Class BasicSettingDelegate.Stateless

  extended by org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.BasicSettingDelegate
      extended by org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.BasicSettingDelegate.Stateless
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class BasicSettingDelegate.Stateless
extends BasicSettingDelegate

A basic implementation of a stateless setting delegate. At least the first two of these methods should be overridden.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.BasicSettingDelegate
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.BasicSettingDelegate
Constructor Summary
BasicSettingDelegate.Stateless(EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature)
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object dynamicGet(InternalEObject owner, EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings, int dynamicFeatureID, boolean resolve, boolean coreType)
          Returns the value of the feature of this owner.
 NotificationChain dynamicInverseAdd(InternalEObject owner, EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings, int dynamicFeatureID, InternalEObject otherEnd, NotificationChain notifications)
          Adds the object at the other end of a bidirectional reference to the appropriate feature and returns accumulated notifications.
 NotificationChain dynamicInverseRemove(InternalEObject owner, EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings, int dynamicFeatureID, InternalEObject otherEnd, NotificationChain notifications)
          Removes the object at the other end of a bidirectional reference from the appropriate feature and returns accumulated notifications.
 boolean dynamicIsSet(InternalEObject owner, EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings, int dynamicFeatureID)
          Returns whether the feature of the owner is considered to be set.
 void dynamicSet(InternalEObject owner, EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings, int dynamicFeatureID, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Sets the value of the given feature of the owner to the new value.
 EStructuralFeature.Setting dynamicSetting(InternalEObject owner, EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings, int dynamicFeatureID)
          Returns a setting that can be used to access the owner's feature.
 void dynamicUnset(InternalEObject owner, EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings, int dynamicFeatureID)
          Unsets the value of the given feature of the owner.
protected abstract  java.lang.Object get(InternalEObject owner, boolean resolve, boolean coreType)
          Returns the value of this delegate's feature for the owner.
protected  NotificationChain inverseAdd(InternalEObject owner, InternalEObject otherEnd, NotificationChain notifications)
          Adds the object at the other end of a bidirectional reference to this delegate's feature and returns accumulated notifications.
protected  NotificationChain inverseRemove(InternalEObject owner, InternalEObject otherEnd, NotificationChain notifications)
          Remove the object at the other end of a bidirectional reference from this delegate's feature and returns accumulated notifications.
protected abstract  boolean isSet(InternalEObject owner)
          Returns whether the value of this delegate's feature is considered set for the owner.
protected  void set(InternalEObject owner, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Sets this new value of this delegate's feature for the owner.
protected  EStructuralFeature.Setting setting(InternalEObject owner)
          Creates a setting for the owner and this delegate's feature.
protected  void unset(InternalEObject owner)
          Unsets the values of this delegate's feature for the owner.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BasicSettingDelegate.Stateless(EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature)
Method Detail


public final EStructuralFeature.Setting dynamicSetting(InternalEObject owner,
                                                       EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings,
                                                       int dynamicFeatureID)
Description copied from interface: EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Returns a setting that can be used to access the owner's feature.

Specified by:
dynamicSetting in interface EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
dynamicSetting in class BasicSettingDelegate
owner - the owner of the feature.
settings - the owner's array of cached values.
dynamicFeatureID - the feature's index in the owner's cached dynamic values.
a setting that can be used to access the owner's feature.
See Also:


protected EStructuralFeature.Setting setting(InternalEObject owner)
Creates a setting for the owner and this delegate's feature.

owner - the owner for the setting.
a new setting.


public final java.lang.Object dynamicGet(InternalEObject owner,
                                         EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings,
                                         int dynamicFeatureID,
                                         boolean resolve,
                                         boolean coreType)
Description copied from interface: EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Returns the value of the feature of this owner.

Specified by:
dynamicGet in interface EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Specified by:
dynamicGet in class BasicSettingDelegate
owner - the owner of the feature.
settings - the owner's array of cached values.
dynamicFeatureID - the feature's index in the owner's cached dynamic values.
resolve - whether to resolve.
coreType - return the core EMF object if value is a non-EMF wrapper/view.
the value of the feature of this owner.
See Also:
EObject.eGet(EStructuralFeature, boolean)


protected abstract java.lang.Object get(InternalEObject owner,
                                        boolean resolve,
                                        boolean coreType)
Returns the value of this delegate's feature for the owner.

owner - the object for with to fetch the value.
resolve - whether the returned object should be resolved it if is a proxy.
coreType - whether to return the core type value or the API type value.
the value of this delegate's feature for the owner.
See Also:
InternalEObject.eGet(EStructuralFeature, boolean, boolean)


public final boolean dynamicIsSet(InternalEObject owner,
                                  EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings,
                                  int dynamicFeatureID)
Description copied from interface: EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Returns whether the feature of the owner is considered to be set.

