Uses of Interface

Packages that use Command
org.eclipse.emf.common.command Provides a framework for implementing and composing commands. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.provider Provides item providers for Ecore. 
org.eclipse.emf.edit.command This provides a framework for implementing and composing Commands as well as implementations of all primitive EMF commands.
org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain This provides support for an EditingDomain, which acts a centralized control mechanism for managing a set of interrelated models and the Commands which modify them.
org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider This provides reusable ItemProviderAdapter support to drive JFace StructuredViewers, Eclipse IPropertySources, and EditingDomain
org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action This provides a reusable implementation of an IAction that delegates to a CommandActionDelegate, which is usually also a Command 
org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.dnd This provides a supplementary support for drag and drop based on delegation to the command framework.

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.action

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.action that return Command
protected  Command CreateChildAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates the command that creates the child and adds it under the single selected object, specified in collection.

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.presentation

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.presentation that return Command
 Command GenModelActionBarContributor.CreateAction.createCommand(java.util.Collection<?> selection)
protected abstract  Command GenModelActionBarContributor.CreateAction.doCreateCommand(GenBase selectedObject)

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.provider

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.provider that return Command
protected  Command GenModelItemProvider.createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.lang.Object value)

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.common.command

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.common.command that implement Command
 class AbstractCommand
          An abstract implementation of a basic command.
 class CommandWrapper
          A command that wraps another command.
 class CompoundCommand
          A command that comprises a sequence of subcommands.
 class IdentityCommand
          A command that always produces the same result.
 class StrictCompoundCommand
          A composite command which assumes that later commands in the list may depend on the results and side-effects of earlier commands in the list.
 class UnexecutableCommand
          A singleton UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE that cannot execute.

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.common.command declared as Command
protected  Command CommandWrapper.command
          The command for which this is a proxy or decorator.
protected  Command BasicCommandStack.mostRecentCommand
          The command most recently executed, undone, or redone.

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.common.command with type parameters of type Command
protected  java.util.List<Command> CompoundCommand.commandList
          The list of subcommands.
protected  java.util.List<Command> BasicCommandStack.commandList
          The list of commands.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.common.command that return Command
 Command Command.chain(Command command)
          Returns a command that represents the composition of this command with the given command.
 Command AbstractCommand.chain(Command command)
          Creates a new compound command, containing this command and the given command, that delegates chain to CompoundCommand.append(org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command).
protected  Command CommandWrapper.createCommand()
          Create the command being proxied.
 Command CommandWrapper.getCommand()
          Returns the command for which this is a proxy or decorator.
 Command CommandStack.getMostRecentCommand()
          Returns the command most recently executed, undone, or redone.
 Command BasicCommandStack.getMostRecentCommand()
 Command CommandStack.getRedoCommand()
          Returns the command that will be redone if CommandStack.redo() is called.
 Command BasicCommandStack.getRedoCommand()
 Command CommandStack.getUndoCommand()
          Returns the command that will be undone if CommandStack.undo() is called.
 Command BasicCommandStack.getUndoCommand()
 Command CompoundCommand.unwrap()
          Returns one of three things: UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE, if there are no commands, the one command, if there is exactly one command, or this, if there are multiple commands; this command is CompoundCommand.dispose()d in the first two cases.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.common.command that return types with arguments of type Command
 java.util.List<Command> CompoundCommand.getCommandList()
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the commands in the list.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.common.command with parameters of type Command
 void CompoundCommand.append(Command command)
          Adds a command to this compound command's list of commands.
 boolean StrictCompoundCommand.appendAndExecute(Command command)
          Checks if the command can execute; if so, it is executed, appended to the list, and true is returned, if not, it is just disposed and false is returned.
 boolean CompoundCommand.appendAndExecute(Command command)
          Checks if the command can execute; if so, it is executed, appended to the list, and true is returned, if not, it is just disposed and false is returned.
 boolean CompoundCommand.appendIfCanExecute(Command command)
          Adds a command to this compound command's the list of commands and returns true, if command.
 Command Command.chain(Command command)
          Returns a command that represents the composition of this command with the given command.
 Command AbstractCommand.chain(Command command)
          Creates a new compound command, containing this command and the given command, that delegates chain to CompoundCommand.append(org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command).
 void CommandStack.execute(Command command)
          Clears any redoable commands not yet redone, adds the command, and then executes the command.
 void BasicCommandStack.execute(Command command)

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.common.command with parameters of type Command
CommandWrapper(Command command)
          Creates a decorator instance for the given command.
CommandWrapper(java.lang.String label, Command command)
          Creates a decorator instance with the given label for the given command.
CommandWrapper(java.lang.String label, java.lang.String description, Command command)
          Creates a decorator instance with the given label and description for the given command.

