Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStore
org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider This provides reusable ItemProviderAdapter support to drive JFace StructuredViewers, Eclipse IPropertySources, and EditingDomain

Uses of ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStore in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider with type parameters of type ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStore
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStore> ItemProviderAdapter.childrenStoreMap
          When ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStores are to be used to cache children (typically to hold wrappers for non-EObject children), this maps adapted objects to their corresponding stores.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider that return ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStore
protected  ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStore ItemProviderAdapter.createChildrenStore(java.lang.Object object)
          Consults isWrappingNeeded to decide whether to create a store for the children of the given object.
protected  ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStore ItemProviderAdapter.getChildrenStore(java.lang.Object object)
          Returns the store for the children of the given object, or null if no such store is being maintained.

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