Uses of Class

Packages that use StringAdapter
org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.strings EMF Query Conditions Strings Package Specification This package exposes the basic string based Condition objects that are used to formulate queries. 

Uses of StringAdapter in org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.strings

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.strings declared as StringAdapter
static StringAdapter StringAdapter.DEFAULT
          The simplest StringAdapter implementation that represents the case when the argument object to adapt is a String object itself.

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.strings with parameters of type StringAdapter
StringCondition(StringAdapter adapter)
          Constructs this StringCondition with a StringAdapter adapter to adapt argument objects to String objects in order to do the evaluation
StringLength(int lowerBound, int upperBound, StringAdapter adapter)
          A constructor that takes two int arguments representing a range to test strings' length against.
StringLength(int length, StringAdapter adapter)
          A constructor that takes one int argument to test strings' length against and a StringAdapter.
StringRegularExpressionValue(String patternStr, boolean caseSensitive, StringAdapter adapter)
          A constructor that takes the regular expression to use for matching, a StringAdapter for adapting the evaluated object to string before matching them and a boolean flag indicating whether the pattern matching should be case-sensitive or not.
StringRegularExpressionValue(String patternStr, StringAdapter adapter)
          A constructor that takes the regular expression to use for matching, and a StringAdapter for adapting the evaluated object to string before matching them.
StringValue(String string, boolean caseSensitive, StringAdapter adapter)
          A simple constructor that takes an initialization String to match against, a StringAdapter for adapting the evaluated object to string before matching them and a boolean flag indicating whether the pattern matching should be case-sensitive or not.
SubStringValue(String subString, boolean caseSensitive, StringAdapter adapter)
          A constructor that takes an initialization String to see if it is a sub-string of those being evaluated, a boolean flag indicating whether the matching should be case-sensitive or not and and a StringAdapter for adapting the evaluated object to string before checking them.
SubStringValue(String subString, StringAdapter adapter)
          A constructor that takes an initialization String to see if it is a sub-string of those being evaluated and a StringAdapter for adapting the evaluated object to string before checking them.

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