Constructor parameters in org.eclipse.emf.common.command with type arguments of type Command
CompoundCommand(int resultIndex, java.util.List<Command> commandList)
          Creates an instance with the given result index and list.
CompoundCommand(int resultIndex, java.lang.String label, java.util.List<Command> commandList)
          Creates an instance with the given resultIndex, label, and list.
CompoundCommand(int resultIndex, java.lang.String label, java.lang.String description, java.util.List<Command> commandList)
          Creates an instance with the given result index, label, description, and list.
CompoundCommand(java.util.List<Command> commandList)
          Creates an instance with the given list.
CompoundCommand(java.lang.String label, java.util.List<Command> commandList)
          Creates instance with the given label and list.
CompoundCommand(java.lang.String label, java.lang.String description, java.util.List<Command> commandList)
          Creates an instance with the given label, description, and list.
StrictCompoundCommand(java.util.List<Command> commandList)
          Creates an instance with the given command list.
StrictCompoundCommand(java.lang.String label, java.util.List<Command> commandList)
          Creates an instance with the given label and command list.
StrictCompoundCommand(java.lang.String label, java.lang.String description, java.util.List<Command> commandList)
          Creates an instance with the given label, description, and command list.

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.databinding.edit

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.databinding.edit with parameters of type Command
protected  boolean EditingDomainEObjectObservableList.execute(Command command)
          Execute a command

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.provider

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.provider that return Command
protected  Command EGenericTypeItemProvider.createCreateChildCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.lang.Object value, int index, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
protected  Command EReferenceItemProvider.createInitializeCopyCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, CopyCommand.Helper helper)
          This creates a custom initialize copy command that specially handles the eOpposite like it is bidirectional, itself.
protected  Command ETypedElementItemProvider.createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.lang.Object value)

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.edit.command

Subinterfaces of Command in org.eclipse.emf.edit.command
 interface OverrideableCommand
          This represents a command that can be overridden by another command.

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.edit.command that implement Command
 class AbstractOverrideableCommand
          This is a convenient base class for classes that implement OverrideableCommand.
 class AddCommand
          The add command logically acts upon an owner object that has a collection-based feature to which other objects can be added.
 class ChangeCommand
          This command uses the Change Model facilities to enable a group of modifications to be executed as one single command.
 class CopyCommand
          The copy command logically acts upon an owner object or collection or owner objects and copies the tree structured implied by the MOF containment hierarchy.
 class CopyToClipboardCommand
          This works exactly like a CopyCommand but set the copy result to the EditingDomain.
 class CreateChildCommand
          This command wraps an AddCommand or SetCommand to provide the higher-level operation of "creating" an appropriate child object and adding it to a owner object.
 class CreateCopyCommand
          The create copy command is used to create an uninitialized object of the same type as owner which will later be initialized using InitializeCopyCommand.
 class CutToClipboardCommand
          This works just like RemoveCommand but also sets the removed objects to the EditingDomain.
 class DeleteCommand
          This removes an object from its parent and, if that leaves the object orphaned from any resource, i.e. in the usual case where its parent was its container, additionally deletes all other references to it from within the editing domain.
 class DragAndDropCommand
          The drag and drop command logically acts upon an owner object onto which a collection of things is being dragged.
 class InitializeCopyCommand
          The initialize copy command is implemented to set the values of an object copy based on those of the original (copied) object.
 class MoveCommand
          The move command logically acts upon an owner object that has a collection-based feature containing an object that is to be moved to a new position within the collection.
 class PasteFromClipboardCommand
          This works exactly like an AddCommand but the things to be added are copied from the EditingDomain clipboard.
 class RemoveCommand
          The remove command logically acts upon an owner object that has a collection-type feature from which objects can be removed.
 class ReplaceCommand
          The replace command logically acts upon an owner object that has a collection-type feature in which an object can be replaced by a collection of other objects.
 class SetCommand
          The set command logically acts upon an owner object to set a particular feature to a specified value or to unset a feature.
protected static class SetCommand.PessimisticStrictCompoundCommand