Specified by:
dynamicIsSet in interface EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Specified by:
dynamicIsSet in class BasicSettingDelegate
owner - the owner of the feature.
settings - the owner's array of cached values.
dynamicFeatureID - the feature's index in the owner's cached dynamic values.
whether the feature of the owner is considered to be set.
See Also:


protected abstract boolean isSet(InternalEObject owner)
Returns whether the value of this delegate's feature is considered set for the owner.

owner - the object for with to test is set.
whether the value of this delegate's feature is considered set for the owner.
See Also:


public final void dynamicSet(InternalEObject owner,
                             EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings,
                             int dynamicFeatureID,
                             java.lang.Object newValue)
Description copied from interface: EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Sets the value of the given feature of the owner to the new value.

Specified by:
dynamicSet in interface EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
dynamicSet in class BasicSettingDelegate
owner - the owner of the feature.
settings - the owner's array of cached values.
dynamicFeatureID - the feature's index in the owner's cached dynamic values.
newValue - the new value for the feature.
See Also:
EObject.eSet(EStructuralFeature, Object)


protected void set(InternalEObject owner,
                   java.lang.Object newValue)
Sets this new value of this delegate's feature for the owner.

owner - the owner for which to set the value
newValue - the new value for the feature.
See Also:
EObject.eSet(EStructuralFeature, Object)


public final void dynamicUnset(InternalEObject owner,
                               EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings,
                               int dynamicFeatureID)
Description copied from interface: EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Unsets the value of the given feature of the owner.

Specified by:
dynamicUnset in interface EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
dynamicUnset in class BasicSettingDelegate
owner - the owner of the feature.
settings - the owner's array of cached values.
dynamicFeatureID - the feature's index in the owner's cached dynamic values.
See Also:


protected void unset(InternalEObject owner)
Unsets the values of this delegate's feature for the owner.

owner - the owner for which to unset the value.
See Also:


public final NotificationChain dynamicInverseAdd(InternalEObject owner,
                                                 EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings,
                                                 int dynamicFeatureID,
                                                 InternalEObject otherEnd,
                                                 NotificationChain notifications)
Description copied from interface: EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Adds the object at the other end of a bidirectional reference to the appropriate feature and returns accumulated notifications.

Specified by:
dynamicInverseAdd in interface EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
dynamicInverseAdd in class BasicSettingDelegate
owner - the owner of the feature.
settings - the owner's array of cached values.
dynamicFeatureID - the feature's index in the owner's cached dynamic values.
otherEnd - the object to inverse add.
notifications - the incoming accumulated notifications.
accumulated notifications.
See Also:
InternalEObject.eInverseAdd(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject, int, java.lang.Class, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain)


protected NotificationChain inverseAdd(InternalEObject owner,
                                       InternalEObject otherEnd,
                                       NotificationChain notifications)
Adds the object at the other end of a bidirectional reference to this delegate's feature and returns accumulated notifications.

owner - the owner for which to do the inverse add.
otherEnd - the object to inverse add.
notifications - the notifications accumulated so far.
the accumulated notifications.


public final NotificationChain dynamicInverseRemove(InternalEObject owner,
                                                    EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder settings,
                                                    int dynamicFeatureID,
                                                    InternalEObject otherEnd,
                                                    NotificationChain notifications)
Description copied from interface: EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
Removes the object at the other end of a bidirectional reference from the appropriate feature and returns accumulated notifications.

Specified by:
dynamicInverseRemove in interface EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate
dynamicInverseRemove in class BasicSettingDelegate
owner - the owner of the feature.
settings - the owner's array of cached values.
dynamicFeatureID - the feature's index in the owner's cached dynamic values.
otherEnd - the object to inverse remove.
notifications - the incoming accumulated notifications.
accumulated notifications.
See Also:
InternalEObject.eInverseRemove(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject, int, java.lang.Class, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain)


protected NotificationChain inverseRemove(InternalEObject owner,
                                          InternalEObject otherEnd,
                                          NotificationChain notifications)
Remove the object at the other end of a bidirectional reference from this delegate's feature and returns accumulated notifications.

owner - the owner for which to do the inverse remove.
otherEnd - the object to inverse remove.
notifications - the notifications accumulated so far.
the accumulated notifications.

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