Package org.eclipse.emf.query.statements

This package contains usable query statements and their required clauses.


Interface Summary
IQueryResult A result created by executing or resuming a query statement.

Class Summary
FROM The "FROM" clause for the SELECT and UPDATE statements.
SELECT The select statement "selects" certain EObjects from the "from" clause that match the "where" clause.
SET The set clause is used in conjunction with the UPDATE statement to perform some operation on the result EObjects.
UPDATE The update statement extends the behaviour of the SELECT statement to include the SET clause that allows some operation to be performed on each of the result EObjects.
WHERE The where clause specifies the condition that all result EObjects of the query must satisfy.

Enum Summary
IteratorKind An enumeration of iteration methodologies for EObjects.

Package org.eclipse.emf.query.statements Description

This package contains usable query statements and their required clauses.

Package Specification

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