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.edit.command declared as Command
protected  Command CopyToClipboardCommand.copyCommand
          This is the command that does the actual copying.
protected  Command DragAndDropCommand.dragCommand
          This keeps track of the command that implements the drag side of the operation.
protected  Command DragAndDropCommand.dropCommand
          This keeps track of the command that implements the drop side of the operation.
protected  Command AbstractOverrideableCommand.overrideCommand
          This is the command that overrides this command.
protected  Command SetCommand.removeCommand
          This is any remove commands needed to clear this many valued list or to update the opposite properly.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.command that return Command
static Command RemoveCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command to remove multiple objects.
static Command DeleteCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that deletes the objects in the given collection.
static Command CutToClipboardCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command to remove multiple objects and set it to the clipboard.
static Command CopyToClipboardCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that copies the given collection of objects to the clipboard.
static Command CopyCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that copies the given collection of objects.
static Command RemoveCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object value)
          This creates a command to remove an object.
static Command DeleteCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object object)
          This creates a command that deletes the given object.
static Command CutToClipboardCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object value)
          This creates a command to remove an object and set it to the clipboard.
static Command CopyToClipboardCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner)
          This creates a command that copies the given object to the clipboard.
static Command CopyCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner)
          This creates a command that copies the given object.
static Command ReplaceCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object value, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command to replace an object with a collection of replacements.
static Command InitializeCopyCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, CopyCommand.Helper copyHelper)
static Command CreateCopyCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, CopyCommand.Helper copyHelper)
          This creates a command that will create and object for copying the given object
static Command DragAndDropCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, float location, int operations, int operation, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command to perform a drag and drop operation upon the owner.
static Command PasteFromClipboardCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature)
          This creates a command to add copies from the clipboard to the specified feature of the owner.
static Command RemoveCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command to remove a collection of values from the specified feature of the owner.
static Command CutToClipboardCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command to remove a collection of values from the specified feature of the owner and set it to the clipboard.
static Command CreateChildCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object newChildDescriptor, java.util.Collection<?> selection)
          This returns a command created by the editing domain to add the child described by newChildDescriptor to the given object.
static Command AddCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command to add a collection of values to the specified feature of the owner.
static Command AddCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection, int index)
          This creates a command to insert a collection of values at a particular index in the specified feature of the owner.
static Command PasteFromClipboardCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, int index)
          This creates a command to add copies from the clipboard to the specified feature of the owner and at the given index.
static Command SetCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value)
          This creates a command to set the owner's feature to the specified value.
static Command RemoveCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value)
          This creates a command to remove a particular value from the specified feature of the owner.
static Command CutToClipboardCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value)
          This creates a command to remove a particular value from the specified feature of the owner and set it to the clipboard.
static Command AddCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value)
          This creates a command to add a particular value to the specified feature of the owner.
static Command ReplaceCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command to replace a particular value in the specified feature of the owner with a collection replacements objects.
static Command SetCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value, int index)
          This creates a command to set the owner's feature to the specified value at the specified index.
static Command MoveCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value, int index)
          This creates a command to move particular value to a particular index in the specified feature of the owner.
static Command AddCommand.create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value, int index)
          This creates a command to insert particular value at a particular index in the specified feature of the owner.
protected  Command CreateChildCommand.createCommand()
          This creates the wrapped AddCommand or SetCommand that adds the child object to the model.
 Command OverrideableCommand.getOverride()
          This returns the command that overrides this command.
 Command AbstractOverrideableCommand.getOverride()
          This returns the command that overrides this command.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.command with parameters of type Command
protected  boolean DragAndDropCommand.analyzeForNonContainment(Command command)
 void OverrideableCommand.setOverride(Command overrideCommand)
          This sets the command that overrides this command.
 void AbstractOverrideableCommand.setOverride(Command overrideCommand)
          This sets the command that overrides this command.

