Package org.eclipse.xsd.util

This provides utility classes and interfaces to augment the basic API for XML Schema, as well as sample code.


Interface Summary
JAXPConfiguration This interface defines methods to create and configure SAX parser, DOM parser and Transformer.
JAXPPool This interface defines pool that can be used to fetch and cache document builders, SAX parsers, and transformers.
XSDSchemaLocationResolver An adapter interface used to resolve schema locations.
XSDSchemaLocator An adapter interface used by XSDSchemaDirective to find referenced schemas.
XSDUtil.ByteSequence This is a wrapper type for representing values of type hexBin or base64Binary.

Class Summary
DefaultErrorHandler This helper class provides a default implementation for SAX ErrorHandler.
DefaultJAXPConfiguration This class provides a default implementation of JAXPConfiguration interface.
DefaultJAXPPool The DefaultJAXPPool class provides a thread-safe implementation of JAXPPool interface.
XSDAdapterFactory The Adapter Factory for the model.
XSDConstants The Constants for XML and XML Schema and related DOM Utilities.
XSDParser The SAX Parser for the model.
XSDPrototypicalSchema The Sample Code to construct the Purchase Order Schema and the Prototype Schema using the concrete APIs.
XSDResourceFactoryImpl The Resource Factory implementation for the model.
XSDResourceImpl The Resource implementation for the model.
XSDSchemaBuildingTools XSDSchemaBuildingTools is a collection of convenience methods for building simple schemas.
XSDSchemaQueryTools XSDSchemaQueryTools is a collection of worker methods for performing simple queries or searches of schemas.
XSDSwitch<T> The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
XSDUtil.URICrossReferencer A cross referencer that finds each usage of URI or collection of URIs.
XSDUtil.UsageCrossReferencer A cross referencer that finds each usage of an EObject or collection of EObjects, excluding unintesting derived references.
XSDUtil.XSDNamedComponentCrossReferencer A cross referencer that finds all XSDNamedComponents and each usage of an XSDNamedComponent.

Package org.eclipse.xsd.util Description

This provides utility classes and interfaces to augment the basic API for XML Schema, as well as sample code.

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