a resource


protected void processObjectNotification(Notification notification)
Analyzes an object notification for violations of the transaction protocol before passing it to the active transaction (if any).

notification - a notification from a model element


protected void appendNotification(Notification notification)
Appends the specified notification to the batch for the active transaction, to be distributed when it commits. If there is no active transaction, then it is sent immediately to post-commit listeners (unbatched). This method applies the read/write transaction protocol check to this notification.

notification - the notification to append
IllegalStateException - if the notification is not a result of reading the resource set and no transaction is active or the active transaction is read-only


protected void assertWriting()
Implements the read/write transaction protocol check.

IllegalStateException - if no transaction is active or the active transaction is read-only


public void pause()
Temporarily pauses the recording of the current change description.

IllegalStateException - if I am not currently recording
See Also:
BasicChangeRecorder.isRecording(), isPaused(), resume()


public boolean isPaused()
Queries whether I am currently paused in my recording.

See Also:
BasicChangeRecorder.isRecording(), pause(), resume()


public void resume()
Resumes the paused recording of the current change description.

IllegalStateException - if I am not currently paused
See Also:
BasicChangeRecorder.isRecording(), pause(), isPaused()


public void dispose()
Extends the inherited implementation to remove myself from all adapters that I can find in my editing domain.

dispose in class ChangeRecorder

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