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.edit.command with parameters of type Command
CutToClipboardCommand(EditingDomain domain, Command command)
          This constructs an instance that yields the result of the given command as its clipboard.

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain that return Command
 Command EditingDomain.createCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This creates a command of the type of the specified by the command class and acting upon the information specified in the given command parameter.
 Command AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.createCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand.
 Command EditingDomain.createOverrideCommand(OverrideableCommand command)
          This creates an override for the given command.
 Command AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.createOverrideCommand(OverrideableCommand command)
          This just returns null, since this is an optional feature that we don't support here.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain with type arguments of type Command
 Command EditingDomain.createCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This creates a command of the type of the specified by the command class and acting upon the information specified in the given command parameter.
 Command AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.createCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand.

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider that implement Command
protected  class DelegatingWrapperItemProvider.AffectedObjectsWrappingCommand
          An AffectedObjectsWrappingCommand wraps another command to substitute this wrapper for its value and child wrappers for their corresponding child values, whenever they appear in the affected objects.
protected  class DelegatingWrapperItemProvider.AffectedObjectsWrappingCommandActionDelegate
          An AffectedObjectsWrappingCommandActionDelegate wraps another command that also implements CommandActionDelegate, to substitute this wrapper for its value and child wrappers for their corresponding child values, whenever they appear in the affected objects.
 class ItemProviderAdapter.ResultAndAffectedObjectsWrappingCommand
          A ResultAndAffectedObjectsWrappingCommand wraps another command to substitute IWrapperItemProviders for their values in the command's result and affected objects.
 class ItemProviderAdapter.ResultAndAffectedObjectsWrappingCommandActionDelegate
          A ResultAndAffectedObjectsWrappingCommandActionDelegate wraps another command that also implements CommandActionDelegate, to substitute IWrapperItemProviders for its values, which have been unwrapped for the command to operate on properly.
protected  class WrapperItemProvider.ReplacementAffectedObjectCommand
          A ReplacementAffectedObjectCommand wraps another command to return as its affected objects the single wrapper that replaces this wrapper.
protected  class WrapperItemProvider.SimpleCopyCommand
          A command base class for copying a simple value and the wrapper.
protected  class WrapperItemProvider.WrappingCopyCommand
          A command base class for copying the wrapper for a value that is partly copied by another command.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider that return Command
 Command WrapperItemProvider.baseCreateCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          Implements creation of a set, copy, or drag-and-drop command by calling out to createSetCommand, createCopyCommand, or createDragAndDropCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createAddCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EReference feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection, int index)
          Deprecated. As of EMF 2.0, replaced by createAddCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createAddCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection, int index)
          This creates a primitive AddCommand.
 Command WrapperItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          {IEditingDomainItemProvider#createCommand IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand} is implemented via baseCreateCommand to create set, copy, and drag-and-drop commands, only.
 Command ItemProviderDecorator.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This implements IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand by delegating to (IEditingDomainItemProvider)ItemProviderDecorator.decoratedItemProvider.
 Command ItemProviderAdapter.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This implements delegated command creation for the given object.
 Command ItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This implements IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand(), returning the unexecutable command.
 Command IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This does the same thing as EditingDomain.createCommand, i.e., it creates commands for a domain's model objects.
 Command FeatureMapEntryWrapperItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          Uses the delegate item provider or the base wrapper implementation to create a command.
 Command DelegatingWrapperItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          Uses the delegate item provider to create a command for the delegate value, and then calls wrapCommand to return an appropriate wrapper-substituting command wrapper for it.
 Command AdapterFactoryItemDelegator.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This does the same thing as EditingDomain.createCommand, i.e., it creates commands for a domain's model objects.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createCopyCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, CopyCommand.Helper helper)
          This creates a primitive CopyCommand.
protected  Command WrapperItemProvider.createCopyCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, CopyCommand.Helper helper)
          Returns an UnexecutableCommand.
protected  Command FeatureMapEntryWrapperItemProvider.createCopyCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, CopyCommand.Helper helper)
          This is only called for null or attribute values; it returns a WrapperItemProvider.SimpleCopyCommand that copies the wrapper.
protected  Command AttributeValueWrapperItemProvider.createCopyCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, CopyCommand.Helper helper)
          Returns a WrapperItemProvider.SimpleCopyCommand that copies the value by converting it into a string and back, using the factory methods.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createCreateChildCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EReference feature, EObject value, int index, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          Deprecated. As of EMF 2.0, replaced by createCreateChildCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createCreateChildCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.lang.Object value, int index, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive CreateChildCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createCreateCopyCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, CopyCommand.Helper helper)
          This creates a primitive CreateCopyCommand.
protected  Command WrapperItemProvider.createDragAndDropCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, float location, int operations, int operation, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          Creates a DragAndDropCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createDragAndDropCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, float location, int operations, int operation, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive DragAndDropCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createInitializeCopyCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, CopyCommand.Helper helper)
          This creates a primitive InitializeCopyCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createMoveCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EReference feature, EObject value, int index)
          Deprecated. As of EMF 2.0, replaced by createMoveCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createMoveCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.lang.Object value, int index)
          This creates a primitive MoveCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createRemoveCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EReference feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          Deprecated. As of EMF 2.0, replaced by createRemoveCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createRemoveCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive RemoveCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createReplaceCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EReference feature, EObject value, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          Deprecated. As of EMF 2.0, replaced by createReplaceCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createReplaceCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, EObject value, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive ReplaceCommand.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.lang.Object value)
          This returned a primitive SetCommand, but it has been replaced, since this command can now take an index.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.lang.Object value, int index)
          This creates a primitive SetCommand.
protected  Command WrapperItemProvider.WrapperItemPropertyDescriptor.createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value)
          Returns a command that will set the value on the model object.
protected  Command WrapperItemProvider.createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value, int index)
          Return an UnexecutableCommand.
protected  Command FeatureMapEntryWrapperItemProvider.createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value, int index)
          Returns a wrapped set command that returns as its affected object the replacement wrapper for the value.
protected  Command AttributeValueWrapperItemProvider.createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, java.lang.Object value, int index)
          Returns a wrapped set command that returns as its affected object the replacement wrapper for the value.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.factorAddCommand(EditingDomain domain, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This method factors an AddCommand for a collection of objects into one or more primitive add command, i.e., one per unique feature.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.factorMoveCommand(EditingDomain domain, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This method factors a MoveCommand to determine the feature.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.factorRemoveCommand(EditingDomain domain, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This method factors a RemoveCommand for a collection of objects into one or more primitive remove commands, i.e., one per unique feature.
protected  Command FeatureMapEntryWrapperItemProvider.wrapCommand(Command command, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass)
          For a copy command, creates a WrapperItemProvider.WrappingCopyCommand, which copies the feature map entry and wrapper along with the entry value; for other commands, the wrapper-substituting command wrapper supplied by the base implementation is used.
protected  Command DelegatingWrapperItemProvider.wrapCommand(Command command, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass)
          Wraps the given command in an appropriate command that will substitute the delegating wrapper for its value and child wrappers for their corresponding values, whenever they appear in the affected objects.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.wrapCommand(Command command, java.lang.Object object, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter, CommandParameter oldCommandParameter)
          Returns a version of the given command that automatically re-wraps values that have been unwrapped when returning them as the command's result or affected objects.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider with parameters of type Command
protected  void ItemProviderAdapter.ResultAndAffectedObjectsWrappingCommand.addOwners(Command command)
          Helper method that builds the list of owners, recursively for command wrappers and/or compound commands.
protected  Command FeatureMapEntryWrapperItemProvider.wrapCommand(Command command, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass)
          For a copy command, creates a WrapperItemProvider.WrappingCopyCommand, which copies the feature map entry and wrapper along with the entry value; for other commands, the wrapper-substituting command wrapper supplied by the base implementation is used.
protected  Command DelegatingWrapperItemProvider.wrapCommand(Command command, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass)
          Wraps the given command in an appropriate command that will substitute the delegating wrapper for its value and child wrappers for their corresponding values, whenever they appear in the affected objects.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.wrapCommand(Command command, java.lang.Object object, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter, CommandParameter oldCommandParameter)
          Returns a version of the given command that automatically re-wraps values that have been unwrapped when returning them as the command's result or affected objects.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider with type arguments of type Command
 Command WrapperItemProvider.baseCreateCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          Implements creation of a set, copy, or drag-and-drop command by calling out to createSetCommand, createCopyCommand, or createDragAndDropCommand.
 Command WrapperItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          {IEditingDomainItemProvider#createCommand IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand} is implemented via baseCreateCommand to create set, copy, and drag-and-drop commands, only.
 Command ItemProviderDecorator.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This implements IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand by delegating to (IEditingDomainItemProvider)ItemProviderDecorator.decoratedItemProvider.
 Command ItemProviderAdapter.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This implements delegated command creation for the given object.
 Command ItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This implements IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand(), returning the unexecutable command.
 Command IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This does the same thing as EditingDomain.createCommand, i.e., it creates commands for a domain's model objects.
 Command FeatureMapEntryWrapperItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          Uses the delegate item provider or the base wrapper implementation to create a command.
 Command DelegatingWrapperItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          Uses the delegate item provider to create a command for the delegate value, and then calls wrapCommand to return an appropriate wrapper-substituting command wrapper for it.
 Command AdapterFactoryItemDelegator.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This does the same thing as EditingDomain.createCommand, i.e., it creates commands for a domain's model objects.
protected  CommandParameter ItemProviderAdapter.unwrapCommandValues(CommandParameter commandParameter, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass)
          If the given command parameter contains wrapped values that need to be unwrapped for the given command class to operate on, a new command parameter will be returned, with those values unwrapped; otherwise, the original one is returned.
protected  Command FeatureMapEntryWrapperItemProvider.wrapCommand(Command command, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass)
          For a copy command, creates a WrapperItemProvider.WrappingCopyCommand, which copies the feature map entry and wrapper along with the entry value; for other commands, the wrapper-substituting command wrapper supplied by the base implementation is used.
protected  Command DelegatingWrapperItemProvider.wrapCommand(Command command, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass)
          Wraps the given command in an appropriate command that will substitute the delegating wrapper for its value and child wrappers for their corresponding values, whenever they appear in the affected objects.
protected  Command ItemProviderAdapter.wrapCommand(Command command, java.lang.Object object, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter, CommandParameter oldCommandParameter)
          Returns a version of the given command that automatically re-wraps values that have been unwrapped when returning them as the command's result or affected objects.

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider with parameters of type Command
DelegatingWrapperItemProvider.AffectedObjectsWrappingCommand(Command command)
ItemProviderAdapter.ResultAndAffectedObjectsWrappingCommand(Command command)
ItemProviderAdapter.ResultAndAffectedObjectsWrappingCommand(Command command, java.util.Collection<? extends IWrapperItemProvider> additionalResultWrappers)
WrapperItemProvider.ReplacementAffectedObjectCommand(Command command)
WrapperItemProvider.WrappingCopyCommand(Command command)
          Creates an instance where some adaptable value is copied by the given command.

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action that implement Command
protected  class ControlAction.SelfAffectingCommand

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action declared as Command
protected  Command StaticSelectionCommandAction.command
          This records the command.
protected  Command CommandActionHandler.command
          This keeps track of the command delegate that is created by CommandActionHandler.createCommand(java.util.Collection).
protected  Command CommandAction.command
          This records the command that is created each time the selection changes.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action that return Command
protected abstract  Command StaticSelectionCommandAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This should be implemented to create a command that performs the action.
protected  Command CreateSiblingAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates the command for StaticSelectionCommandAction.createActionCommand(org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain, java.util.Collection).
protected  Command CreateChildAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates the command for StaticSelectionCommandAction.createActionCommand(org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain, java.util.Collection).
protected  Command CommandAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This method must be implemented to create the command for this action, given the editing domain and the collection of selected objects.
 Command PasteAction.createCommand(java.util.Collection<?> selection)
 Command DeleteAction.createCommand(java.util.Collection<?> selection)
 Command CutAction.createCommand(java.util.Collection<?> selection)
 Command CopyAction.createCommand(java.util.Collection<?> selection)
 Command CommandActionHandler.createCommand(java.util.Collection<?> selection)
          This default implementation simply returns UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE.

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.dnd

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.dnd declared as Command
protected  Command EditingDomainViewerDropAdapter.command
          This is the command created during dragging which provides the feedback and will carry out the action upon completion.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.dnd that return Command
 Command EditingDomainViewerDropAdapter.DragAndDropCommandInformation.createCommand()

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.action

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.action that implement Command
static class CreateMappingAction.DelegateCommand
static class CreateOneSidedMappingAction.DelegateCommand
static class NameMatchMappingAction.DelegateCommand
static class RemoveMappingAction.CommandDelegate
static class TypeMatchMappingAction.DelegateCommand

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.action declared as Command
protected  Command TypeMatchMappingAction.DelegateCommand.createMappingCommand
protected  Command NameMatchMappingAction.DelegateCommand.createMappingCommand

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.action that return Command
protected  Command TypeMatchMappingAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          Match the command for this action
protected  Command RemoveMappingAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          Create the command for this action
protected  Command NameMatchMappingAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          Match the command for this action
protected  Command CreateOneSidedMappingAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          Create the command for this action
protected  Command CreateMappingAction.createActionCommand(EditingDomain editingDomain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          Create the command for this action
 Command RemoveMappingAction.CommandDelegate.createCommand()

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command that implement Command
 class AddMappingCommand
          The create mapping command creates a new mapping in a MappingDomain from a set of the domain's input and output objects.
 class AddOverrideCommand
          This command overrides the AddCommand to additionally map the added object(s) to corresponding inputs.
 class CopyToClipboardOverrideCommand
          This command overrides the CopyToClipboardCommand for cross-domain copies.
 class CreateCopyOverrideCommand
          This command overrides the CreateCopyCommand for cross-domain copies.
 class CreateMappingCommand
          The create mapping command creates a new mapping in a MappingDomain from a set of the domain's input and output objects.
 class DragAndDropOverrideCommand
          This command overrides the PasteFromClipboardCommand for cross-domain (optimized) copies.
 class InitializeCopyOverrideCommand
          This command overrides the InitializeCopyCommand for cross-domain copies.
 class MatchMappingCommand
 class NameMatchMappingCommand
 class PasteFromClipboardOverrideCommand
          This command overrides the PasteFromClipboardCommand for cross-domain (optimized) copies.
 class RemoveMappingCommand
          The create mapping command creates a new mapping in a MappingDomain from a set of the domain's input and output objects.
 class RemoveOverrideCommand
          This command overrides the RemoveCommand to additionally unmap the removed object(s).
 class RestoreInitialStateCommand
          The restore initial state command ensures that the mapping root is ready to begin a mapping session from a defined initial state.
 class SetOverrideCommand
          This command overrides the SetCommand to additionally unmap the removed object and map the new object.
 class TypeMatchMappingCommand

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command declared as Command
protected  Command SetOverrideCommand.mapCommand
          This keeps track of the set mapping command(s) used to implement this command.
protected  Command RemoveOverrideCommand.mapCommand
          This keeps track of the remove mapping command(s) used to implement this command.
protected  Command AddOverrideCommand.mapCommand
          This keeps track of the create mapping command(s) used to implement this command.
protected  Command CreateMappingCommand.subcommand
          This is set during CreateMappingCommand.execute() to record the command used to add the newly created mapping to the mapping root.

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command with type parameters of type Command
protected  java.util.HashMap<Command,PersistentCommandStack.CommandCreationRecord> PersistentCommandStack.commandCreationMap
          This keeps track of the mapping between commands and their PersistentCommandStack.CommandCreationRecords.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command that return Command
static Command RestoreInitialStateCommand.create(MappingDomain domain)
          This creates a command that removes the mapping from the mapping root.
static Command RemoveMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that removes the mappings in the collection from the mapping root.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping involving the given domain's collection of input and output objects.
static Command AddMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that adds the new mappings in the collection into the appropriate place in the mapping root's.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> inputs, java.util.Collection<?> outputs)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping with the given collections of inputs and outputs.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> inputs, java.lang.Object output)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping with the given collection of inputs and output.
static Command TypeMatchMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a command that creates a new child mappings for the given mapping by attempting to match by type input children with output children.
static Command RemoveMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a command that removes the mapping from the mapping root.
static Command NameMatchMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a command that creates a new child mappings for the given mapping by attempting to match by name input children with output children.
static Command AddMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a command that adds the new mappings in the collection into the appropriate place in the mapping root's.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.lang.Object input, java.util.Collection<?> outputs)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping with the given input and collection of outputs.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.lang.Object input, java.lang.Object output)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping between the given input and output.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command that return types with arguments of type Command
 java.lang.Class<? extends Command> PersistentCommandStack.CommandCreationRecord.getCommandClass()

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command with parameters of type Command
 void PersistentCommandStack.execute(Command command)
          This override of execute calls PersistentCommandStack.CommandCreationRecord.encode(org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command.PersistentCommandStack.Encoder) just before normal execution by super.
 void PersistentCommandStack.handleCreateCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter, Command command)
          This is called by the mapping domain whenever a command (that may subsequently be executed) is created.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command with type arguments of type Command
 void PersistentCommandStack.handleCreateCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter, Command command)
          This is called by the mapping domain whenever a command (that may subsequently be executed) is created.

Constructor parameters in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command with type arguments of type Command
PersistentCommandStack.CommandCreationRecord(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.domain

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.domain that return Command
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createAddOverrideCommand(AddCommand addCommand)
 Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createCopyToClipboardOverrideCommand(CopyToClipboardCommand copyToClipboardCommand)
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createCreateCopyOverrideCommand(CreateCopyCommand createCopyCommand)
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createDragAndDropOverrideCommand(DragAndDropCommand dragAndDropCommand)
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createInitializeCopyOverrideCommand(InitializeCopyCommand initializeCopyCommand)
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createMoveOverrideCommand(MoveCommand moveCommand)
 Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createOverrideCommand(OverrideableCommand command)
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createPasteFromClipboardOverrideCommand(PasteFromClipboardCommand pasteFromClipboardCommand)
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createRemoveOverrideCommand(RemoveCommand removeCommand)
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createReplaceOverrideCommand(ReplaceCommand replaceCommand)
protected  Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createSetOverrideCommand(SetCommand setCommand)

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.domain with parameters of type Command
 void AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.handleCreateCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter, Command command)
          This is called for every command created by the domain.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.domain with type arguments of type Command
 Command AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.createCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
 void AdapterFactoryMappingDomain.handleCreateCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter, Command command)
          This is called for every command created by the domain.

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.presentation

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.presentation that implement Command
static class Ecore2EcoreEditor.Ecore2EcoreInitializeCopyOverrideCommand

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.presentation that return Command
protected  Command Ecore2EcoreEditor.Ecore2EcoreMappingDomain.createInitializeCopyOverrideCommand(InitializeCopyCommand initializeCopyCommand)

Uses of Command in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.provider

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.provider that return Command
protected  Command MappingItemProvider.createAddCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection, int index)
protected  Command MappingRootItemProvider.createAddMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive AddMappingCommand.
 Command MappingRootItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
 Command MappingItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
 Command MappedObjectItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
protected  Command MappingRootItemProvider.createCreateMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive CreateMappingCommand.
protected  Command MappingItemProvider.createMoveCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, EObject value, int index)
          This creates a primitive MoveCommand.
protected  Command MappingItemProvider.createNameMatchMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a primitive NameMatchMappingCommand.
protected  Command MappingItemProvider.createRemoveCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
protected  Command MappingRootItemProvider.createRemoveMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive RemoveMappingCommand.
protected  Command MappingRootItemProvider.createRestoreInitialStateCommand(MappingDomain domain)
          This creates a primitive RestoreInitialStateCommand.
protected  Command MappingItemProvider.createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner, EStructuralFeature feature, java.lang.Object value)
          This creates a primitive SetCommand.
protected  Command MappingItemProvider.createTypeMatchMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a primitive TypeMatchMappingCommand.
protected  Command MappingItemProvider.factorAddCommand(EditingDomain domain, CommandParameter commandParameter)

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.provider with type arguments of type Command
 Command MappingRootItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
 Command MappingItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
 Command MappedObjectItemProvider.createCommand(java.lang.Object object, EditingDomain editingDomain, java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)

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